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Sick Building Syndrome ? (Read 6508 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

Sick Building Syndrome ?
10/19/11 at 11:43:29
Noticed this section's been empty for awhile, so guess I'll be the first and hopefully help some of you in the process.
For over 10 years I worked in a very old bldg. (built in the 1830s), and I believe it had a Lot to do with my health issues.
It had old carpeting in many rooms. It had standing sewage in the crawlspace under it. It had very few faucets with water above lukewarm-if not just cold. There were water stains on the walls, and black AND white fuzzy mold on many of the ceiling tiles. What really was the icing on the cake was when the administrative staff got a whole new wing built on just for them in a time of budget cuts and economic crises. I was not notified when I had had been directly exposed to scabies- had no gloves, no warm/hot water access, and no antibacterial liquid (except my own-but was already exposed before I could ever get to it). The story ends with my losing my health ins. after years of sinus/respiratory infections/Cu/etc.. & culminated in hives, scabies, & finally diagnosed with TMEP. If I sound bitter- Yes I am and probably always will be. My only comfort is in the fact that the building was closed this Fall, and the kids (you probably guessed it was a school) are out've there. I had to resign because of my flaring and low immunity. Funny, other staff & parents had taken some photos & were getting proactive just before the superintendant Finally decided to close it.
Never be afraid to speak up for yourself or others; or question the "Health" of the building you work in !!!
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Sick Building Syndrome ?
Reply #1 - 10/29/11 at 03:18:09
Hey Lori, why not try filing a lawsuit!!!  Especially if this is a public school building!!!!!!!!!

It didnīt cause your masto, but would definitly IMPACT it and MAKE IT WORSE!!

Just an idea.

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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

Re: Sick Building Syndrome ?
Reply #2 - 10/30/11 at 12:09:18
Dont think I havent thought about it ! I heard the other day, a nearby county wanted to rent the bldg. for some adult ed classes, & was told "no". They (school admin.) said they may be needing it for overflow classes Roll Eyes- Either that was a smoke screen/tactic to keep people away; or they really DONT care about the kids-or anyone else's health ! Cry
I feel like going to the STUPIDintendant & tellin him Unless they get that building cleaned out or closed up for good- I will pursue a law suit. Angry
Once Ive gotten my tests done & have more to back me up, I may get up the nerve to do it Undecided .
thanks for the support !
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Hang in there! You can
do it!
Posts: 836

Re: Sick Building Syndrome ?
Reply #3 - 01/22/13 at 21:39:49
This is so important for our health.

I too think a perfect storm of environmental factors including a seedy work environment and older condo bldg contributed to my earliest symptoms. Also renovations being performed without ventilation and pesticide spraying. None of it even crossed my mind as an issue at the time! Probably didn't breathe fresh air for a decade.

Now, we are trying to rent a house and it is nearly impossible to find one I don't react to. Found one that was low odour and have been detoxing it for over a week and still it makes me sick. Grumbling chest pain, tingling, body aches and itching. Yeesh. Scents and chemicals are more difficult to get rid of than bed bugs.

I also react to VOCs, phthalates most of the identified culprits for inhalational and environmental illnesses. My dream is to build a wee house somewhere someday using all safe materials Smiley. Honestly a bit afraid of becoming homeless at this point....

So now I do what my parents told me when I was little....get fresh air as much as you can!

Unless it's spring and you have seaonal allergies I suppose
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