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Doxepin???? Yikes! (Read 7258 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Doxepin???? Yikes!
09/29/12 at 08:56:31
Hello everyone! So I got my prescription for doxepin the other day and was so excited. My phychiatrist ordered it for me. I've been taking remeron for 2.5 years for sleep, but have gained a boatload of weight on it. So we decided to ditch the remeron and try doxepin. Since it works on the same receptors and is also used as a sleep aid,  he thought it would be an easy transition. NOPE! Doxepin made me wired! I was up all night with racy thoughts etc. it was awful  Cry. So I'm back on remeron. Has anyone else had this experience with doxepin? I had the exact same reaction with vistoril! I don't know what it is with my body, but I almost never respond typically to medications. Can anyone else relate? Makes me wonder if it has anything to do with the CU?!?! It makes finding proper medications for me nearly impossible! I am now supposed to go on synthriod for low thyroid, but I haven't picked it up! I am so worried about my reaction!!! I tried bio identicle (sheep)  thyroid hormone several years ago when my thyroid was higher than it is now, and it made me feel awful!
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Posts: 447
Indianapolis, IN USA
Re: Doxepin???? Yikes!
Reply #1 - 09/30/12 at 13:07:23
I didn't get that far with doxipin.  I opened the capsule and put a little on my tongue and it made me feel like I had gone to the dentist.  My tonge felt numb, then big.  So I don't know if it was just me or if would do the same for others, you know could have been an ingredient that made me fill that way....either way I didn't swallow it.  I'm kind of sad it didn't work I had high hopes for it!
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Doxepin???? Yikes!
Reply #2 - 10/01/12 at 03:37:56
You need to have your serotonin levels checked, both serum and urine.   If they are low then this explains why you can not take SSRIs.   I had adverse reactions on Doxepin and it was an absolute NIGHTMARE for the 5 days I was on it!!!!!!!  NEVER AGAIN!!!

I had EXCESSIVE sleeping, increased Diarrhea, Urticaria (which I never have) and I was right on the edge of anaphylaxis with the last couple of days.  If I hadnīt been sleeping so much Iīd probably have gone into anaphylaxis due to it.  the longer I took it, the worse I got!!!!   It also attacked my kidneys!!!!! And it took about 32 hours to finally leave my system where I began to feel better.   Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Doxepin???? Yikes!
Reply #3 - 10/01/12 at 10:29:14
Oh Lisa, your mad faces crack me up!!!!!!! Gave me a good belly laugh! Yes, doxepin, for me, is evil! I was up all night with racy thoughts. Mind you I've never been on crack, but if I had, it would have surley been like my night on doxepin!!!!! Lol maybe I can't be on ssris and the 75 mg of Zoloft I'm on in messin with me. Hmmmmm..... I will request to have my serotonin levels checked! Thanks for the advice!  Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink I'm sad it didn't work too pam Undecided. On to the next round!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Doxepin???? Yikes!
Reply #4 - 01/12/15 at 09:52:49
Hello all:)
So I've been in a horrible state of anxiety/derealization/depersonalization (feeling like I'm not really here) since December 18th. It's awful. Can't eat can't sleep, having horrible night terrors and panic attacks. I can't take it anymore  Cry I'm at my wits end.

Today I was prescribed anafranil to see if it will help me. The problem is that it's in the same class of meds as doxepin and that didn't work well for me at all. It spun me out really bad. (See above thread from 2012) do you think I will have the same side effects with anafranil and I did Doxepin?
I also have adverese reactions to vistoril. It keeps me up all night freaking out and aggitayed with racy thoughts.
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