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Quercetin? (Read 8190 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

04/17/14 at 08:09:15
Hello Everyone!
  I was just wondering if anyone here has tried a Quercetin supplement.  I have had MCAS for many years and it's always manifested itself in my stomach and intestines.  However, this year I've had the opportunity to enjoy being completely covered with hives and facial/lip swelling.   My Mast Cell doctor recently did a colonoscopy and endoscopy and said the number of mast cells in my gut has increased and he wanted me to try gastrocom again.  Well, I took my first dose today and my top lip has swollen up and I'm feeling pretty itchy, plus my stomach is hurting.  I've tried gastrocrom before and it made me feel awful.  I was hoping this time would be different.  SO.....I was doing some research on Quercetin and wondered if anyone in mast cell land had tried it.  At this point I'm willing to try anything.  I'm currently taking Zyrtec and Tagament, which has helped by 80%, but I'd like to be 100% hive free.  Any thoughts?  Your help is greatly appreciated!  Grin
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 76

Re: Quercetin?
Reply #1 - 04/07/15 at 07:32:17
I'm also curious as to results of Quercetin users.  My allergist did some research and said I could take 500mg 2-3 times per day.  I'm always nervous to try new things so wondered what the consensus out her regarding this bioflavonoid.
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Quercetin?
Reply #2 - 04/07/15 at 15:56:36
As to Quercetin, Nancy Gould absolutely swore by it!  She was a giant amongst us Aggie and so when she said something  worked, it was so.  Yet, Iīve never had the opportunity to try it.   Others say they can handle it, yet some say they canīt so I think itīs an individual issue.  

As to Gastrocrom, this is known to create problems in some patients.  Some have had to start it at very small doses and then build up and yet others canīt tolerate it at all.   Again, I canīt say anything because Iīve never been able to afford it!

What surprises me is that you are not on any kind of mast cell stabilizer.  I highly recommend Ketotifen!   This is an excellent antihistamine/ mast cell stabilizer.  If you are in the States, it must be compounded or imported.   Compounding works just fine and may be cheaper.   This is an excellent medication and after about 6 weeks builds up to full potency and brings a lot of stability with it.  

Singulair is another mediation which many of us take.  This too is a great help and worth trying!!!

I hope this helps!

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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 188
st louis, mo
Re: Quercetin?
Reply #3 - 04/08/15 at 02:44:56
i like lisa recommend ketitofen. has been only drug that really helped my extreme skin sensitivity, tried gastrocrom for a good year. no real help, but i do use it when i get a severe stomach ache. mine tend to come on fast & the combo of gastrocrom & pepcid complete works for me.
i hear so many people take doxipen. so i thought would give it a 2nd chance as nightly spells have increased. but in less than a week had to stop as skin got real bad.
just shows we are all different which makes finding the right path so difficult. if you decide to go with some ketotifen& are in the US, clarks pharmacy is bellevue,ws componds his without filler. have used them overr 2 years now.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Quercetin?
Reply #4 - 04/11/15 at 08:21:36
Was wondering....do people who are salicylate sensitive tend to have problems with Quercentin? I am at the end of my rope and am willing to try just about anything, but I am sal sensitive.
I have had problems with every herbal supplement I have tried over the past 5 years. Should I stay clear of Quercentin?
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