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My Doctor's admit they don't know what to do for me... (Read 2016 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 7
Olympia, WA
My Doctor's admit they don't know what to do for me...
03/12/12 at 04:17:20
Hello .. I am Ellen from Olympia, Wa

I usually find ways to deal with any health condition that comes my way.  
I HAVE STOPPED ALL PILLS... THEY ALL HAVE SIDE EFFECTS OR IS THAT AFFECTS.  For knee pain and back pain I was taking all kinds of things---it went all the way to GOOD DRUGS....I have discovered I can limit my standing, sitting and laying ...keep changing keep on the move by sitting when needed etc.

The doc's wanted high blood pressure..(just learned to take deep breaths and check how I feel)...changed my diet for most of things they wanted to give pills for.  

The doc gave me prednesone about 15 years ago...for nose or throat infection--I stopped breathing.. ended up in the hospital for a week--allergic reaction.  I gained weight by hugh amounts...and I have only learned to stop gaining and to maintain the large amount for some reason!! (oh and had the nervious break down that the doc said I would have from so much prednesone.. he said it was a wonder it didn't kill me)  Of course they were never sure why I quit.. I guess you would say almost quit breathing... Undecided

MY Skin: I started having skin issues in the second grade, I sure don't know how to spell all the skin conditions I have had.. but I am allergic to everything.. soap, bar-clothes, perfumes, several fruit and fruit drinks, things like air fresheners, any thing with preservatives run right thru  Tongue.... the conditions is in the family, my father-to my grandkids.
I have had pains in my legs since I was a teenager, now I have pain all over my body from arthritis.
I started Vilitigo in my 40's.. that is where you turn white..your skin pigment goes away.. it stopped around my neck...
Now I have Mast Cell disorder...
AND THE DOC'S SAY IT IS SO RARE...THAT THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ME.. OR WHAT TO TELL ME.. they took a biopsy to tell I had the disorder.. have scanned me.. and xRayed me...

The worst part is that I started pointing out my conditions summer of 2011... but they didn't do anything for me until December.  Now I hurt and itching and burning.. it seem to get the worse towards evening.
I have found that lotion seems to help my feet and sometimes my hands.. can't seem to be able to get enough on my back.  They keep testing to see if has gone to the bone.  I have always had what I will call tummy problems.. but now I have to be careful where I go and know where the bathroom is.  I seem to have pain when hungry an throat burns when I drink some drinks.  Soda-like gingerale help with the stomach problems.

I guess I am looking for what comes next.. how far does the Mast Cell disorder go.. I had one source say Osteoporosis... weak bones.

Ellen in Olympia...  I am finding that us folks with bodies that react to things around use seem to be more in tune to our world and what they call the other side???!!!  What do you think?? Roll Eyes
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Posts: 1502
Re: My Doctor's admit they don't know what to do for me...
Reply #1 - 03/12/12 at 07:58:26
Hi Ellen, and welcome to the forum,

There are medicines that can help you feel better.  Definitely go to the section of this forum about getting started to feel better and read the advice there.

Was it a skin biopsy that came back positive for mastocytosis?  Are you saying you have had multiple bone marrow biopsies, and they came back negative?  Do you have spots that itch and welt when you rub them?

Regardless, your doctor needs to consult with a mast cell specialist, or you need to go to see one.  The best place to go would be to Boston, to Brigham and Womens, to see Dr. Akin or Dr. Castells.  You can check this forum to see if there are any doctors who know about mast cell disorders in your area.

If your doctor(s) are willing to learn, there is a lot of information on this forum and on the Mastocytosis Society website: (tmsforacure.org)  You should learn everything you can about it, too.  There are lists of medicines and foods that mast cell disorder people need to avoid, too.

Most mast cell patients take H1 and H2 histamine blockers and some also take other medicines that help with mediators other than histamine.  It sounds from your post as though you have cutaneous mastocytosis or a mast cell activation disorder, but you need a mast cell specialist to confirm this.  If so, you should be followed by a doctor who can check all your concerns, such as osteoporosis.  All of us are at least slightly different, and there are only some things we have in common.

