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Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter (Read 6112 times)

I may not be perfect but
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Posts: 14
Carthage, Texas
Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
02/23/12 at 17:55:11
Well... all of this is a really long story.. My daugther has had GI problems off and on since birth. At 5 months old she was dx with Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis, although her doctor now believes she didn't actually have that, since her count was less than 20. She was dx with Failure to Thrive, and, with avoiding Milk and Soy, she was a healthy toddler.
At age 2 we had her allergy tested, and she was positive to ALOT of evironmentals, grasses, mold, mildew, trees, weeds, etc. Her doctor put her on Zyrtec, Singular, Nasonex, Flovent and Breathing Treatments as needed, and it cleared up just about all of her symptoms!

In November of 2010, she began having abdominal pains, and I suspected that her EG was acting up, so we made an appt, and her doc Scoped her, and it was clear, we trialed milk and soy, and again it was clear. So, we made an appt with our Allergist, per our GI's suggestion, and, during our blood test with him, she had a positive reaction to Latex  in the tech's latex glove that she used during the blooddraw. Her blood tests came back perfectly normal, that after that, that allergist said he could no longer help us, and referred us to another allergist. This allergist researched a little bit, and found that some foods were cross reactive with Latex, and told us to avoid those foods, we did, and Zoe's syptoms seemed to improve. It wasn't until she started school in August that she really began having some major problems. It started out with just flushing, then she would be red all over, then the bumps that weren't that noticable when she was younger, were very apparent and turned red and seemed to spread to her thighs and her cheeks. (another doctor has dx these as karatosis piloris by pictures). Then she started coming home just completely fatigued, and her teacher would say that by the end of the day, even after a nap, Zoe wouldn't want to play, she would just sit next to her and kinda space out. Then the nausea and abdominal pain started, and it began to happen more and more frequently. I then made a second appt with her doctor that we saw earlier that year. He said that he wasn't sure what was going on, but that it was something that was more than just a Latex Allergy. He said we should pull her out of school, that her sensitivity level was just increasing, and he put her on Atarax in addition to her other medications, and prescribed an EpiPen. In October, Zoe had her first Anaphylaxis reaction to Pumpkins/pumpkin seeds, although at that time, I didn't realize it was anaphylaxis. The nurse had told me that you can have an "internal rash" with latex cross reactive foods, that I needed to bring her to the ER, so I did. By the time we arrived, Zoe had passed out completely in the backseat. A nurse in the waiting room helped me wake her up, and the nurse back in the ER didn't recognize it as Anaphylaxis at all, since she wasn't having any problems breathing. She was however having abdominal pains, nausea, flushing, extreme puffyness, purple under her eyes, and extreme fatigue. Now I know that this is how her Anaphylaxis presents itself. Since then, she has had 4 episodes of Anaphylaxis, (2 of which included problems breathing) and we have been to our 5th allergist, who, after I requested it, tested her Tryptase level, (it was undetectable) and her 24 urine, which was normal, (but she didn't have any symptoms at all during that 24 hours). Even though she has all of these symptoms from Dr. Atkins published article on MCAS, her doctor would not pursue or refer us to anyone else. He dx her with chronic abdominal pain, and said she was a stressed out child, and needed to see a therapist to learn how to deal with her stress. When I told our family and close friends this dx they all laughed. My daughter is one of the most chilled out kids you will ever meet, and our lifestyle is extremely laid back. I can't think for even a moment of anything that my kid has to be stressed out about other than her 3 yr old sister jacking her clothes or shoes! *lol* I completely believe that my daughter has had this disorder/disease/syndrome for quite a while now. There was just something at her school that sent it into overdrive! We thought that we knew what her triggers were, lots of foods, latex, stress, (from pain ex: tripping and hurting herself), hot, cold. When the last doctor admitted us, and did food challenges, to see if we had an actual food allergy, (he was a food allergist), we trialed latex on day 1, with no reaction, (we were completely shocked!) and wheat on day 2, with again, no reaction! The only thing we can think is that it's evironmental, or a preservative, something that is the difference! He didn't trial anything else. Our doc had a psychiatrist come and see Zoe, and it was her that led him to the dx of chronic abdominal pain.

