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How do others tolerate prednisone? (Read 5807 times)

Jack of All Trades & a
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Posts: 92
Melissa, TX
How do others tolerate prednisone?
08/25/14 at 17:13:41
So I have taken the steroid packs - methylprednisolone and the biggest benefit it has brought me over the years when taking it is an increase in energy - which I enjoy.  I can see why people might abuse steroids if they are dealing with chronic fatigue like I do; but I stock them up and only pull them out when told to do so.

That being said as I mentioned in another post, Dr. Miner recently prescribed me prednisone.  3+ refills to be picked up as I can from the pharmacy to keep on hand so they are there if needed.  60mg initial dose tapering by 10mg a day until completed.  He started me on this at the same time as the colestipol; so two new medicines.

Not to side track, but when you wait 3-4 months at a time for an appointment with your doctor you generally pay attention to every word that comes out of their mouth; at least I know I do.  The colestipol has confused me a little, not sure why I am on it.  I was doing a round of antibiotics based on a doctor telling me I had colitis (antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Miner).  After Dr. Miner reviewed my CT films and found the issue to be in my small bowel he said he was going to have me start the colestipol in lieu of the original antibiotics.  I guess in my mind I just assumed it was a different antibiotic - which is not the case.

Anyway all of that said I started these two new drugs on Saturday.  By Saturday night I had a migraine that made me want to throw up, I was doubled over with my stomach, and my body ached so bad - especially from my knees down that I could barely walk.  Not dramatizing - it's the truth.

Sunday was almost as bad except instead of a migraine it was just a splitting headache, still doubled over my stomach, and body aches - especially from the knees down; but not quiet as bad as Saturday.

Called Dr. Miner's office today and was told that it was likely the prednisone and not the colestipol.  Seems odd because I have tolerated the previous steroids extremely well; guess I thought it would have something to do with the colestipol; reading about it, you have to drink plenty of water and it forces more bile to be absorbed.

Anyway, today was much, much better which lends to what Dr. Miner's nurse discussed with me; so as you would expect they were on point with suspicion.  She told me that as I taper down the side effects should lighten up and by the end of the regiment I should feel better for some time.

I know prednisone is a common drug amongst others here and I am curious about how others tolerate it.  From what Dr. Miner discussed with me I may find myself taking it more frequently and I am curious if these side effects should calm down in the future or if I am likely going to have similar issues each time.
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Jack of All Trades & a
Master of None :)
Posts: 92
Melissa, TX
Re: How do others tolerate prednisone?
Reply #1 - 08/26/14 at 16:35:43
Just updating here...  As the nurse said, things have calmed down as the dose tapers down.  I am thankful for that.  And when they say take it by a certain time each day, they mean it.  I had meetings today and forgot the prednisone.  Supposed to take it by 9am, finally took it at 1pm.  Fatigued is an understatement, by noon I was ready to sleep Smiley.  I started at 60mg on day one tapering 10mg each day.  Today was my 30mg dose.  I had no energy, could not concentrate, and just wanted to sleep until my dose finally kicked in.

Good Night Everyone...
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Doctor's are glorified auto mechanics of the human body; make sure you find one that you trust...
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Guiding Light

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Re: How do others tolerate prednisone?
Reply #2 - 09/08/14 at 16:31:17
Hi nelson1600,

I know you posted a while ago, but I am just wondering how it's going with the Colestipol?  I would ask Dr. Miner why you are on it and what it is supposed to do for you.  Can you call his nurse?  If you started prednisone at the same time, it would be hard to tell what was causing what.  I think if you have not reacted that way to prednisone before, it doesn't make a lot of sense.  However, when I take the lower doses 10-20mg of prednisone, I feel great.  When I have taken 60mg, my heart pounds and I cannot sleep well at all.  Once I got down to 20mg, I felt much better.  Also, are you on sodium cromolyn for the GI issues?  I hope you are well--Sarah
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Jack of All Trades & a
Master of None :)
Posts: 92
Melissa, TX
Re: How do others tolerate prednisone?
Reply #3 - 09/10/14 at 07:21:40
Going to try to catch up on a couple of posts this afternoon.  When I initially joined the forum I was not a general member of the 9-5 work force.  I had built a foundation that I thought would allow me to stay that way too - BOY WAS I WRONG.  General changes in life coupled with my health issues forced me back to a 9-5; it is a blessing and a sword at the same time that by profession I am able to earn a very nice income while having company sponsored benefits that are far better.

It was definitely the prednisone; the steroid I had taken before was a form of it - but not the same.  It whooped me the first several days, but as I tapered down to the 20mg dose things were much better.

I had a CT done in the ER back in July and the ER doctor said they found Colitis.  Doctor Miner reviewed the actual film on CD and said there was something there, but it was in my small bowel (if I remember correctly) - so it was not colitis.  The Colestipol was to help handle the issue in my small bowel.  I took it for 5 or 6 days and have a couple of refills but per Dr. Miner that is just so I can stock up in case I need to do it again; he did not want me on it long term.

I am on liquid gastrocrom - 4 vials two times a day mixed into 4oz of water.  If I am being sincerely honest - I do not "FEEL" any benefit from the medicine.  I was recently increased from 2 vials twice a day to 4 (Around 1 month ago) - but still; I do not feel any different on it and I have had 3 endoscopy's (2 regular and one Ultrasonic Endo) since 2010 and 2 colonoscopy's in the same amount of time.  Each one reveals increased mast cells (do not remember the actual count) but significant, inflammation, and for the first time this past February during the Ultrasonic Endo - they found increased Eosinophils (Hope I spelled that right).  Since these are allegedly the largest contributors to my GI symptoms (Abdominal pain, diarrhea, malabsorption, naseau, etc) - I wonder if it will EVER be controlled Sad....

Sorry for the late response, I hope things are going well for you!  I am looking forward to seeing Aiken in December and am considering traveling to the Mastocytosis Clinic at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester - but am going to wait and see how things go with Aiken first.

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Doctor's are glorified auto mechanics of the human body; make sure you find one that you trust...
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Posts: 1502
Re: How do others tolerate prednisone?
Reply #4 - 10/01/14 at 16:34:56

I think I asked you about Gastrocrom because I hadn't seen this post.  I wonder if ketotifen would work better for you.  Dr. Lewey prescribes that a lot and likes it better than Gastrocrom.  I think he prescribes quite a bit in people who have a lot of symptoms.

Glad you're going to see Dr. Akin.  He certainly helped me!
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