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Triggers - can we always identify them? (Read 7940 times)

I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Triggers - can we always identify them?
02/09/11 at 06:24:29
The answer is NO, we can't always identify them!!!

This is what makes masto so difficult sometimes, there is not always a trigger that we can identify!  Here's an example:

It's hot here in Brazil - our summer while it's your winter.  So, this right here is a major factor.  Yet, it's been hot for a while and I know how to work with it through keeping my house cool, getting my t-shirts damp and sitting in front of fans ,etc.   When you live in a tropical country you find means of dealing with the heat and staying out of the worst of it.  

I was up at 8AM, not way too early, and had breakfast with my husband and then he left and I began to do odds and ends around the house and got on the computer.  I'd taken my meds with breakfast and all was going fine.  I had no issues.  I prepared lunch for my son and I - a light lunch due to the heat, and everything was fine when I sat back down at my computer.  

Suddenly WHAM the wave of malaise hit me and I began to feel just awful without notice.  I went up to my bathroom feeling the tell tale cramps but nausea also came with it, something that rarely happens.  I began feeling tremendously weak and confused as to what was happening and I was also flushing!  After I came out of the bathroom I didn't even think antihistamines, all I could think was BED!  I was exhausted and feeling COLD and I had to wrap myself up in a warm blanket and crash out!  I slept for 3 full hours a heavy sleep and I probably could have kept going if I hadn't gotten to sweating from being so hot!   This is a sign that my BP is coming back up!  I'd gone into shock!

After I got up I took another antihistamine for I was still dopey and couldn't answer my son's questions!  But now I'm feeling much, much better and almost back to normal except for feeling tired.  

What was my trigger?   I've not a clue!  It wasn't food, it wasn't lack of sleep. Certainly not stress!  The heat is the only thing I can think of, but I wasn't feeling as warm them as I am feeling right now!  

All I can say is, there are times when we just don't have an obvious trigger and sometimes there really isn't one.  Sometimes it's a combination of things and the last drop is what overflows the bucket, but then, since I'm an autoimmune case, perhaps it was just the fact that I am allergic to me may have been it.

Hard to figure out at times!

Sometimes it's a game of  "GUESS THE TRIGGER" ! Huh
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Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #1 - 02/09/11 at 07:27:58
Hi Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A guess - infection . Any possible culprits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love and hugs . I hope you are doing better . I have a similar symptom pattern to you . You are describing me . Cold for me is a big warning sign xxxx esp my hands .

I have adopted an open mind approach in that anything could be a trigger xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Not Just the ones I ahve worked out .

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st louis, mo
Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #2 - 02/09/11 at 07:53:17
I agree with you 100%. My hands are cold most of the time & this is strange mainly the right hand. Sometimes I actually but a thin cotton glove on it even at work. Seems to help. But with it being about 10 in Missouri right now I triggered last night, but it's been cold for a few days. Nothing different, nothing just wham. I agree that when we get a flu bug or something we may not even notice it but our masto does & goes crazy.
I know a few triggers like hot food, like soup, baths things like, but I still think the bucket theory is real.
Lisa has your skin settled down. I hope so with all the rest going on. & I agree that feeling that you have after getting up from a nap is hard to describe. Your dopey but you almost hurt. It's like your head could explode. That's why I try to avoid a nap during the day time at all cost even if my body tells me I need it.
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #3 - 02/09/11 at 08:04:59
Nope, no infections!  At least not that I know of.  Yes, Mike, the skin is still burning and it's got my dermatologist intrigued, she's never heard of this one before - she's my masto specialist!  The minute I'm in a cool atmosphere, my skin stops the burning - really weird!  In fact, it wasn't even warm enough this morning to bother the skin on my arms!!  That's why I can't even say it was the heat!

As to the dopeyness, well, I've had that feeling when I've been in syncope for a few hours, but today it wasn't like that, it's just that I can't think properly and I feel like a total retard when I'm like this!!  It gets better with antihistamines!

