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Need Help for 9 year old (Read 9095 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 4

Need Help for 9 year old
06/16/13 at 16:57:44
Hi All,

I am new to just about everything in this forum.  For the past 3+ years, I have been trying to find help for my 9 yo daughter who went from a bubbly, fun, energetic kid to one that struggles to keep up.  Her symptoms:

- leg pain
- chronic stomach pain
- random pain and swelling.  For example, it started in the middle of her left thigh on the side, lasted 3 weeks, then one month later woke up and her right leg was swollen and painful from knee to hip.  That one lasted 7 weeks.  It would randomly appear at all different points of body- ankle, foot, bottom pad of foot, upper back by shoulder blade, top and back of left shoulder accompanied with such pain that her left arm was "locked" in an "L" position for 8 weeks and 2 days, one time it was her throat.
- possible basilar migraines that are accompanied with dizziness, blurred vision and major head ache.  Lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to over 24 hours
- difficulty breathing but not to the point of unable to breath, just harder to do so
- lots of sore throats, headaches, dizziness

We have doctors all over and none seem to have been able to figure anything out.  We have been told it is all in her head several times.  It is not.

Right now, she is experiencing constant chronic leg pain, periodic stomach aches and breathing issues.  After reading this forum, and putting together some pieces, I think she might have a histamine intolerance.  Therefore, I have an appointment to go back to Mayo next week.  However I am worried I won't know what tests to push for.  I did glean from here to make sure it was someone who knows about histamine.  But what else???

So far, all the tests we have done have come back normal including numerous blood work (she did at one point have a high ANA number, but it came back down- but at no point has anyone looked at her histamine levels as I asked after reading this forum), MRIs of legs and head, ultrasounds of blood flow from heart to legs, ultrasound of pelvic area, upper endoscopy (ruled out celiac).  When she saw an allergist 2+ years ago, she did say my daughter had an issue with histamine, but said it was no big deal other than having "magic skin".  When I looked that up, she does not have hives or red bumps anywhere and the only thing that fits there is that you can "write" on her with a crayon or stick.  

She has been tested for and confirmed that she has neurally mediated syncope, which means that she has significant drops in heart rate or blood pressure.

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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #1 - 06/16/13 at 20:30:30
First, welcome here, I hope we can give you both a shoulder of friendship to lean on and maybe a few ideas to help you unlock this mystery with your daughter and help end this sufferring shes going through.

Now, even though we tend to see mast cell disorders everywhere we turn, for your daughters sake, I would encourage you to have her tested for everything, until the answer appears. I would push for expert genetic testing and testing of the immune system too.

Please remember that there is no one  test for everything. Most tests have to be done for a specific disease, same way you have lab tests done--One tube of blood drawn doesnt cover everything you can test for. Most of the time, testing is done to rule out certain illnesses, so you need an idea of what to look for.

All said, I certainly DO think it would be a good idea to look into a mast cell disorder--or rule it out at the very least. Your daughter has quite a few symptoms in common with many of us--but, please know that there are other diseases that do too. (Im just tryin to keep it all safe for your child). That skin writing in particular is very telling that she very well could have childhood mastocytosis. Its also called Dermographism and means her skin at that time had an excess of histamine in it, causing swelling with pressure on it.

There are so many things I want to ask you but more importantly there are some things to tell you;

When your daughter is having a rough time of it, have you tried giving her a child antihistamine like Benadryl and did it help??

What state are you in, so we know which expert DR is nearest to you. Which Mayo are you talking about?

Please know we will help you all we can but there are also some  boards for Pediatric Mastocytosis. There are some good ones around (Look under our link section). We DO have some young members and of course, their families and Im sure they would be of great assistance here.

You need to start a daily journal. Mark down all activity, foods, chemical exposures, reactions to everything, meds. This will not only help a DR get a clear picture of what is happening, it will help you too!

OK enough for one day!! I dont want to scare you away LOL. Read around here and ask any question you want. Welcome again!
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~~~Count  Your Blessings!~~~
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #2 - 06/16/13 at 20:36:56
That 'neurally mediated syncope' is also called P.O.T.S. or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and most of us have it too--we dont know why, just another commonality Smiley
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~~~Count  Your Blessings!~~~
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 4

Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #3 - 06/17/13 at 02:03:45
Thank you for your response!  We are in the western suburbs of Chicago and am going to the Rochester Mayo.

I have not tried Benedryl as until recently did not even think about the anti-histamine.  Since she has her breathing problems, I am afraid to give her the Benedryl since it can make her sleepy.  I have given her Claritin though and it seems to take care of some little symptoms, but not her breathing or leg pain.

