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Ketotifen and Anxiety (Read 4963 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
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Ketotifen and Anxiety
04/24/14 at 07:20:17

I was wondering if anybody here notices an INCREASE in anxiety when taking Ketotifen? I have not taken it more than a week at a time and here lately it seems when I take it, even just 1 mg at bedtime, that I have mild anxiety the next day.

Of course I have a lot going on, probably like most people here, so it's hard to tell. I also ate foods last night that I normally don't eat like almond flour (and it had tiny traces of gluten), crackers made with almond flour and eggs, salami, oatmeal, sugar free chocolate, pork rinds....in other words, I went crazy last night and I know better. Had such a good day yesterday without anxiety and today it's back. Sigh.

Any thoughts on the Ketotifen causing anxiety. The reason I decided to take it again last night is because of the food I ate.

Thank you,
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 152
Re: Ketotifen and Anxiety
Reply #1 - 05/03/14 at 16:20:36
Hi Kristina,

My name is Lynda. I haven't been on here for a long time, but saw your post so I wanted to respond.

I find that I get "hyper" when I take my Ketotifen.  I found that odd since everything I read stated that it would make you sleepy. I don't think it makes me more anxious, just more wide awake!

Dr. Castells cut my 'before bed' dose to 1/2 mg.  I do seem to go to sleep better but also find I wake up not feeling as well.  She has given me the option to figure out what works best for me.  (I take 1 mg in the morning and 1/2 mg at night right now). My thought is to try and add another dose at lunchtime and keep my bedtime dose the same (she wants me to increase it).

I do find that I have more problems with my meds (especially the cromolyn and ketotifen) when I am in a flare or when something has triggered me. I will get dizzy, tachycardic and have palpitations. I attribute that to the trigger itself because it is directly responsible for the release of all those powerful chemicals (mediators)!

It took me over two months to get on the Keto.  If I ever went off, I know my body would reject it, if I tried to go back on.  That has happened more times than I can count with different medications.

Do you feel better when you are off it or better when you are taking it?  Do you increase your H1 and H2 when you go off or do you also take cromolyn? Have you tried taking one of your other meds 1/2 hour before taking the Keto?  I find that sometimes works well.

If you haven't tired the cromolyn, maybe that would be a better option if the Keto bothers you. Just a thought...

I wish you the best.   Take care, Lynda
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