In the meantime, you can start trying to figure out what is triggering your symptoms by keeping a food and symptom diary.  You might want to try a low histamine or other elimination diet, but at least to learn what foods contain histamine.

As for medications, you might want to have your medicines prepared by a compounding pharmacy that can make them without any preservatives or other additives that might trigger you.

If you need contact information for the doctors in Boston, re-post and someone will get it for you.  Or, you can find their information by Googling Dr. Cem Akin or Dr. Marianna Castells at Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 7
Olympia, WA
Re: My Doctor's admit they don't know what to do for me...
Reply #2 - 03/12/12 at 08:48:08
Was it a skin biopsy that came back positive for mastocytosis?  Are you saying you have had multiple bone marrow biopsies, and they came back negative?  Do you have spots that itch and welt when you rub them?

Yes it was a skin biopsy that was positive. No bone marrow..just a scan that was to tell bone condition and it was so unclear that they did multable xrays to see what the collected sites of high metabolism ..which occurs at cancer sites...and he said "but yours is arthritis or inflamation...

I have an itch... then the spots show up.. and they are the most uncomfortable later in the day.. and my hands, sometimes parts of my legs and feet will go from itching to burning.  In a real bad case I will have itching all the way up my back into my hair.  Also I have diarrhea sometimes so bad that I have to rest afterwards.  That happen less often since I do not drink anything stronger than coffee.

In trying to find answers I found  Cem Akin --and I hope I have connected my doctor with Cem.. he has the info and I will see him this week. My doc visit will be the first time since the scan...I will be asking him about massage, for all my joints and pain along with acupuncture...

I am trying to change my diet even more...I have always had to be careful of what I eat..--- no.. or very little Choc, soda, salad dressings but I sure could look up other things I should stay away from.  Any processed food have never been good for me.. some of them really make me tired.. or foggy.

Since I have started having these itching problems .. I seem to cry easy in the morning ..  Undecided  have you heard of that before.   Just cry a couple of good crys and then your done for the day...

Thanks so much for the info .. and I will read more of stie..Ellen
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Someday things will get
Posts: 16
Maple Valley, WA
Re: My Doctor's admit they don't know what to do for me...
Reply #3 - 03/12/12 at 11:14:00
Hi there,
I am a fellow Washintonian, I live near Tacoma. I was diagnosed last month, and am just getting connected with the support group in the area. PM me and I will give you the contact info.
I am also in the process of getting a referral for Dr Castells in Boston from my Allergist.
A lot of your symptoms are just like mine. I have found that my Antihistamines and Zantac have made a tremendous difference, as well as a low histamine diet. I was very hesitant to stop eating all of my favorite things, like strawberries and chocolate, but the difference in the way I feel made much easier for me. Not having cramps and diarrhea multiple times a day is fantastic.
There is a conference put on by The Mastocytosis Society and this year it just happens to be in Seattle in October. I can send you the info on that as well.
Sorry you have joined our club, but all the support and info on this site has been invaluable to me.
Nice to meet you.
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Posts: 1502
Re: My Doctor's admit they don't know what to do for me...
Reply #4 - 03/12/12 at 18:23:41
Hi Ellen,

Here's the link to a low histamine diet that will tell you foods to avoid and others that might not bother you.  It's not the same for everybody, but it might be a place to start to see which foods contain high levels of histamine or can cause direct histamine release.


If you feel better on the diet after a few weeks, you can start adding one "new" food again every couple of days.  That way you'll know if food has been a problem and, if so, which foods are causing your symptoms.

Try to read as much as you can before your doctor appointment so you'll know about tests the doctor should do and which medicines might be helpful to you.

Your symptoms can be part of anaphylaxis or something else.  The best case will be that the doctors will confer, give you a diagnosis and treatment to help you feel better.
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