I will look through those other links you provided.  I welcome any other tips/suggestions/etc!
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 193

Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #4 - 07/02/13 at 16:36:12
I always had leg pain as a child and doctors would tell my mom it was growing pains.  A lot of us have Low Vitamin D which can give leg pain.  I wasn't diagnosed until 52 years old with mast cell activation syndrome and neurocardiogenic syncope.  Taking Vit. D helped.

I was taking Singulair and found this contributed to leg pain and was written up in the news as a side effect so I stopped.
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Posts: 94

Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #5 - 07/07/13 at 14:03:04
I'm sorry you're daughter is having these issues.

My son is 5 1/2 yrs and has MCAS and shares many symptoms that you listed for your daughter. I definitely think it's something to explore.

For my son leg pain is a symptom of a reaction. Foods such as dairy, shellfish, banana, strawberry and cherries will elicit pain. Latex and chlorine are two other pain triggers for him.  My son does not get drowsy from Benadryl so if he's flaring and I don't know what it's from I give him Benadryl. It usually takes 2-3 doses before it begins to help subside the pain.

Is your daughter entering puberty? Wondering if hormonal changes are bringing this on. Does she have any IgE allergies? Food, environmental allergens, scents, chemicals, smoke, viruses, hormones, weather, stress, etc. can all trigger reactions.

When you brought her to the allergist did they do any RAST or skin prick testing? Have they ever tested her total IgE levels? Tryptase?

Dr Castells at Bringham and Woman's hospital (Boston,Ma) is the leading pediatric doctor for mast cell disorders. If your daughters pedi will write a referral send Dr C your daughters history and a compilation of her lab and radiology reports. Dr Castells will review her file and if she feels she may have a mast cell disorder will set up a phone consult with you.

She has been amazing in the care of my son. I can't thank her enough!

Please let me know if I can help in any way.

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Posts: 94

Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #6 - 07/07/13 at 14:05:12
Also wanted to agree that keeping a detailed journal may help in figuring some of this out.

Good luck. Please let us know how you're both doing.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 4

Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #7 - 07/15/13 at 10:59:39
Thank you all for your responses.  We just received our test results back and have confirmed histamine intolerance.  Does anyone have a rec for a doctor that specializes in that?
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 4

Re: Need Help for 9 year old
Reply #8 - 02/12/14 at 16:16:11
Hi All,

Wanted to say a big thanks to everyone for all their postings, whether in reply to mine or their own.  Lots of great info on this site!

So an update on my now 10 yr old:  
The good- she has run 2 5K races, tried out and made a travel basketball team, rides her bike everywhere, started a dog walking business and will walk to/from school as well as the dog(s) all in the same day.  
The bad- gets massive migraines after the 5k races, cannot recover from injuries (i.e. fell on wrist 4 weeks ago still cannot use it and is painful), started flushing easily, the days she has more than one activity she is easily over fatigued and suffers, and she still suffers from the general not feeling well occasionally.

What we did: we went on the low histamine diet.  Huge improvement after only 6 weeks!  We really went the elimination diet way, then slowly added foods back.  We still struggle a little with the diet sometimes, but won't give up working on that.  We also are in the middle of trying TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which means she takes herbs three times per day.  When she does not feel well or flushes, we instantly put ice packs on her, which helps but does not stop it.  We do not use any medicines at all.  I won't go into all that we have tried that failed.  Smiley

What I find unbelievable is the number of doctors that still do not believe that something is wrong.  They have never heard of histamine intolerance and still insist it is in her head.  Without this forum, we would never be as far as we are today, so thank you.

We are still pretty much on our own- the doc we see for the HI and tested for MCAD (she said no MCAD) is an allergist that is young and starting out.  We pretty much inform her what to do or look for rather than the other way around, so I do get concerned about that- but I have no other option.  I use this website, a dietician, google, the Low Histamine Chef website and now this Chinese Herbalist to guide us.  Crazy, but so far I feel that we are moving slightly forward!

Wanted to ask a crazy question:  I was talking to our orthopedic and she mentioned that the best test for my daughter when she has flareups would be a bone scan that would run after someone injects a solution that would attract to the molecules that are attracted to histamine, but she doesn't know of any such test.  Has anyone heard of this or something simliar?  The purpose would be to see why my daughter cannot recover from her injuries, or if there really are flare ups in her body at certain times that we are stumped on what is going on.

Any thoughts are appreciated!
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