We need help! I know that this is long, and that she has had a few dx, but none of them fit! None of her docs would even consider trying any of the meds on her to see if they would improve her symptoms. We can't find anyone to order any tests, and we are completely at a loss of what to do. Right now my child's life isn't what I want for her at all. She's home bound, (something outside is causing her to react), and she attends school via Skype. I want my child to be able to go to a birthday party, be in dance, have a normal life without me having to use an EpiPen on her to stop her reactions! Can you make any recommendations, help me figure out how to get Dr. Castells to reply to an email, do anythign for us? Does she sound like MCAS to you? I have always put my family first, so rearranging our lives for her best interest wasn't even a question, we just rolled with it, but I don't want it to be her reality any longer than it has to be. Thank you for your time again!! Chrissy Ward, mother to Zoe Ward, age 5

abdominal pain, intestinal cramping and bloating,diarrhea and/or obstipation, nausea,


cough, asthma-like symptoms, rhinitis, sinusitis

difficulty in focusing

tachycardia?(never tested for it), blood pressure irregularit (hypotension and/or hypertension), syncope, hot, flush (she also sweats ALOT!)

decreased attention span, difficulty in concentration, forgetfulness, anxiety, sleeplessness, lightheadedness,

efflorescences with/without pruritus, telangiectasia, flushing, angioedema, Keratosis piloris

osteoporosis/osteopenia?, (she's broken the top of her foot twice before the age of 3)
fatigue, environmental sensitivities
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Chrissy, mom to Zoe, age 5 and Zivi, age 3
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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #1 - 02/23/12 at 18:15:45
Hi Z Mom.

It makes me so sad to hear your daughter's story. I just am SO upset that they would try to write it off as stress in a child. I know us adults with mast cell disease all go through that, but children?!  Okay, you are a wonderful Mom and have done all of the correct things.

Where do you live? I think you daughter needs to see one of the mast cell disease specialists or you need to find a local doc to consult with them. Was her 24 hour urine for N methylhistamine and prostaglandin D2?  Like you said, it might be up at times but was missed because she wasn't flaring. If you can ever get them to redraw tryptase and urines when she flares that would help give the docs something to work with. Do you know if her IgE is elevated?

Her symptoms definitely fit in with us. Is she on H1/H2 blockers right now? I would think that would be an important first step to try while you're waiting to see an expert. Those and sometimes mast cell stablizing meds help us the most. Do you know of any antihistamines she would tolerate and could try?

There's also a chance she won't have any lab abnormalities (like me) and still be plagued with all of the symptoms and need meds

But the good news is that there's hope!! Hope with the proper treatment.  If her tryptase is normal it would be unlikely that she has systemic mastocytosis (do you know her tryptase number?), but MCAS and symptoms with no labs are still possibilities. It is just that this is not widely known enough among physicians as it is all so new and supposedly rare.

So glad you are here. There are great people on this forum that will do all they can to help. Hopefully we can help you come up with a plan.


p.s. I love the long story as it gives us all the details we are dying to know!!
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I may not be perfect but
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Posts: 14
Carthage, Texas
Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #2 - 02/23/12 at 18:33:19
Well, she's been on so many meds, from the one doctor that would help her, but then was scared keep her on as a patient when he couldn't find out what was going on with her, so he referred us out. She was on all of these... but now we just do her Singulair and daily vitamin unless she's having a reaction. It seems that she really needs the added on med with the H1 and H2, because clearly we've done all of the H1 and H2's... *lol*
Flovent HFA

As for her Tryptase, when they took it she wasn't reacting, and it was completely untracable... not low, not normal, not there at all? I have no idea what they actually tested for in the Urine, I just know that they did a 24 hr Urine on her, and everything was normal. I asked the ER to do a Tryptase and a Urinalysis (to test her Histamine levels) last time we were in, but they said both were special tests, and they would need a doctors order to run that kind of specialized test...

