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Best on-line sources for medications? (Read 4823 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 64

Best on-line sources for medications?
11/19/13 at 03:38:06
Hi all!
So I'm getting the picture that the cost of improvement - while in some ways is "I'd pay anything"- is going to really add up.

I'm wondering what the best on-line sources for anti-histamines (specifically zyrtec and allegra) are?
I found a 70 ct. of Allegra on Amazon for $18 and immediately wondered, "what's wrong w/ this bottle of Allegra that it is selling for over 1/2 off store price?".  I'm a bit skeptical about buying in bulk on line yet, I know it can be perfectly safe.
Being new to this game I'd love some suggestions and safe, trusted sites.
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Not a medical doctor
Posts: 715
Re: Best on-line sources for medications?
Reply #1 - 11/21/13 at 06:42:19
I started buying bulk antihistamines at Sam's Club, but now I just use Amazon.  I've taken both "Members Mark" (the brand sold at Sam's Club) and "Kirkland Labs" (sold at Costco) without any problems.  It saves me a lot of money!  I also buy generic Zantac on Amazon.  

Since I switched to compounded cromolyn sodium powder instead of Gastrocrom, the only major out-of-pocket Rx expense I have left is Singulair.  My insurance will only pay for 10mg/day, but I take 30mg, so... I order the extra from Canada.  If you have an HSA you can use it for prescriptions filled in Canada!  I'm not sure if FSA and TSB accounts work the same way, but they might.  It's worth checking into.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 64

Re: Best on-line sources for medications?
Reply #2 - 11/23/13 at 11:57:00

Thanks Heather!

I'll have to look into the cromolyn sodium powder... I'm up to the full dosage.
Okay- I'll look into generics too.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 11

Re: Best on-line sources for medications?
Reply #3 - 11/24/13 at 04:00:50
I also use the ware house clubs (Costco in my case).
For name brand Allegra = $35/90 tablets
For their Kirkland brand = $30/120 tablets (& right now $6 off sale)

For Zyrtec, the name brand isn't available, only Kirkland = $16/365 pills

Ranitidine (Zantac) etc. are equally cheap.

Also, on an NPR news story (and consumer reports study) about prescription prices, Costco was the cheapest.  Instead of working from the standard price and discounting, they stick with cost + small mark-up percent, just like they do for all their products (I wouldn't be surprised if Sam's is similar).  You can order online.  The price is 5% more if you don't want to pay to become a member.  (not sure what the shipping cost is).  BTW don't judge quality by price.  The whole thing is a real game (especially prescription).  On this NPR story, the reporter's mother needed a cancer drug and the price range was something like $10-$400 for a month's supply.

If you have problems with coloring, the Kirkland brand might not be good because they tend to be these ridiculous lurid colors (but easier to tell them apart LOL).

Hope this helps.
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