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tetanus shot? (Read 4344 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 64

tetanus shot?
12/03/13 at 03:28:34
Last night, to top off 2 weeks of illness in our family, I decided it would be fun to juggle knives and gave myself a deep gash between my fingers.  The upshot of this was it took away my pounding headache...

Okay, humor aside, the short story is: the knife was just cleaned and my tetanus vaccine is not up to date.
And after my last flu shot I had an unpleasant enough reaction that it turned me off of any more vaccines.

What I'm wondering is this:

Does anyone know, regarding tetanus vaccination specifically, if this is a [i]known[i] mast cell degranulator?  I also want to balance safety and reason with this disease.

Thank you,
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