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to ER or not ER (Read 4378 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 48

to ER or not ER
07/03/12 at 11:35:17
so i find myself at work this morning feeling ANA coming on. You know that feeling? The one that is hard to explain. My reactions are explosively gastro. Bad enoug my husband has to take care of me much less living that down at work. So I drive myself to the hospital. Took some benadryl & zantac to buy time. They started to work and then I realized they werent going to do the job. By the time i got into the ER and my husband came throug the door, theynwere ready to hook me up. Husband handed them ER protocol and they went to work. No ANA, no EPI. 4 hours later they release me with paperwork and tell me how to deal with an allergic reaction. (please)...
Papernwork says general allergic reCtion, mast cell sensitivity.  
He even called my MCAD dr. Is this standard because its proposed criteria for diagnosis
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 48

Re: to ER or not ER
Reply #1 - 07/03/12 at 11:56:10
Standard as in, their medical coding group doesnt know what mcad is?
Or that mcad is not an "accepted" diagnosis? Felt like I overreacted and got my hand slapped. Next time perhaps I should blow my nose first...gggrrrrrrr
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Posts: 1502
Re: to ER or not ER
Reply #2 - 07/03/12 at 17:33:24
Others may have different information, but I doubt there's an MCAD or MCAS code yet.  (Someone correct me if there is.)  It sounds as though your symptoms didn't appear life-threatening to the ER, so you weren't given epi, but they did watch you for a few hours, which is important since it could have gotten worse.  Epi isn't without serious risks, so it's only used when the symptoms are unrelenting or life-threatening.  If your blood pressure increases, that can be another reason they hesitate to give epi, but it actually works to bring it down in the case of MC disease.  ERs often aren't experienced with MC disorders.  Did they give you anything besides IV fluids?

You might want to ask your doc how much Zantac and Benadryl you can take at the onset of symptoms, and maybe avoid the ER.  However, I don't think erring on the side of safety is ever the wrong thing to do!  If you're afraid it's getting worse, always call 911 or have someone take  you to the hospital.  It was correct to take meds before you left, too.  Still, it's not safe to drive yourself for a number of reasons.

If the ER doctor minimized what was happening to you, and you think you were under-treated, do talk it over with your MC doc and he/she should be able to tell you what was said and write you a letter to take with you if you have to go again.  

The ER called your MC doc to make sure how to treat you, and that's pretty common.  My nephew is an EMT/paramedic, and he said he's had two MC patients in the last month.  They called the mast cell doctor before they gave epi, just to be sure.

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