Oh, I wish I could send you all our heat more quickly!  It's normally bearable here when we have daily thunderstorms, but we've got a dry high pressure system that won't let them form, so we get these temps in the 90s with blazing sunshine and this is why it gets so hot!   Well, I guess we all have our challenges in life and we've got to either make the best of our situations or MOVE TO HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #4 - 02/09/11 at 11:02:02
Hi Lisa ,

I completely understand the retard feeling . I am down to no words , or one syllable . I love that I can cure it with anti histamines . The H3 drugs that have been developed are aimed at altzheimers . I think this shows how deep out brain fog is .

When I am in syncope , my boyfriend says i shout . i have no idea I am doing it at all . i have nearly passed out the times this has happened . i have epi pened them Smiley  xxxx I have explained to my boyf that if i am like this I am getting ill as he has found it very hard . I feel guilty i am behaving this way with no control xxxxxxxxx he now knows to offer me a lie down and  anti -histamines xxxxx

I am glad you are feeling a little better xxxxxxxxxxxx You talking about jidderyness with mast cell degranulation has helped me as I couldn't pin down what that was xxxxxx  I do fluids and antihistamines and can normalise my high blood pressure on some occasions .

I also get deep breathing xx and double intakes of breath at rest. For me this is a sign of niggling . In particular acidic blood state from triggers - infection , diabetes ( in me ) , physical - that can lead to my BP changing mainly up , also down or fluctauating . I can drink enough to normalise my breathing xxxxxxxxx

I am in a particular situation withe the diabetes as with high sugars i will continue weeing into dehydration xx this is because high sugar drawers water out of the body in the kidneys , so I have to balance that daily . adding in mast cells activating causing fluid shifting into my tissues ( which is lost by the circulation ) and sweats from ??????? . if I have an infection this leads to extra fluid loss from sweats and increased blood sugars . Extra insulin helps this , as it is the hormone that everyone makes to control their sugars .

Fluid balance can be very hard . I am completely aware now of the difference in my diabetes thirst and mast cell , fluid loss thirst xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

Its an instant overwhelming thirst where you have a no saliva dry mouth . Only this is capable of achieving this . A big loud siren of trouble for me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It has been a interesting source of converstion with doc's . Especially when they were in their - shes anxious stage . Unf anxiety can make your mouth dry , but you don't swell or have rashes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love and hugs

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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #5 - 02/12/11 at 05:32:30
Lisa I get that burning feeling too--but the weird thing is.. its only my right arm, the one I have such pain in right now. Cant hardly stand to have anything touch it--other times I rap it in my electric blanket, nice and soft and it feels good.. I guess we're just weird? lol...

That brain fog.. I have to say that Vistaril is a life saver for me with that. I can think much clearer now.
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #6 - 02/13/11 at 14:38:40
Hehehe!   I wish I could say that the lack of using Vistaril was my excuse for the difficulty in thinking clearly!   Shocked
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Don´t forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #7 - 02/21/11 at 01:32:02
A few thoughts here, I think that many companies put more additives in their foods than they list.... I just dont trust them and I try to go fresh as often as I can.

Also, we forget that we may develop reactions from things we had safely before--my example, I used to put a light sprinkle of baby powder under my fresh sheets cause it smelled so good and felt silky when I went to sleep at night. 2 days ago I sprinkled some on something else--and coughed for an hour after it.. so add that to my list of things I now react to Sad

Also I think sometimes other people may use things like aerosol sprays , colognes etc when we are not in the area and we may walk in that area , not be aware and react. Just something to think about
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Re: Triggers - can we always identify them?
Reply #8 - 02/21/11 at 07:03:33
Hi Everyone ,

I agree with ramona about additives as I ahve had a company say to me they added sodium meta bi sulphite in sub effect levels . This means , in their opinion , that the level they add to say caramel colouring ( non - sulphite ) is low enough to preserve the ingredient but not the finished product .

Sulphites as a group of preservatives are interesting ( i shock with them hence my interest ) in that the level at which they are labeled on foods is not a safety level . It is just the level they have test for at the current time .

Does anyone else have specific problem with sulphites ??

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