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Can't tolerate increase in Zantac or Singulair? (Read 5616 times)

Posts: 10

Can't tolerate increase in Zantac or Singulair?
03/13/14 at 13:12:29
I have MCAS (although tests were fine). Meds have helped me greatly.
This is my current regimen:
morning: 2 mg zaditen, 10 mg singulair, 150 mg zantac, 60 mg (Yes 60!) reactine
evening: 2 mg zaditen, 150 mg zantac, 60 mg reactine

I started the Singulair 10 mg in late December. And the Zaditen 1mg BID in early January and then 2mg BID in late February. I was doing very poorly before -- my biggest issue is that I was reacting to ALL foods with headache, fatigue, bloating, phlegm. The Singulair helped with the phlegm and the Zaditen once I increased my dose was like a miracle. I am able to tolerate about 30-50% more foods, but still reacting to lots.

I asked to increase my Singulair to BID and my internist agreed. I've been doing this since Monday and I feel awake but tired like I've pulled an all-nighter and drank coffee to stay awake. Will it go away in time?

Also, I've tried to double my Zantac on my internist's request but 300 mg at one time is too much for me...I get bloated and sometimes a head ache. It seems like everyone on here takes 300 mg BID...?
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Not a medical doctor
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Re: Can't tolerate increase in Zantac or Singulair?
Reply #1 - 03/13/14 at 13:59:56
Welcome to the group!

There's no magic formula that works for everyone.  I increased my Zantac to 300mg BID when I was taking a lot of extra "rescue" doses.  300mg just turned out to be a good baseline for me.  Some people are really sensitive to medications and find they do best on small doses.  Don't be afraid to experiment with antihistamines.  

Singulair is different.   It's safe (I'm currently at 20mg/day, down from 30mg/day), but it doesn't have an immediate effect like antihistamines.  Unless you're having a really bad reaction... which is not impossible for people like us... I would wait and see how you're doing 2-3 weeks from now.  Fatigue is a really common mast cell symptom!  You could be reacting to something else and be fine with the Singulair.

Just my two cents...

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When you cry I taste the salt in your tears
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 136

Re: Can't tolerate increase in Zantac or Singulair?
Reply #2 - 03/14/14 at 09:40:50
Hi Bebop,
I take 5mg of Singulair daily, but if I try to increase it, I get agitation and restlessness.  The 5mg helps, and the doctor told me to take 10mg if I can tolerate the agitation.  With Zantac, I take 150mg 4 times/day.  This works well for me, but like Heather said, we are all different.  I started slow with all of my meds, like 1/2 pill at a time or less.  Allegra gave me a headache the first 3 days, and Zantac gave me nausea the first week or so, but I kept taking them, and they work great now.  Good luck!  Sarah
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Re: Can't tolerate increase in Zantac or Singulair?
Reply #3 - 03/15/14 at 12:32:04
Bebop99 wrote on 03/13/14 at 13:12:29:
I have MCAS (although tests were fine). Meds have helped me greatly.
This is my current regimen:
morning: 2 mg zaditen, 10 mg singulair, 150 mg zantac, 60 mg (Yes 60!) reactine
evening: 2 mg zaditen, 150 mg zantac, 60 mg reactine

I started the Singulair 10 mg in late December. And the Zaditen 1mg BID in early January and then 2mg BID in late February. I was doing very poorly before -- my biggest issue is that I was reacting to ALL foods with headache, fatigue, bloating, phlegm. The Singulair helped with the phlegm and the Zaditen once I increased my dose was like a miracle. I am able to tolerate about 30-50% more foods, but still reacting to lots.

I asked to increase my Singulair to BID and my internist agreed. I've been doing this since Monday and I feel awake but tired like I've pulled an all-nighter and drank coffee to stay awake. Will it go away in time?

Also, I've tried to double my Zantac on my internist's request but 300 mg at one time is too much for me...I get bloated and sometimes a head ache. It seems like everyone on here takes 300 mg BID...?

I'm sorry that you are having a hard time finding your perfect "cocktail," but don't give up. Many of us had to go through many trials and errors. I know that Zantac comes either pink or blue pills. I am using the pink tabs. I take 300 mg in the a.m. and 300 mg in the p.m. (along with Zyrtec and Ketotifen). It's been working great for the past several months. Has your doctor mentioned anything about Ketotifen? This has been a godsend to many of us.
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