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My brief intro. Please introduce yourself! (Read 3871 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 13
My brief intro. Please introduce yourself!
05/16/12 at 07:01:27
I noticed that there are no posts in this important category yet!  My name is Jen and my fiance has MCAD.  He is my best friend in the world and the love of my life.  I am deeply committed to living "with" Mast Cell with him.  

It is hard to be in a relationship with someone who has a mast cell related condition.  I have worked through many challenges and still face many that I have yet to overcome.  

There is the pressure of not introducing triggers and avoiding activities that might result in triggers or stress.  

There is the weight of watching the person you love suffer.

There are the opinions of pretty much everyone else - those people who do not truly understand these conditions.  

There are so many challenges, but I have grown into a stronger and happier person because of them.  

I have never met another supporter of a person with a mast cell condition, but I would love to meet you here!
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: My brief intro. Please introduce yourself!
Reply #1 - 05/16/12 at 09:25:33
What a lovely intro, Jen! My husband could introduce himself here, but he won't. LOL He doesn't visit my forum, but he helped me set it up and helps support it whenever I am having "technical difficulties" with the forum.

You are right in that there are many challenges in watching your loved one deal with this condition, and that we all become stronger because of it. My husband is very supportive of me. He respects me for having figured out how to help myself so well, and he actually doesn't really worry about me on a daily basis anymore. There are times that I don't feel well, such as this morning when we were getting ready to take our son to the orthodontist. All of a sudden, I just felt really ill. So, I immediately laid down on the bed for a few minutes. My husband didn't worry, but he took it seriously in that he knew that was what I needed to do. He did ask what I thought caused it, but neither he nor I got uptight about it. It is definitely a journey to get to this point, but it can be done. At first, he would worry terribly. (He always helped me and still does, even doing all the household things that I cannot....or hiring a cleaning service to do it. Hee hee) Now (15 years later), we have passed through the "learning about it" and "dealing with it" stages. Now we are in the "get on with our life" stage, because we understand my condition. Yes, I get sick. Yes, it could be life threatening since I could go into anaphylaxis. No, I don't worry about that. We just handle it when I get ill. We know what to do, and the ER is always there if needed.

It is totally possible to resume life as a family. I have twins and we are super busy with sports, etc. It is simply a matter of changing one's expectation. I can't go mountain climbing. Oh well. Yet, I can go on vacations and do all sorts of things because I know how to pace my life to help prevent symptoms. Hopefully you and your fiance will move right through all these stages quickly and land where I am now. Life is good for me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Smiley It sounds as if your fiance has won the lottery with you by his side!
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 13
Re: My brief intro. Please introduce yourself!
Reply #2 - 05/18/12 at 03:29:50

I have tears in my eyes reading through your response.  The relationship with your husband and the place you've gotten to in life is what I dream of! I can see that in our future and it is so inspiring to hear about a family that is succeeding and living an awesome life!  

Sometimes I do feel lucky to experience dealing with illness and unplanned events because I think it makes me appreciate life so much more.  I feel that I have gained wisdom that some people never realize in their lives.  That life can and will go on despite illness or disability.  You can live a full life, but yes, there are sacrifices.  I am SO willing to make those sacrifices to be with my fiance, who I was lucky enough to meet very early in life.  

Thank you so much for your message and encouraging words.  I am very grateful that this forum exists!

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