Hello all!
So I haven't been feeling well lately

. For about two weeks now I've had most of my mast cell symptoms, including vomiting intermittently throughout everyday, and when I'm not actually vomiting, I feel like I'm going to. The last time this happened (last Fall) I finally figured out after several months of being very sick that the face cream I was using contained a plant based paraffin versus a petroleum based paraffin (I am very salicylate sensitive) I had no idea paraffin could be plant based. Who knew!
Anyways, I'm back to asking myself what am I doing differently? I have made a few poor decisions with foods no doubt. And I cleaned with "99.9% plant derived" Clorox all purpose cleaner last week. I bought oxiclean last week and while I was putting it in the washing machine, I accidentally inhaled a heavy dose. I could actually taste it for like 2 days.
But to my main question.....I take the 60 mg Allegras because the 180's give me headaches. I was tired of paying $12 for 12 pills. So I bought a bunch on 30 mg's from a pharmacy in Canada.
I'm quite certain they are Allegra brand. Color wise they look the same, and they have the script "e" on them like the others, but the packaging and lettering is different. They also say that they are manufactured in India (I know a lot of pharmaceuticals are produced there). My locally purchased Allegra doesn't say where it is manufactured. So, after all my rambling on, is it possible that Allegra could be manufactured in different places and have different fillers, or different filler ratios?
It's the only big change that I have made.
I suppose it could be a reaction to seasonal changes too.
I went out tonight and bought my "old" Allegra. I will take it tomorrow.
Would love any feedback! I'm sure that being a name brand, the ingredients are regulated, but maybe not?