Hello, Marcia. I had to google paleo / wahls diet, I had never heard of it! It makes sense that returning to what our bodies are 'designed to eat' would make us [any one not just people will Mastocytosis] healthier.
I am fortunate in that living in a rural area I can access locally grown food. I can eat all root vegetables - which are also great fillers when you are restricted. Locally caught seafood is also good for me. In terms of meat I don't eat pork or lamb but can tolerate beef [local Aberdeen Angus] and free range, local, chicken. Have you tried game meat? Pheasant, venison, wild duck and so on, I have no reaction at all to these. I don't tolerate beans or pulses but can still enjoy soups by using root vegetables such as leek and potato or carrot and corriander. I can't eat the flesh of fruit but can drink fruit juice so berries [which grow everywhere here] can be taken that way. I think preservatives and 'bulkers' such as corn syrup and palm oil are to blame for a lot of ill health in the West - difficult to avoid though as they are in everything that doesn't grow in the ground, fly in the air or roam the hills.
I was on a short course of steriods last year for a swelling on the left side of my face which came up as a side affect of a bite which became infected. They worked a treat and also gave me a lot of energy - I think long term they can have a negative impact but that might depend on the dose. We are all different, as you know, what works for you might not work for me - so this condition goes
I am interested in trying Interferon because it has been proven to reduce the mast cell burden. I accept that the treatment itself can be debilitating to say the least but I feel the gains, in terms of being able to do the things I want to do in my life, far outweigh the pains.
For cleaning stuffs I use a brand called Ecover - not sure if it's sold outside the UK - all natural ingredients and does as good a job as the chemical based ones.
Anyway, here's to a happy and healthy new year. I won't be starting the Interferon for a couple of months but I'll keep you updated.