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Histamine and Acid in Diet (Read 10894 times)

I live in a Field of Unlimited
Posts: 10
Western Maryland
Histamine and Acid in Diet
08/06/11 at 08:00:06
Has anyone else come across the information that research studies use acids to make mast cells more susceptible to degranulation?  We are now working to get him more foods that are alkaline, to help his system get stable again.  Oh, he also reacts to heat, friction, tons of chemicals, additives, preservatives, dyes...and...and

We are wondering if there are others managing their MCAD primarily with nutrition, supplementation and holistic practices...?  Since our little guy (3yo) has reactions to most every dye, sweetener, additive and preservative, we can't even do dye-free Allegra or Claritin.  Tongue  We are hesitant to try any heavy duty meds, because of his anaphylactoid reactions too...it's quite an adventure.

We also just ordered something to help with general energetic stability, since it seems getting things more alkaline and help with some exposure to negative charge may help...has anyone read or used Earthing products before?

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I work, live and love with my hubby, Gary.  We have two freakishly adorable children, and were thrown for a loop to discover our little guy's severe global sensitivities were MCAD.  
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Guiding Light

Posts: 164
Washington, dc
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #1 - 08/06/11 at 10:33:13
yes! I wanted to try that with my husband but his diet is so limited there really no way we could follow it. I have been researching alkaline water and am seriously considering getting a system installed in our home but its a big $$ commitment and I want to make sure I get the right one.

We use the Earthing products and have a half sheet on our bed that we sleep with...I wish it helped more with the inflammation but when my husband was at his worst hed say "Im gonna go upstairs and ground myself". I do seem to sleep better and whatever helps...

Recently my husband has said that when hes in front of the computer or the ipad he felt like he was getting reactive and would start sweating...when he puts on the earthing bands or has his feet on the earthing pad it stops...really weird. But I dont doubt that my husband is so sensitive that  the environment and all the elctro magnetic frequencies are toxic for him.

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I live in a Field of Unlimited
Posts: 10
Western Maryland
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #2 - 08/07/11 at 17:46:09
Patricia, thank you for posting about your husband's experience with the grounding pads...we are hoping it will help Max...since he's so little, and SO very reactive, we really need some non-invasive, non-pharmacalogical solutions.  It really does seem like mast cell issues can make our bodies sensitive to the slightest variations...even electronic or electromagnetic.  We are starting a new food/exposure/behavior/symptom log to see if we can get some more insight...we are already so vigilant about his diet...I just don't know what *else* we can do...  Tongue
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I work, live and love with my hubby, Gary.  We have two freakishly adorable children, and were thrown for a loop to discover our little guy's severe global sensitivities were MCAD.  
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Guiding Light

Posts: 164
Washington, dc
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #3 - 08/08/11 at 01:16:06
I so feel for you! It seems overwhelming at times and trying to control everything, even the weather seems impossible.
The diet part is the most challening and I love it when doctors who just tell us "try what works"...it took my husband 9 months to realize when he was getting a reaction from certain foods.
Have you tried Aloe Vera juice that's supposed to repair the gut? 3 shots a day and you can find one that's tasteless
A good probiotic
Digestive enzymes - to be take right before a meal or if he has a hard time swallowing you can sprinkle on food

Neuroprotek by algonot Dr Theoharides developed it to stabilize mast cells - it has 3 different flavanoids in an olive oil base...we love it and have found it very helpful

We have also added a stronger form of quercitin, it's supposed to be a natural antihistamine and antiinflamitory

L-glutamine is supposed to help repair the gut too

We also cook everything fresh, no left overs, we only use cast iron skillets or stainless steel, sea salt. For some reason protein doesn't bother him but it's carbs that he has a hard time digesting.

