Hi VTmom,
I have similar symptoms to you and have been going to the Mayo clinic for the last year. I just started taking the generic Singulair about a month ago. I also get very nervous before taking new meds because I have bad side effects too. I started with 1/4 of a 10mg pill. I get really fast heart rates when I am symptomatic or when I start new meds, and the only thing I noticed was about 2 minutes of a pounding heart about 15 minutes after I took it. I took it the next day with no problems, and now have been taking 1/2 tab per day. I can take a whole one, but I feel like the half is helping me with the smell reactions I have (which swell my airway and throat). I also get random periods of shortness of breath where I feel like I can't get air in (a lot of times it's when I'm eating, but I have terrible issues with food). I do feel like the montelukast (Singulair) is helping with that. I also only need to take 1/2 of a Zyrtec per day and it helps me a lot. I take a whole Allegra, and the generic Zantac works great for me.
I also have a narrowed esophagus, but was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis at the Mayo clinic. I feel like the 2 diseases are related--they both have to do with allergies and the immune system. They did a swallow study on me and 3 endoscopies in the last year. I feel like the Zantac helps me the most out of all of my medications. If I miss it, I notice the throat swelling within a few hours. **Do you take Zantac or Pepcid?
The only bummer with the Singulair (I'm only guessing here, I'm not sure), is that I actually have a cold right now. I haven't been sick for almost 3 years with any kind of virus, so that's the only negative so far.
What I have learned in the last 2 years with this disease is that the only way you will know if something is going to help you, is to TRY it
It is scary when you have reactions to meds, but if the medicine is going to work, it's great to have some relief. You can always start with 1/4 or 1/2 of a pill. I have even taken them in an ER parking lot (sounds nuts I know, but makes me feel better). I either have reactions or I don't. It doesn't matter if I'm nervous to take something--it will either bother me or it won't. I hope this helps some and good luck with everything! --Sarah