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My daughter's story (Read 102073 times)
Guiding Light

Posts: 137
Rapid City SD
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #150 - 02/24/11 at 15:13:40
I understand Deb.... and it is not your fault if we do not get a response. As I have explained I have tried several times to get both Dr. Akin and Dr. Castell's to help us find answers with Brie and the response has been discouraging.  Dr. Escribano on the other hand seemed quite concerned and even contacted Dr. Castell's himself.  That was the most confusing for me when she didn't offer to see Brie.  

The only way that I can look at it is that they see her as a "child" and we all know that the children usually have less severe cases and symptoms and usually have only the cutaneous form and usually outgrow it by puberty.  Thus I think they do not get as worked up about it as I do.

I wish I could get them to understand that she does not have the "typical UP" and her symptoms truly appear systemic.  And regardless of whether or not she outgrows it at puberty she is currently only 8 years old.... and has dealt with this DAILY for almost 3 years now and it affects her life on a daily basis.  Puberty is a long way off and to ask someone to continue to deal with this every day of their life for another several years - if in fact they can help lessen her symptoms and increase her quality of life - seems so unfair to me.  Her symptoms have actually PROGRESSED over the last 1 - 2 years, over the last several months for sure....

Ok..... I will stop.... I am hearing my own negative frustration and I do my best day to day to steer clear of this as this doesn't help Brie or I.  I have to continue to think positive and to push forward in every way I can.  Although it is a slow process I have belief that the answers will come... maybe not when and with whom I want them from but I have to accept that and think positive thoughts... positive thoughts... positive thoughts.....  Roll Eyes

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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #151 - 02/24/11 at 20:41:01
Kim, I can promise you, this is the most agonizing stage of being ill with a disease, that of getting a diagnosis.  It's hard because our minds are not prepared with being chronically ill with something rare!   You really are almost there!  Dont'lose it yet, Dear!!!

Hugs!  and HANG IN THERE!!  

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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #152 - 02/25/11 at 09:07:28
Kim, I have a suggestion?? Give the contact info (email) to Bries doctor. iF he will email Dr Akins you have a better chance of an answer--because of "professional courtesy" between doctors.. They will always answer a doctor before they do a patient..you know how that goes LOL.. Good luck hon.
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~~~Count  Your Blessings!~~~
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Guiding Light

Posts: 137
Rapid City SD
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #153 - 02/25/11 at 13:00:09

   I actually have offered the contact information for Dr. Akin, Dr. Castell's and Dr. Escribano quite a few times now.  One of her Dr.'s said he would take it after he finished ruling out some other things first.  Then last week her new Pediatrician DID accept it the information.  He wanted to hear the outcome of the Endocrinology Consult first and then said he would contact them.  I truly believe one of them will make the contact... it is just a matter of when and I need to be patient.

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Guiding Light

Posts: 137
Rapid City SD
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #154 - 02/25/11 at 13:22:01
One other update.... Brie's Pediatric Endocrinologists called me today.  She has spoken directly to her Pediatrician and Allergist / Immunologist and they all concur that Brie is to "unstable" to put through the Adrenal Stimulating Test at this point.  They fear she may have a negative response (reaction of some sort) and are concerned as to what this may be.  I do appreciate their concern and caution  and I am exstatic that SOMEONE (besides me) is finally seeing and believing how unstable her symptoms are!

They are going to take a more catious route.  They have ordered about 13 different labs that range from the "basics", to hormones, growth factors and Chromosome testing.  They need to get the Chromosome testing approved through Insurance 1st as I guess it is quite expensive.  She will then have to go in early one day (before 7AM) to have these done during the "Peak Level" times for these.
Depending on what these show will determine whether or not they feel it's necessary to take the risk for the Stimulation test.

They are also going to have a Pulmonary Function test done and have a Metabolic Specialist Consult and see Brieann.  The Endocrinologist is going to follow her growth and possibly start growth hormones on her.

So.... although I am sure this will all slow down their contacts with the Mast Cell Specialists, I am thankful that they are taking things seriously and ruling out every possibility - this will only strengthen the case that they can present to the Specialists.  Also it comforts me to know that there IS NOTHING ELSE WRONG with Brie.  It will put that question that is always in the back of my head to rest  Wink  I am also VERY happy that my concerns for her abnormally small stature are being addressed after 8 years of me brining it up to every doctor at every visit Brie has ever had!

                                                          Stay Well, Kim

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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 208

Re: My daughter's story
Reply #155 - 02/25/11 at 14:14:54
Kim that is such good news to finally have doctors taking this seriously and going in a direction that will actually bring some answers. It must be a huge relief to feel that you aren't on your own trying to care for your daughter, the responsibility for finding the answers and making the decisions is being shared by people who are taking it as seriously as is required.  It's been such a struggle to this point but whatever is ahead will be manageable with the support and knowledge these specialist are now giving you both, and with the weight of the repsonsibility for the medical challenges being shared rather than carried by you alone, as you have done for so long.  You have done a remarkable job of staying strong and focussed, and patient through it all while watching your child suffering.  You are an inspiration.        