On a hopeful note...when my daughter was almost 4 she had been sick 70%  of her tiny life, constant ear, nose, upper resputory infections, rsv virus, chicken pox at 8 mo, kidney infection and the worst eczema all over her legs and arms that were like welts and would sometimes bleed.
I had no idea what to do and the last allergist gave me 7rx for a 30# child..I found an alternative doc and we took her off all corn soy wheat dairy...probiotics, digestive enzymes and a strong omega 3-6-9...laser acupuncture, homeopathy, light therapy, cranial massages...the first 3 days she was throwing herself against the wall because she wanted cherries so badly, on the 4th day she was much calmer than normal, within 3 weeks all her rashes completely disappeared, he personality completely changed and she turned into the sweetest and calmest toddler. She didn't get a cold for another 2 years and we were able to reintroduce wheat corn soy dairy after 4 months and she no longer reacts to anything. She has a severe peanut allergy so she HAS to avoid that. She is athletic and very healthy...although when she gets a cold is pretty bad but it doesn't happen that often. Only this year did we find out that she has a tryptase 19, IgE 1650, ANA 1.2...she shows no signs of a mast cell disorder.

I would like to go completely alternative but right now my husband is only alive because of the pharmaceutical drugs he's taking and I'm trying to incorporate as much comlematry therapies as possible. It just takes time and patience.

I too am constantly trying to see if there's anything else I can do... it's such a combination of a whole lot of little things that all eventually start to help. I would put needles in my eyes if I could take this away and you sound like an amazing mom willing to do anything!!! Just stay positive and we'll all get through this!!!

I read that you live in west Md? We live in DC!
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I live in a Field of Unlimited
Posts: 10
Western Maryland
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #4 - 08/13/11 at 22:41:06
Patricia, thank you for all that...you are confirming some of what we are starting to consider, like adding back in some amino acids, like glutamine...we also have found a TON of support for zinc and magnesium support, since they are involved in so many biochemical processes.  We want to make sure that we are not further compromising him by limiting his diet, without supplementing some of what he's missing for basic enzyme and hormone synthesis.

We got our grounding pads/sheet yesterday, and I SWEAR it's making a difference in Max's sleep.  Last night he didn't wake up once...for the first time in WEEKS!

We have read a ridiculous amount in the last week on electrical charge...how the biochemistry and bio-electrical system work together.  It really supports finding more ways to introduce a negative charge and alkalinity.  There's a book called Voltage is Healing that had an amazing collection of chemical/electrical interactions that resonated really strongly with what we are dealing with...I'm going to keep looking...the more non-invasive, not-drug healing therapies we can do, the better... Smiley

I'm so encouraged to hear about your daughter's health!!  You certainly were persistent with all of that!!  The acupuncture and cranial is something that book mentioned as necessary, as well as impeccable nutrition and supplementation...it sounds like you really turned her system around!  Did your husband do the same combination of therapies as your daughter, or was he not able to, because of the severity of his symptoms?
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I work, live and love with my hubby, Gary.  We have two freakishly adorable children, and were thrown for a loop to discover our little guy's severe global sensitivities were MCAD.  
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Guiding Light

Posts: 164
Washington, dc
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #5 - 08/14/11 at 03:18:41
Yes, it has given me hope knowing what happened with our daughter. When we told our pediatrician (who I love but is very old school) about her progress he just said that she grew out of her allergies...I know what we did and I know what I saw. I feel like what helped the most was the diet, repairing her leaky gut and the supplements. Maybe because she was younger and she was able to heal a lot faster and we saw incredible results. She always suffered from terrible night tremors and wet her bed at night, this all stopped once we detoxed her.

My husband fell apart last year and was non functioning, he had 46 years to destroy his body so its taken a lot longer to get my husband to functioning. He is certainly not perfect and every day can bring on something new. He also has a couple different auto immune disorders that complicate things.

My daughter has a severe peanut allergy and as awful as this is I think its helped her stay a little healthier because shes very limited in the amount of junk food she can eat. Im not sure about this but was going to ask Dr Castells the next time I see her about the theory that if you eliminate certain foods from your diet you could be creating an even worse allergy to the food...i know we reintroduced corn, soy, wheat and dairy to my daughter about 3-4 mo after we removed these foods and she can tolerate them without any reactions or rashes. She can have soy sauce but not soy milk, shes still a little more reactive soy.

