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Benadryl as local anesthetic (Read 5816 times)

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Benadryl as local anesthetic
01/09/15 at 09:07:26
In case this is of interest to any of you who react to lidocaine or other commonly used local anesthetics.

I just had a dental extraction using a mixture of preservative free benadryl and saline instead of local anesthetic which has been described in the literature. I premedicated still but lowered my 1hr pre Benadryl dose as I would be receiving it subcutaneously.

This was the least reactive I've ever been for an intervention and it was wonderful. I did not premedicate with steroids as for me, they were causing preop mast cell flares, but obviously all of this would need to be vetted by your own mast cell doc.

Unfortunately, unrelated to the anesthetic, the dentist broke the tooth and left half and now I have an infection and am in a whole new world of problems, but feel a little safer knowing I have a new safe option for local anesthesia.

The last time I received lidocaine with premedication I had a scary reaction.



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I am not a doctor.
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Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Benadryl as local anesthetic
Reply #1 - 01/10/15 at 08:45:52
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!   This is really really tremendous news!!!!    Iīve been sooo fearful of going to do any kind of dental work and putting it off mainly due to how badly I reacted to lidocaine last year!!!

I went to the Albert Einstein hospital, where we have some masto doctors.  I went to join a study and they wanted a skin biopsy and I didnīt premedicate because I didnīt think it was  ncessary.  I really had no clue that I would react to the local!    OH MY GOODNESS!  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked  It was like something out a movie and the doctors came right out of the woodwork, totally freaking out!  They called a code red on me and put me into the ER all hooked up to the machines, but thankfully the dermatologist had been listening to me when I told him that I can go into a prolonged LOC and that I needed IV antihistamines and steroids to pull me out of the reaction.  Sure enough they followed his instructions and I went walking out of there about 2 hours later, but oh what a ride it was!!!

But this is tremendous news, Ana and now all I need to do is figure out if we can get IV benedryl in my town.  

Thanks for the heads up about this, this really is tremendous!

Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Benadryl as local anesthetic
Reply #2 - 01/10/15 at 08:46:40
By the way, so sorry to hear about the broken tooth and infection!  That means more work in many ways!!  Not good!!!   Cry Cry Cry
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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Hang in there! You can
do it!
Posts: 836

Re: Benadryl as local anesthetic
Reply #3 - 01/10/15 at 13:30:10
Now I just had anaphylaxis to amoxicillin

trying to settle the flare so someone can take the rest of my tooth out

not doing well

had to stop antibiotic and have a raging facial infection
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Benadryl as local anesthetic
Reply #4 - 01/11/15 at 10:44:56
Iīm so sorry that youīre going through this Ana!  Youīre obviously going to need to try another antibiotic, but youīve also got to get this reacting back under control.   Dr. Castells and my doctor have used a procedure of putting the antihistamines at high doses with no less than 6 hour intervals.  This has worked for me.  I think itīs what youīre going to have to do too.

I hope you feel better soon!!! Kiss Kiss Kiss
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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Guiding Light

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Re: Benadryl as local anesthetic
Reply #5 - 01/12/15 at 07:17:00
I'm so sorry you are going through this--have they figured anything out? Thanks for sharing the info on the Benadryl. I also react to lidocaine.  I hope you feel better soon.

Lisa--I had fillings filled with no anesthetic twice this year already and did well. I did premedicate just in case I reacted to the bonding on the fillings or something. There was a little nerve pain, but not much, and it was better than having a reaction Smiley  I also made them rinse my mouth frequently, and that helped.    --Sarah
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