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Xolair (Read 16667 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Xolair
Reply #15 - 05/27/14 at 14:46:55
Hi ladybug! Sorry to hear of your little hives CryBUT, it sounds like you're doing much better and on the right path!  Grin
Are you planning on going to see Dr. Castells?
If she is willing to see me, my father told me that he would pay for me to fly there, hotel and pay for the appointment! There's no way I could go on my own finances.
I think my parents are finally after 4 years seeing how badly this condition is effecting me.

Also ladybug, I recall you saying that you think you might also be reacting to vegetable oils?
I'm of course not certain of this, but I'm starting to think that I have  a problem with triglycerides in oils and other things Huh. I know I am salicylate sensitive, but when I have taken supplements and foods with triglycerides, medium chain triglycerides or diglycerids, I have reacted. Hmmmm......  
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mountain girl

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 45

Re: Xolair
Reply #16 - 06/07/14 at 07:46:11
Had my second dose of Xolair a few days ago.  Got the same headache as last time.  I've been in yet another flare for about 10 days. Going to up my cromolyn again to see if I can break it.  Feeling sick since Xolair, but can't say if it is the Xolair or just the flare?! Guess we will see after shot number 3. Which will be my last if there isn't some vast improvement. Still haven't gotten a bill and don't have any idea how much this is costing me.  

Ladybug if you google the title of the article it should come up...
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