I dont think that theres any one thing that has dramatically helped my husband but a combination of a lot of things. My husband has to take a boat load of antihistamines, we have been able to cut back a little but if he starts to react he needs pharmaceutical drugs to make it stop. I have always been anti pharma but with this disease its important to realize that sometimes more drugs are needs because the consequences are awful as well as dangerous. So i guess what Im trying to say is to do as much natural as possible but you might have to incorporate traditional meds for a while.

There is a medicine called ketotifen that is not available here and they make a liquid form for children and its the only mast cell stabilizer and H1 antihistamine. You should speak to your doctor about it or the possibility of gastrocorm which stabilizes the mast cells in the GI tract. My husband is on both and the ketotifen is very helpful and we are only now starting to see positive results form the gastrocrom.  

This is such a full time job and all seemed so overwhelming at first but you get a routine down and it gets easier. When my husband first got sick I described it like bringing home a neonatal sick baby that can talk back and complain. It was round the clock and i was exhausted...things are so much better and I know theyll improve for little Max too!

Have you had any testing on him or are you seeing any doctors to confirm MCAD?
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I live in a Field of Unlimited
Posts: 10
Western Maryland
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #6 - 08/31/11 at 20:19:30
We have had our file sent to Dr. Castells...and we are going to the conference in October.  Since all his symptoms point to MCAD, which may not be conclusive, we won't have him go through a BMB.  I'd consider doing a few other blood tests, but his tryptase and CBC with differential was all relatively normal.  I wonder about how it was evaluated, though, since his leukocytes and eosiniphils were elevated, but he's off EVERY major allergen, and has NO chemical burdens or animals from stripping our house bare and adopting out our pets.  Tongue  Oh, we still have Sparky the fish...  

It's enough to make me crazy...  Shocked
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I work, live and love with my hubby, Gary.  We have two freakishly adorable children, and were thrown for a loop to discover our little guy's severe global sensitivities were MCAD.  
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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #7 - 09/03/11 at 12:32:22
Hi there...sorry to pop in on the conversation but I'm very reactive to magnetic things and I see you all are talking about grounding pads/earthing stuff?  What is this????  I'm wondering if it can help me too???
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Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #8 - 09/03/11 at 12:57:23
I want to add that I read a research article posted on here recently that part of the treatment for what we have is to avoid acidic foods.  Interesting.  And I am so fascinated by the grounding thing.  Yes...it's weird.  BUT...a lot of the reviews out there are positive about it.  Very very interesting.  I'm glad I read the conversation.  Please keep me posted on how this works for you all.
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Guiding Light

Posts: 164
Washington, dc
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #9 - 09/04/11 at 02:22:30
Hey yes we using the half bed sheet that has copper fibers three through them and then it's attached to a cord that goes into your grounding outlet but I have the wire go outside my window and directly into the ground.

You can google earthing.net ...I believe when they build computers they are grounded to help with the static electricity and the sheets are supposed help repel you from the electo magnetic field. And it's weird my husband starts to sweat sometime when he's in front of the computer and when he grouse himself it stops.

Also I just ordered a portable alkaline water filtration system..it was $120 but I have a coupon and have a discount code if anyone is interested (I have to find it) it works great and makes your water more alkaline. When we went to Boston this past week it was great because we saved a bunch on not having to buy bottled water and didn't have to drink tap water...we also live in DC and I don't trust the water company here at all!!! I'm going to look for the coupon code and place I got that water bottle and will repost. It did come from canada and took over a week to get delivered.
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Guiding Light

Posts: 164
Washington, dc
Re: Histamine and Acid in Diet
Reply #10 - 09/04/11 at 02:34:24
Okay the portable water bottle I got is called
 ANYWATER portable alkalizer
Save $15 discount code AW884 until sept 24
And the website is waterionizer.org

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