I wrote Dr. Afrin, (who, by the way, I wrote at 7:00 on a Thursday night and he wrote me back at 7:45, talking about AMAZING!) and he said it definately sounds like MCAS to him, but that he wasn't equipped to handle Pediatric patients, that I needed to get in to see Dr. Castells (who I hear is incredible!). I sent her an email that same night, (last thursday night, but I haven't heard back from anyone? I'm in East Texas, so yeah, I know that it will cost us $1000 to get there and back, but I'm hoping she will consult with our Pediatrician for the here and now until we can get in hopefully within the next couple of months...

Thank you for writing me back, I know it's late, but it's the only time I have really that I can complete a thought process! *lol*
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Chrissy, mom to Zoe, age 5 and Zivi, age 3
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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #3 - 02/23/12 at 20:37:09
Hi Chrissy and welcome to the forum.

Wow, it really sounds like you've all been through the mill with this!  Having her pediatrician contact Dr. Castells might be the best way to get an answer.

Has anyone ever mentioned Gastrocrom or Ketotifen to you?  One of those meds might help stabilize the mast cells in her GI system.  If she's prone to nausea, you'd want to start her at a more dilute and smaller dose than usual at first to see that she doesn't react to it, if you try the Gastrocrom.  I haven't take Ketotifen, and don't know if it's approved for children, but some people think it's been great.  Both of those are prescription, and of course you'll want to talk with her doctor before trying something new.

I agree with Ana that you're doing everything right.  Just keep plugging away, and eventually you'll get answers.  Are you aware of the MastoKids website?  There might be help on there for you and her.  Let us know how she's doing!

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DeborahW, Founder

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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #4 - 02/24/12 at 03:24:53

Did you contact Dr. Afrin OR Dr. Akin? You had previouisly mentioned to me that you had contacted the Boston doctor, thus my response to you was written under the assumption that you had emailed Dr. Akin. If you actually had contacted Dr. Afrin (from North Carolina), then you could email Dr. Akin as well as Dr. Castells.
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DeborahW, founder
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I may not be perfect but
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Posts: 14
Carthage, Texas
Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #5 - 02/24/12 at 04:08:08
Well, I did get on the MastoKids site, and if your kid is born with Cutaneous Mastocytosis with the urticaria Pigmosis, then that's the right place for you... but they don't know but about MCAS at ALL...

I didn't contact doctor Atkin just simply because I was told he doesn't do pediatric patients, that Dr. Castells was the only one?

I'm going to call my pediatrician today, see if he can call her, and see if she can give him some guidance with the gastrocrom, I've seen so many people with MCAS have results with it, and our last doc wouldn't even consider that or the Sodium Chrome (sorry, I know it starts with that, I have no idea what the ending is....*lol*) Thank you women so much!!
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Chrissy, mom to Zoe, age 5 and Zivi, age 3
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Posts: 1502
Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #6 - 02/24/12 at 04:56:41
  If your doctor can contact Boston with your questions and get an answer that would be great.  If that doesn't work, I'd encourage you to take your daughter there if they will see her.  A few trips to the ER and numerous trips to multiple doctors will add up to $1000 quickly.

  It couldn't hurt to ask your doctor to write a letter for the emergency room, so they'll know how to treat your daughter if you have to go there again.  There is ER information posted on this forum and at  tmsforacure.org that also gives information about medicines to avoid and which are better tolerated.  These might be good for you to read.

  If you haven't talked with her allergist about trying a more comprehensive elimination diet for her, you might want to ask about that.  There are foods that cross-react with other allergens, as well as foods that cause direct mast cell degranulation or that contain high levels of histamine that trigger some people.

  Gastrocrom is cromolyn sodium.  Ketotifen is a mast cell stabilizer and an antihistamine.
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #7 - 02/24/12 at 05:48:12
I have never heard that Dr. Akin does not take on children as patients. Being as he is top doc in my opnion and you haven't heard from Dr. Castells, I would without hesitation contact Dr. Akin. If you would like his email, let me know.
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DeborahW, founder
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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #8 - 02/24/12 at 15:30:32
Hope it went well with the pediatrician and that he/she contacted a mast cell doc. Good luck with the Gastrocrom/Cromolyn hunt

Maybe with more meds your daughter will be able to reduce her symptoms which would be wonderful.

