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Prilosec (Read 4710 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

11/17/14 at 17:08:23
Hi all:)
So for the past 6 or so weeks I've been in a terrible non-sleeping pattern. I'm not tired at night. I lay in bed until I'm in this weird twighlight sleep. I'm having these lucid, negative dreams that wake me fully and they seem so real it takes me a few minutes to process whether or not they were/are real. I really need this to stop.
About 6 weeks ago I ran out of Prilosec and didn't bother to get more. I never really knew why I was put on it in the first place. It seemed that all was fine without it; but this morning I started wondering if stopping the Prilosec might be the problem. Seems like a stretch, but who knows? Especially with mast cells.

Anyways, I bought some today and took one. We'll see if it helps any tonight.

I did check Dr. Afrins article tonight that lists possible treatments and protein pump inhibitors are on there!
Anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm desperate to get back into a regular sleep pattern.
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 136

Re: Prilosec
Reply #1 - 11/19/14 at 05:42:15
Hi Brigitte,

Are you taking Singulair?  That can cause strange dreams and sleep problems.  I personally don't think it would be from stopping Prilosec.  If you don't notice any difference in your mast cell symptoms without the Prilosec, I wouldn't take it.  Dr. Afrin said if we don't notice any improvement after trying a med for a few weeks, to stop taking it.  So, I think if you felt fine without it, it's one less med for you:)  

Also, as a nurse, proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec were only trialed on people for 2 weeks, and are only supposed to be taken for that time period.  They don't know what will happen to all of these people who have been taking them for years.  We are supposed to have some stomach acid, and I think they are only really necessary for people that have SEVERE reflux that causes burns in the throat, and puts them at risk for cancer.  I don't mean to scare anyone, but they really don't know if it's safe to take them long-term.

I hope you start sleeping better:)  --Sarah
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Prilosec
Reply #2 - 11/19/14 at 08:55:13
Thanks sara! Ya, I've always questioned the Prilosec. But the funny thing is, I finsly slept last night! I haven't slept well since mid October. So maybe it is the Prilosec, I don't know. I also noticed that during the past month I had really racy thoughts, especially at night. Those calmed down as well. I do have OCD tendencies, but as Dr. Afrin said to me (via email)  it probably all boils down to a mast cell issue.

I'll keep taking the prilosec and see if my sleep continues to improve. If not, I will ditch it!

Luckily I am finally going to see a specialist! Dr. Afrin end of January!! Cheesy

As far as singular, I couldn't take it. I tried 3 separate times and got bronchitis each time.
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