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Aspirin therapy! (Read 16506 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin triggered me
Reply #15 - 08/09/13 at 12:45:22
Spartako wrote on 08/02/13 at 00:54:30:
Since I react to food high in salicylates I had the hypothesis that I may have Salicylate Sensitivity. So I tried a Aspirin Desensitization. I started with 30mg and increased by 50mg every 40 minutes until I reached a total of 500mg. I got triggered pretty fast and got itchy skin, headaches, muscle pain, fatigue, wheezing and diarrhea. Next day I started with 500mg in the morning and 500mg in the noon. After three days diarrhea improved, also headache was better. But after three weeks I couldn't take it anymore. Obvioulsy Aspirin and Salicylates trigger my Mast Cells directly and not by the anomaly in the arachidonic acid cascade which would be typical for Salicylate Sensitivity. So Desensitization did not work and leaves me no choice than exclude food high in Salicylates from my diet. I stopped Aspirin two days ago and returned to a very strict diet. I hope the symptoms lessen in the next days.

See http://www.salicylatesensitivity.com for more Infos like food lists. I also will give http://failsafediet.wordpress.com/ a try.

Yikes.... I guess we are all a bit different on this disease.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #16 - 08/09/13 at 12:52:47
Another update.  I was feeling so good and on 1/2 the meds..... So now i am also really active and some old problems like arthritis in neck, shoulder, and hip started acting up.  Maybe was tendons or muscles.  Anyhow it was limiting what i could do.  So i decided to get some good physical therapy.  I think i have a good PT and i am finding that now i can get aerobic. BUT.... They are having me do stretches that hurt like hell.  I am fine at the PT office but a couple hours later, after the full pain of the session wears off.... And I am flaring a bit.   So.... I think i can still do the PT but i better get on full meds on the days that I do it because pain trumps whatever benefit the asperin is doing.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #17 - 09/10/13 at 05:48:14
I am now at 4 1/2 months since I started the aspirin. I have dropped my meds in half.  I was taking 4 Zyrtec, 4 Zantac, 2-4 Ketotifen, 2 Accolade, and hydroxyzine as needed (a few a week) and prednisone when needed.  Now I am on 2 zyrtec, 2 zantac, 2 Accolade, 4 aspirin.... and nothing else.  I have only flared once a tiny bit in 1 ear after suffering some extreme pain (another issue).  I am now regularly getting aerobic (sweating and breathing hard).  I am biking and hiking.  I can see scary movies without flushing!  Hot sunny days still bother me (make me tired) but I can take more of that than I used to.  The only side affects is that I bleed more easily and clotting takes a bit longer.  Also my stool gets dense and have had to take regular stool softners and eat more fruit.   The next big test is an airline flight next months.  If I pass that....

Its almost like the disease has mostly gone away.

I know that many of you cannot tolerate aspirin.  I know I react to ibuprofen.  But again.... unless you know you have a problem with aspirin... you should ask your doc about this treatment.   And again I did this in the docs office starting with 1/2 a baby aspirin and doubling every 40min till I got to 365mg.

I will update this again after my flight in October.
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #18 - 09/11/13 at 14:10:19
This is so helpful to know. Thanks for sharing this info, as it is a great guide for others thinking about trying aspirin. By the way, CONGRATS!!!!
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #19 - 11/16/13 at 10:03:08
Another  update.  Now 6 months into the aspirin therapy.  I was able to fly without flushing.  Have not been able to do that for years.  So.... I can take big trips again.  I have noticed some slight flushing on some afternoons and early evening.   It mostly started when our rainy and colder season started.  If I take a ketotifen at lunch that seems to take care of that.  So i have accomplished a couple of my goals with getting active and aerobic again, going up to higher altitudes, and being able to fly.  Not to mention less flushing.   I am still sensitive to warm environments especially if the sun is shining on me.  But i think that i am at a tad less sensitive. Smiley
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #20 - 01/02/14 at 11:48:46
Feeling better like when I started the Aspiring therapy..  I have a theory that will will post in trigger section.
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I Love Ice Dancing!
Posts: 3
Arizona and Michigan
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #21 - 02/08/14 at 04:34:03
No one should attempt to desensitize themselves to aspirin on their own. It can cause a life threatening reaction, even if the previous reaction was mild. Most allergists will refer their patients to regional specialty center that has trained personnel that do this all the time. They monitor FEV after every dose and intervene with medications if they detect a problem. It takes about two days to do this.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy! -14 months
Reply #22 - 08/06/14 at 06:25:23
Just an update. It is 14 months since I started the Aspirin after the doctors office desensitization visit.    All of the positives are still there.  I can work out till I am mildly aerobic,  I can watch action theater movies (used to flair),  Pain is not so much a trigger,  I can eat more gluten (not a lot more but some),  I can fly on planes,  I can go to high altitudes,  I can get minor colds.   All of these things would be a potential flair for me and all of that is gone.   I am still sensitive to heat and sun on a hot day.  Maybe I can take a bit more heat in the shade.   So this is a big success for me.  I bruise more easily but not much.  And my cuts or scrapes take a minute or two longer to clot.
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Posts: 1502
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #23 - 08/11/14 at 16:32:31
Wow, Bob, that's great to hear!  I've had some clotting issues from taking turmeric which also has salicylates, like aspirin.  If I eat greens regularly, like kale or swiss chard, I don't have the clotting problem.  Maybe that would help you, too.
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