I take Cromolyn Sodium as it's all we have available here in Canada.
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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #9 - 03/01/12 at 22:50:23
Hi Chrissy,
                So sorry to hear about your problems with your daughter. My son Jarrod 13 doesnt go to school either and like your daughter his health only got worse when starting school at 6. So much of what you have been through sounds so familiar to Jarrods story. We also went through the stress anxious thing, since then we have a elevated 24 hr urinary methylhistamine so we now have proof. It is not helping much in getting doctors to listen though. Also we believe Jarrods biggest problems are in the environment , what he is breathing in . He throat clears constantly. wind, pollen, smoke , smells.
Anyway good luck, hope you get some help soon.
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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #10 - 03/16/12 at 18:04:17
Hi Chrissy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter but wanted to let you know that you are not alone.  My son is 4 yrs old and shares many of the  symptoms and doctor experiences of your daughter.

I created this video of my son last year because his team of doctors from a reputable children's hospital in philadelphia insisted his symptoms were "behavioral".

His symptoms weren't behavioral, he was reacting to dairy.  After an 8 month trial and against his doctors recommendations we removed dairy from his diet and thankfully his symptoms improved.

My son was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis although no scope was performed.  He also has GERD and multiple allergies and adverse reactions to foods, drugs, environment and chemicals.  He tests negative to all SPT and RAST and has a diet of 6-8 safe foods.  My son also has EDS hypermobility.  

DS just had his 3rd anaphylaxis last weekend so I too am familiar with administering epinephrine to our little ones.

Like yourself, I originally contacted Dr. Afrin in SC by email.  He was very kind with a quick response but I was also told he does not see pediatric patients.  I called Boston and began the paperwork for an appointment with Dr. Castells.  I was able to get a phone consult in November and am now awaiting our appointment on May 1st for a full investigation into Mast Cell Activation.  My son will also be seeing Dr. Ari Fried at Boston Children's to consult with Dr. Castells.

I believe the protocol on getting an appointment with Dr. Castells has changed slightly from when I submitted my information.  Your pediatrician should write a letter explaining Zoe's situation and that she feels Mast Cell Activation should be investigated.  You'll need to fill out some paperwork for Dr. Castells and Dr. Akin to review which will include any labs, tests and procedures Zoe has gone through.  I'm wondering if her recent biopsies are still viable in that perhaps one of the Boston docs can order them to be stained for mast cells.

We're working on a med regime for my son.  He's currently on Ranitidine (Zantac compounded) 75mg twice a day.  He reacted to compounded Zyrtec so next to try is compounded Allegra (fexofenadine)  Since he just had anaphylaxis we're also treating with compounded Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 12.5mg every 3-4 hours.   He reacts to prednisolone so we weren't able to do a steroid with him at this time.  He also just reacted to compounded Hydroxyzine so that's another med that's off the list.  His local allergist just wrote a script for cromolyn sodium but at $595 for a 30 day supply I'm going to suggest either trying Gastrocom or Ketotifen.

We're homeschooling pre K this year and will probably keep him home next year as we figure this out.  

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sweet daughter.  You're doing a great job.  Keep up the fight and please let us know how you're doing.
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San Francisco Bay Area
Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #11 - 03/22/12 at 15:33:52
Hi Tina,

mommy2seanp wrote on 03/16/12 at 18:04:17:
He reacted to compounded Zyrtec so next to try is compounded Allegra (fexofenadine)  

What is the name and location of the pharmacy you used for the compounded Zyrtec?

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Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #12 - 03/22/12 at 15:39:47
We use Stokes Pharmacy in Mt. Laurel NJ.  I can't say enough wonderful things about them.  Our pharmacist/ tech is Ashley.  She also has EDS and multiple unusual allergies.   She completely understands our situation and does everything possible to help us.  I believe they ship out of state.

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I Love This Forum!
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San Francisco Bay Area
Re: Mom looking for answers for MCAS undiagnosed 5 yr old daughter
Reply #13 - 03/23/12 at 10:23:14

Thanks for that information!  I called Stokes Pharmacy and they will ship compounded pharmaceuticals to California.

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