Oh goodness…I looked and did not realize that it had been so long since we talked.. I decided to get off my lazy backside and write a few lines.
Summer came and went and no thanks to someone out there….our address was leaked to the mosquito community..and they came…not only did y sent the children but aunts, uncles etc…you get the picture. If you had stock in the mosquito spray company you did well.
We also spent lots of time staying cool. Seems the summers are getting lots and lots hotter where I live or maybe just me
Septermber came…sadly…and my best friend Olive Clayson passed…I cried and cried and then cried some more. She was an important person for so many of us mastocytosis people. Not only was she a founder of the Mastocytosis society but her knowledge of our disease was so important…she encouraged many when they seem not to have a bright day. She researched and kept up her data base of knowledge to share not only with us patients but lots of doctors as well. I cried and I miss her phone calls and her emails and her jokes she played on me and I cried.
Then we had Thanksgiving…and I had to really think about something to be thankful about…hummmm oh I know…I am thankful that I have a small bathroom. Now I know many of you have this big beautiful one but mine is small BUT I can always hold on to something or if I need to climb in the tub there are my hand bars…and if I need to bend over..no problem there is a …something…to hold on to…yes I am thankful for my small bathroom…
Well Christmas rolled right up on the calendar… and since daughter was going of state on a dog sitting assignment we had it early…she was going to be gone for some weeks so we decided that was best…and guess what I got for Christmas….BACON…BACON…BACON…as well as sausage and chicken tenders…but the big prize was BACON…did you ever wonder why bacon is so good but maybe not good for you and who cares and I learned how to …BAKE BACON…now I urge you to go to youtube or somewhere and read how…it is wonderful and this house may never fry bacon again…
I looked at the calendar again and realized….I WILL SOON BE 84 AND HOPING FOR MANY MORE…that’s right my birthday is coming up soon. And here we need to talk a little about getting older…
Getting older means lots of things..it means that I am starting a petition to all companies that make plastic storage and freezer bags..that they no longer put those little slot things to close the bags that they go to the zipper type only.
That ALL bottles including ketchup have easy to open lids.
And am looking for a fork that has sideboards so that you can eat peas without them falling off into your lap…lots of important things to tend to when you get old.
Now Mary “my neighbor who lives across the pasture” have been doing some humming lately…now Mary is doing great after her big cancer bout I am so proud of her..I truly believe that her attitude brought her thru this bad time…but back to humming…well see I read this article that says when you forget the word you want to use…you just hum…works for us.
I wish I could tell you that my sight is not getting worse but I cannot…REMEMBER “gentle eye doctor” telling me that I was not going blind…however he did not say ALMOST…I am still able to color for which I am so thankful…it does require me to use bright light and closer to my eyes and that is ok because it brings me great joy to color and share with others…
Not being able to see to cut your toenails is a bummer…I remember going to see my dad in his last years…dad was a proud man..but he did ask me to take my big clippers and cut his toenails as he could not…I remember that and how hard it must have been for him.
Here at the farm we are getting ready for spring and the stormy season to arrive. This year we have a rather large group of “meadow larks” had not see any of those in a couple of years…lots of cardinals or redbirds …and we have a new kitten/cat…she is a wild cat but she likes son and they are trying to get friendly..he calls her …sweet pea…Ranger gave her several life lessons while she was still very small…how to climb the tree and stalk a mouse…he is still going off for days and days on some secret assignment…and he may have recruited Sweet Pea into the service as she is not here this morning as she never leaves the yard…we are hoping that she is not in trouble..
Oh oh oh..how could I forget..I have a gentleman friend online..he is a sweetheart…he sent me a “scarlet pink Moster Minky throw” for Christmas …we talk every day…and he is my friend Olive’s son Steve…he is such fun…we talk about the weather and the snow he sometimes wants to send over the mountains to me…and his wonderful sister Mary Ann who I love dearly make days fun.
Well think that is about it for catching up…I will try to do a better job…
Love to you all
The word writer
“getting old is not for wimps”