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How to Prepare for a Disaster (Read 4376 times)
Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 211

How to Prepare for a Disaster
08/25/14 at 13:24:35
Hi! I live out in California, and late Saturday night we had the strongest earthquake I have felt since I moved here in 1989. I was lucky that I lived far enough away that the earthquake only caused power outages in my area, but it was scary! I was sitting on the bed, and it was almost like being in a small boat on heavy waves. Like the earth betrayed me, and was rolling out from under me!

Anyway, it made me reaffirm the need for disaster prep. I tend to get lazy, as supplies get used up, or too old. But no matter where you live, it is possible some natural or man made disaster could impact you some day. I hope that not only will you be ready, but that you are lucky to make it through without injury. While I was lucky this time, there were deaths and injuries, in addition to lots of damage. you can reda about it here:

In the meantime, here are some resources I looked up for the blog I run for a doctor's office. Some of the resources have specific tips for people with an illness, a disability, or a sensitivity.

I hope you find them helpful.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Chronic neurological infections
Diagnosed with Mastocytosis August 2011
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