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benzodiazipines (Read 4139 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 64

01/22/14 at 12:06:05
Can anyone speak to this class of drugs specifically?
I know that in Dr. Afrin's experience he has had patient's do well with them (not everyone, I get we all respond differently) as adding to mast cell stabilizing effect.  I have yet to find much research outside of his among some of the other specialists.
I am taking a low dose because when all this started back up again my husband asked me to take something to sort out the anxiety from what was going on.
I know in the past - when this first hit me- and I was treated for "anxiety disorder" I was on 0.5mg bid and it helped. When I transitioned to Zoloft and weaned off the benzo- (which I did VERY slowly) my symptoms came back to a greater degree. I'm not saying the klonopin was a cure-all, but it seemed to make a difference.  
Can anyone offer input on this?

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

Re: benzodiazipines
Reply #1 - 01/26/14 at 09:12:24
I take klonopin occasionally for anxiety and I find that it really helps me too.
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