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Anxiety over appointments (Read 5293 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 13
Anxiety over appointments
06/06/12 at 07:09:22
I am at work right now, while my fiance is at a masto appointment.  I get so nervous when he has doctor's appointments.  

I anticipate the possibility of changes and fear any bad news that may come from the appointment. I hope beyond hope that a positive change will come.  Usually, I end up being let down.  Not much happens one way or the other most of the time.  

But I can't help but worry during each appointment.  Does anyone else feel this way when their spouse or partner is at the doctor's office? How do you cope?
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Posts: 545
Re: Anxiety over appointments
Reply #1 - 06/06/12 at 13:37:09
I'm the patient and yes! I used to get nervous and anxious before an appointment. I think what changed it for me was educating myself more and learning to discuss WITH a doctor as opposed to being talked to. Does that make sence?
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Anxiety over appointments
Reply #2 - 06/06/12 at 14:53:10
Piece of advice for you: unless your fiancé objects, you should go into his appointment with him. We patients gets so caught up with speaking with the doctor, that we forget to ask certain questions  and we forget some of what the doctor said. Having a person with you eliminates those problems. (Plus you won't be worrying and wondering anymore then!)
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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