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Cetirizine - Zyrtec - how Much Do You Take Per Day? (Read 6001 times)

Posts: 357
Clermont, Florida
Cetirizine - Zyrtec - how Much Do You Take Per Day?
11/15/13 at 14:16:11
I have been splitting one zyrtec in half and taking each half 12 hours apart.  How much do you take per day?  Just curious.
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Guiding Light

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Re: Cetirizine - Zyrtec - how Much Do You Take Per Day?
Reply #1 - 11/15/13 at 16:29:33
I take 1 Allegra in the am, and 1/2 Zyrtec before dinner.  Sometimes I take 1/2 Zyrtec after lunch, and the other half before bed, depending on my symptoms.
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Re: Cetirizine - Zyrtec - how Much Do You Take Per Day?
Reply #2 - 11/17/13 at 10:17:44
I take 20mg of zyrtec in the morning plus a double dose of H1 at night.  I used to take Claritin, but I've been liking how Benadryl helps me get to sleep.  Some days I take more, either to pre-medicate or to deal with a flare.  

With a lot of medications you would be crazy to take 4x the normal dose... but H1s are very safe and we're not normal people  Grin. My allergist and GP both know what I'm doing and they're fine with it.  The only side effect I've noticed is some dryness.  No big deal.

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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: Cetirizine - Zyrtec - how Much Do You Take Per Day?
Reply #3 - 11/18/13 at 06:57:05
I take one Allegra in the am and one Zyrtec in pm.

For me, a single H1 tablet was not enough to stave off symptoms.
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Posts: 63
Re: Cetirizine - Zyrtec - how Much Do You Take Per Day?
Reply #4 - 12/04/13 at 15:59:46
I take 20mg in the morning and 20mg at night. I was only taking 10mg in the morning and 20mg at night, but I have noticed a difference increasing it to 20mg. I also take clarinex and bendaryl and an H2.
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