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Survey: Illegal Medication. Is it worth it? (Read 4490 times)

Tread Lightly. Breathe
Posts: 13
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Survey: Illegal Medication. Is it worth it?
09/08/15 at 14:50:48
If you found a medicine that would control most of you symptoms better than all of the current treatments combined and allowed you to participate more in life but it would possibly have mild to moderate long term health effects, would you still use it?

What if it was an illegal substance?

Would it be worth risking going to prison?
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Survey: Illegal Medication. Is it worth it?
Reply #1 - 09/10/15 at 15:25:00
My answer would be no, I would not use it. There is no real magic pill out there at this time that can fix us, so we use the other meds to make us at least stable. I would also be too worried about the unknown dangerous effects of an illegal substance. We react to so many things as it is, so I am pretty conservative with trying new things to ingest. I am more of a change my lifestyle and surrounding triggers type person to see how that works.
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DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 862

Re: Survey: Illegal Medication. Is it worth it?
Reply #2 - 09/20/15 at 03:35:41
I am betting there is not a "prison doctor" who knows about masto.. so I for one would not want to try this...
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