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Guiding Light

Posts: 137
Rapid City SD
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #156 - 02/25/11 at 14:37:12

     Thank you for your kinds words and support.  I need to be honest though in saying that the courage and strength that I have was not there a few months ago... I was beat down, worried sick and frustrated and felt I had been doing nothing but beat my head on a brick wall!  I tried and tried to get Dr.'s to help us and they all said that "they knew there was something going on with Brie but that they didn't know what" and that was as far as I would get for none of them wanted to take on such a time consuming complex case and to commit themself to the time that it would take.

It was then that I found this forum and I can honestly say that if it was not for the education here, and most importantly the support, encouragement and guidance to keep me pushing forward we would not be where we are today!!!  I truly credit each and every one of you for this!!!!  It means more to me than words can ever express - THANK YOU!!!!

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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 208

Re: My daughter's story
Reply #157 - 02/26/11 at 01:40:19
It is quite amazing to see the power of a community such as this.  But it still took the courage and persistence to look in a new place when  you were beaten down by it all Kim, and I'm so glad you did.

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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #158 - 02/26/11 at 14:45:57
Kim I am sooo glad you finally have a great team there for both of you to lean on, things are turning around!
Much love,
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~~~Count  Your Blessings!~~~
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Guiding Light

Posts: 137
Rapid City SD
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #159 - 03/01/11 at 16:45:43
FINALLY a great move from one of Brie's Dr.!!!  I just received an email from her Pediatrician and he said that he has emailed Dr. Castell's about Brieann and is awaiting a reply  Kiss....   God I hope we get one this time!!!

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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #160 - 03/01/11 at 22:05:47
HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!   THAT IS THE NEWS I'VE BEEN AWAITING FOR WAY TOOO LONG!!!!!!!  YIPEEEEEE!   You made my day Kim!!  Thanks! Smiley
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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Guiding Light

Posts: 137
Rapid City SD
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #161 - 03/08/11 at 17:13:01
I have been away from the forum for awhile due to many stressors last week (lost a friend in a snowmobile accident; found out my sister may have breast cancer; found out an x-sister in law I was very close to has stage 4 brain cancer; and another x-sister in law that was a close member of our family for 22 years lost her significant other and 3 year old son in a house fire)... all of this occurred within 4 days....

So I don't have much brain function at this point to even type this but just wanted to tell you some GOOD news.... Brie may be going to Boston to see Dr. Castell's after all.  Her Pediatrician just forwarded an email to me that he received from Dr. Castell's and in it she states "I will be happy to see her in consultation"... there are a couple of phone numbers I need to try to call tomorrow to get a registration number prior to getting an appointment so I will see where this gets me.

                                                            Stay well,  Kim
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Posts: 1502
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #162 - 03/08/11 at 17:37:51
Omigosh, Kim, it sounds like things have been beyond hard for you, and I'm so sorry to hear all that's been happening!  Hope Brie and you can get some answers from Dr. Castells and that it will be a great help in getting Brie well.

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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 208

Re: My daughter's story
Reply #163 - 03/08/11 at 17:56:56
Oh Kim I am so sorry to hear what you are going through, there are no words for times like these, that no one person should have to bear all at once.  But the good news from Dr Castells is fanastic, one ray of sunshine in a very gray week.

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« Last Edit: 03/09/11 at 00:17:16 by ruth »  
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: My daughter's story
Reply #164 - 03/09/11 at 00:05:13

I am really sorry to hear of the tragedies that are happening in your life right now.  Those are really devastating blows and I'm sorry they've all come at once!  Hard to swallow on a normal basis, but one on top of the other, yes, it is shocking to the brain and emotions!  I'm sorry!

On the other hand, what terrific news and what a tremendous burden that takes off of you!  Your hard work and insisting with everything is paying off finally!  And because you held on tight, insisting and standing firm in your convictions, your doctors have finally caught your vision and this is PERFECT!   I couldn't be happier for Brie!!!

Now, we need to keep our feet on the ground for remember, this is a rare disease and some of us are even more unusual than the others and even though you can't go any higher up than Dr. Castells, she still doesn't know it all and you may come home from seeing her still wondering what some things are and how to deal with them.  She will do her very best for Brie, that much I'm certain.  How much she'll be able to uncover and treat is another thing and it may take time to get it all sorted out.  But with your doctors following her lead, you will see, the treatment will be much improved and Brie will begin to improve.  

I hope you can get an appointment soon, or during the summer when it won't cause your kids or Brie any difficulties with school and homework.  Yet, I 'm really pleased to hear this good news!   This is great!!!

Hooray for Kim!!!  Hooray for Brie!!!  Hooray for Brie's smart doctors!!!! and Hooray for Dr. Castells!!!!   Cheesy
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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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