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Searching for answers (Read 5178 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 54

Searching for answers
03/01/12 at 09:19:37
I am sorry this is long but I am desperate for answers.I have been ill for almost 4 years with no definitive diagnosis and hope to get some input from others!
It started with severe pelvic pressure when I sit. 2 weeks later I started getting swallowing problems and severe sore throats. Also lots of anxiety/panic with all this, which I never had before. When we started running tests, I diagnosed with mild normocytic anemia and pre-diabetes out of nowhere! Not heavy and no diabetes in family. Then, I was diagnosed with ulceration at the ileocecal valve during a colonoscopy and ileitis/colitis. THey thought it might be Crohns but I was gaining weight and not having diarhea. The next colonoscopy (after giving up gluten/dairy)was normal. I do not have Celiacs. A year later, I started having flushing episodes...a stinging sensation on my face that could last for hours, and twice I had blotches on my thighs. I notice that when I take quercetin (a natural antihistamine/bioflavinoid, I don't have flushing). My bowel movements were soft at times but now are back to being formed. I have been to several top Carcinoid doctors and had lots of scans and Carcinoid tests. The only markers elevated were pancreatic polypeptide several times and neuron specific enolase twice. I was told that if I do have a neuroendocrine tumor in my pancreas or anywhere, it is not visible and that those markers are pretty "nonspecific". I have a tiny cyst on my pancreas that requires a yearly MRI to watch but is not the problem, I'm told. My histamine and tryptase are normal.
Also, I have developed a tiny ascending aortic aneurysm that has been stable the last 2 years. I learned that a maternal uncle also had one, but noone else in the family. I remember reading on here that aneurysms can be associated with mc disorders.
The last 2 months, I have noticed that my sore throats have come back, my tongue is swollen, as is the right part of my pharnx, and my ears itch/hurt and the mild swallowing issue is back, also burning tongue. My ENT said it looks like some sort of allergic reaction or inflammation. My last sedimentation rate was very high...72 (range 0-30).
I feel ill all the time...internal jitteriness in addition to all the above. Can anyone relate to any of this or offer any answers?
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 114

Re: Searching for answers
Reply #1 - 03/01/12 at 13:04:42
A lot of what you are feeling is some of my issues, I do get the bloating and diarrhea a lot of times. I also had the internal jittery feeling esp in my head and I actually developed tremors in my extremities. I still get these feelings when I am having a bad day. I also had a very elevated sed rate and crp which basically just shows inflammation not where the inflammation is not great test in my opinion as I don't have them take mine anymore what would be the purpose in knowing this but the Dr's can't do anything about this. I ws told this is a sign of mast cell activation the inflammatory markers are elevated. I think from what it sounds like too me furthur workup needs too be done, the others who are much more experienced then me will give their opinions, but I understand not knowing what you have can give you more anxiety then anything I have been though a million tests I have pots and MCAS, at least I know what I have now that has helped me tremedously and the antihistamines have calmed down my symptoms good luck where are u located.
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Posts: 1502
Re: Searching for answers
Reply #2 - 03/01/12 at 13:21:32
Hi Deb,

  Have you been to see a mast cell expert?  It seems like time to do that, in my opinion.  If an expert tells you that you have MCAS, they'll give you a medicine regimen to help you feel better.

  Have you traveled out of the country?  Sometimes people pick up parasites that can cause mast cell symptoms.

  What meds and diet are you on?

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 54

Re: Searching for answers
Reply #3 - 03/04/12 at 10:15:30
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for your replies. I don't know how to get in to a MCAD expert. Dr. Castells doens't do phone consults anymore and insists on having a 24 hr urine for N-methylhistamine and 11 betaprostaglandin F2 before she will schedule you as well as a referral from a dr. She also requires a confirmed or "strongly suspected" diagnosis of cutaneous or sytemic  mastocytocis in order to be accepted. I live in Buffalo and Quest and LabCorp are not able to do those tests. From my research, they can only be done thru the Mayo! I could possibly go to Cleveland Clinic and have them do them and send to the Mayo if I can get my dr. to work with me on this. Where have  you all gotten those tests done? Another question, I had a colonoscopy stained for mast cells and it was negative....could I still have MCAD? It was a Carcinoid Specialist who suggested I might have MCAD since they can't find Carcinoid...at least not yet. Thanks for your help. I really need it so much! Debbie
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 49

Re: Searching for answers
Reply #4 - 03/05/12 at 08:39:53
You could get into Dr. Afrin at MUSC in Charleston.  I think you just need to call and they will ask you to send some records.  I would also send a letter with a brief explanation of your issues...similar to your post above.  I think it would be worth your time to see him.  Once you do and if he finds evidence of MCAS, then you will have an easier time getting support from a local doctor.  That has been the case for me Smiley If you get the tests done at CC and sent to Mayo, it is possible they won't know what they are doing and you will not get reliable results.  

Good luck!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 78

Re: Searching for answers
Reply #5 - 03/05/12 at 15:59:59
Deb... I had both Tryptase and N-methylhistamine done through my local LabCorp, although they did send the N-methylhistamine to Mayo for processing. Check with them and ask if they can send it.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 54

Re: Searching for answers
Reply #6 - 03/06/12 at 06:40:13
I checked and Lab Corps doesn't do the 11-betaprostaglandin F2 anymore locally, or ship it to Mayo. They said they used to. Does Dr. Afrin diagnose MCAS/D also? Is it possible to have systemic symptoms and not have full blown Mastocytosis?Serum tryptase and histamine have been normal in the past. Thanks guys.
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Searching for answers
Reply #7 - 03/06/12 at 08:10:00
MCAS patients have systemic symptoms, but do not have Masto. We test negative for most things and yet react just like a Masto person. We use the same meds, have similar triggers, and have similar symptoms. The source of our problem seems to be the difference between Masto and MCAS.  Masto is a mutation in the DNA or the possession of too many mast cells. MCAS has neither of those, but does have extremely overreactive mast cells.
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 49

Re: Searching for answers
Reply #8 - 03/07/12 at 14:31:56
Yes, Dr. Afrin diagnoses MCAS/D.  I got my MCAS diagnosis from him and many others on here have as well.  My tryptase is only 4 and my histamine tests were formal.  Part of my diagnosis came from a highly elevated heparin level, history, symptoms, med response, etc. I believe Dr. Afrin has also had a few patients with a history like yours where many of the top carcinoid docs thought the patient had carcinoid only to figure out later that it was MCAS.  

Check out pages 66 through 70 in Dr. Afrins' presentation below:
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