Hello all! Just looking for some support. I was diagnosed MCAS last August and put on cromolyn. I tried so hard to keep at it for about 2 months, but my diarrhea was worse than usual and I would vomit on it, so I eventually stopped.
But lately I've been vomiting without the cromolyn, and my diarrhea is its typical self, horrible.
This morning it popped into my head to try the cromolyn again. So I put ONE drop in an 8 oz glass of water.
I just finished drinking it. My cheeks feel a little "thick" which is somewhat alarming, but I really want to try this again.
I wish I still had my journal from when I was taking it before as I can't remember if I had other bad side effects from it, but I lost the journal while on a trip

Would love to hear any experiences or advice on cromolyn!
I'm also interested in trying singular again. I tried it two separate times, but got a horrible chest/bronchial infections both times. I threw away the regular dose singulair, but still have the half dose children's version which is chewable and flavored. Any thoughts on giving this a try too. (I know not to try both drugs simultaneously) but maybe if the cromolyn isn't working they this again??

Update a few hours later. I don't think cromolyn is for me

. I feel really weird and detached and have a horrible headache. Boo.