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Pre treating with Benadryl before procedure (Read 5250 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 7
cincinnati, Oh
Pre treating with Benadryl before procedure
01/17/14 at 07:19:55
My daughter is having a specialized MRI test next week requiring contrast.  She will pre treat with Benadryl.  What is the dose she should take? This is in addition to the usual anti histamine (claritin) and h2 blocker (she takes Prevacid) she takes every morning, is that correct? and she then repeats benadryl 2 more times during that 24 hrs.  what is the interval for those extra doses and the dosage of benadryl? thanking you inadvance
I am a very new to the topic of mast cell activation.  and I thank you for any help with this.  She did have contrast several years ago when she had a problem with her eye, but has never had it since.
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Re: Pre treating with Benadryl before procedure
Reply #1 - 01/17/14 at 15:33:55
Do you have an allergist or mast cell doctors office you can consult with for specific pediatric doses and a plan for her?

That would be ideal and it is very critical she be premedicated appropriately. Some might even use steroids. I would put a call in to their office.

There is an adult protocol for contrast studies and procedures on the TMS site that generally recommends doses 12 and 1 hour prior of steroids, H1 and H2 antihistamines, but it needs to be tailored to the specific situation and pediatric dosing as I'm sure you know Smiley


On page 4

Most recommend the study should be done in a hospital or clinic where they have a crash cart/emergency support closeby in case of any reactions.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 7
cincinnati, Oh
Re: Pre treating with Benadryl before procedure
Reply #2 - 01/19/14 at 09:05:04
Thanks!  My daughter is 31 yrs of age.  I will have her call her rheumatologist to obtain steroids for the procedure madelyn
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 7
cincinnati, Oh
Re: Pre treating with Benadryl before procedure
Reply #3 - 01/19/14 at 11:29:39
Thanks!  My daughter is 31 yrs of age.  I will have her call her rheumatologist to obtain steroids for the procedure madelyn
She does not have an allergist or mast cell doctor.  she has a rheumatologist for "some sort of autoimmune disease process (undefined--she is positive for RNP antibodies, though the levels are not very high)  and she now is seeing a neurologist.  She is in graduate school in NYC;  her internist is in cincinnati, oh. She has not seen him for several years now.  
I called Dr. Cassels office and received an "intake form" in the mail stating one will not be seen without a written referral from a physican, with a confirmed or strongly suspected diagnosis of cutaneous or systemic mastocytosis.  Otherwise one will not be accepted.  In bold letters:  SELF REFERRALS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.
There is a listing of tests that should be done prior to the referral.  Sheesh!!! No one my daughter or I have talked to has ever heard of mast cell activation disorder, and no one wants to read the articles I have offered either.
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