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DAO enzyme supplement (Read 6677 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

DAO enzyme supplement
02/03/14 at 07:17:32
Has anyone ever heard of a DAO Enzyme Supplement?  I was reading an article and this is what it stated:

"Introducing the first ever DAO enzyme supplement available in the US. It’s called Histame, and studies show it can provide enough supplemental DAO to inactivate even an extreme dose of exogenous histamine, bringing 80 to 90 percent relief of symptoms within just one hour. It’s a purified enzyme from pig kidneys, so it’s totally natural, and it has no side effects."

Just wondering if anyone out there had tried this stuff! Tongue
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 58

Re: DAO enzyme supplement
Reply #1 - 02/03/14 at 16:35:58
My sister and I tried it some times but it only is effective in Histamine Intolerance. Histamine Intolerance means that the gut is not producing enough DAO so histamine from high histamine food cannot be prozessed and it accumulates in the body and causes flush, gut problems and so on. If you do not have low DAO it doesn't help.
I had low DAO in the beginning of my MCAS but after some weeks of low histamine diet my DAO got normal again. Now the DAO Enzyme Supplement has not effect.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 64

Re: DAO enzyme supplement
Reply #2 - 02/04/14 at 01:26:54
I tried HistDAO and at low doses (read: a few grains in some applesauce) it may have helped. Since I didn't seem to react at low doses I was NOT afraid to take a whole capsule (I only emphasize that because the usual MD response is...well, you must have been anxious  Roll Eyes but when I took a whole capsule I reacted to it within 5 minutes. Wow- that was a doozy. And it was before I knew I had MCAS and knew to take Benadryl.  
I think to say it has no side-effects is dangerous. Everything has some sort of effect.. its more a matter of whether the effect is desired or not.   Wink

That said. my allergist told me to throw it out. For MCAS it adds to our burden. I'm not sure about that... but since I stopped it months before it was no hardship to me.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 97

Re: DAO enzyme supplement
Reply #3 - 02/04/14 at 12:03:00
I have tried both brands available (that I know of).   They both made me react very badly.   The worst one was from Swanson's.   I forget the name brands.   I was disappointed.  

Todd in Tenn.
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