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Jeri's Masto story (Read 3303 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3
Holladay, TN.
Jeri's Masto story
07/14/11 at 13:03:14
Hello, my name is Jeri & I just turned 53. I feel like an expert on Mastocytosis now! I think I've read EVERY topic & post on this site! It took a while! My story is similar to a lot of y'all but I think I'm really Lucky compared to many on here. My story started in 2006. The day my husband had his heart cath. We got home & I started kinda feeling bad. Then my head started it itching & I started scratching. Then I itched all over & scratched all over . The more I scratched the more hives popped up. Then my hands & lips started swelling. I couldn't make a fist! I figured I was having an allergic reaction.  Shocked. But I'm not allergic to anything. I got to the point I drive myself to E.R. By the time I got there I was shivering & as soon as I got in had to run to bathroom & had it coming out both ends  Shocked throwing up & diarrhea & stomach cramping. Dr gave me Benedryl & Solu Medrol & I got all better & went home. I called Wendy's to see what was on their hamburgers! Just knew I must be allergic to something. I was just fine for a few weeks then went to Amerigos to eat. Laying in bed my head started itching then all over then felt horrible then went to bathroom with diarrhea. Walking back got dizzy & fell like a tree. I was out but throwing up. My husband saved me Roll Eyes & took me to ER he had to dress me cause I was just "out of it".  They gave me the same stuff & I was just fine again. A few weeks later I ate somewhere else & that night it happened again. Each time I'm writing down ingredients of everything I eat. Well after about 5 times I go to an allergist in Memphis. He runs bloodwork, tryptase, then bone marrow & tells me I have Mastomytosis. So I guess I'm really lucky to be Dxd so quick after what I've read on here. Dr Duncan admitted he's seen very few cases & doesn't know much about it, but prescribed me 180 Allegra & 150 Ranitidine once a day. Things went along just fine til this year. Now even on the meds. I Start getting a bad headache, queezy, cramping, itching , rash, diarrhea. My husband gives me a shot with Epi-pen(  Undecided I think he enjoys that too much!) then takes me to E.R.  They give me Solu-Medrol & I get better & go home. In June I had 2 attacks & it seems it's gotten worse. Frequent HAs, stomach cramping & diarrhea even when I'm not having an attack so I researched web & set apt. with Dr John Farenholtz at Vandy next wed the 20thThey say he treats Masto PTs & that's his specialty. After reading this site I can just hear Ramona & Lisa and all saying "you're undermedicated girl!" so i've started taking 1 Ranititine in the am & pm & 1 180 allegre am & pm. No more attacks last few weeks but still stomach cramping, diarrhea, HA & tired. I have a whole list of test I want Dr to do to see exactly which Masto I have & list of meds I've read on here that might help thanks to you all. Thanks for this forum so when I go to Dr I'll at least have an idea about all this. Also my mom had Hashimotos so I want to be tested for that too. I'm just hoping I don't have the aggresive Masto or leukemia which I don't think I do. I haven't shocked in a long time but would like to manage other symptoms better. I've very active, in the sun alot & eat everything. I don't have a clue what my triggers are except maybe stress or emotional lows. I have looked at low histamine diet & wow!  Embarrassed that's everything I eat! I have tried to cut out some of it though. At least til I go to allergist. If he doesn't have a clue I may be heading to Boston. Thanks for all your post. At least now I have alot of questions to ask so thanks. Sorry it's so long bit it's alot shorter than I could have written! Wink Jeri
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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: Jeri's Masto story
Reply #1 - 07/14/11 at 13:19:44
Hi Jeri

I live in TN also, but other end of the state.  I am anxious to hear how your Vandy visit goes.  I have not been diagnosed with MCAD, but have many of the symptoms (GI, bladder, neurological symptoms, including dizzyness and muscle twitches, and several pigmented itchy weird spots which had removed).  I have been diagnosed with IC (mast cell disease of the bladder) which is sometimes a disease that seems to come in partnership with MCAD.  I have been trying to work up the energy to try and get diagnosed MCAD or not (been through a lot drs visits with IC, GI problems, severe allergies/asthma, fibro symptoms....and am just tired of drs to be honest).  Had all these symptoms 10 years but keep on tickin!  You will find  lots of support and good ideas on this board so keep digging and asking.  My meds laundry list:

Zyrtec morning/evening
Zantac morning/evening
As needed:  pain meds, inhaler, muscle relaxers

This ridiculous list of meds keeps me functioning.  I could not get my GI symptoms under control without Prilosec, Zantac, and Lyrica (fibro med that for whatever reason really helps that for me).  You may need to tweak your meds some and maybe the new dr can give some good ideas.  If you do have IC symptoms also, Sanctura and Flomax have really helped me...bonus is that Sanctura does not go through the liver like ditropan and some others.    

The heat here in the south has been blistering...my symptoms all become worse in the summer, joint and muscle pain, weird neurological symptoms, IC flares, so on.  So, this old gal is praying for the lovely season of Fall!  Take care and message if you need help or questions.  There are some MCAD "old timers" on this board who can really give you some good guidance.
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Jeri's Masto story
Reply #2 - 07/14/11 at 15:24:38
Hi Jen and welcome to the board!!
Youve been a smart cookie to put into gear what you have done already--I have some suggestions off course  LOL (You know Im a big mouth)... First you need to increase that Zantac to 300 mg twice a day.. thats a must! Now you need to think about adding some Singulair in the AM (its the only med that blocks leukotrienes) and you need a med that stabilizes /blocks mast cells--Gastrocrom or ketotifen or both. You also need to keep a med near you as a rescue med--usually Benadryl.

As far as that diet, you sound so much like me.. stay off the spicy foods, anything aged, no alcohol and no leftovers. ... I know lol.. the first thing I said when I saw that was, is there anything left to eat?? lol.. sorry Hon.. stay OUT of this terrible heat, that alone can start you reacting. Just keep reading here and ask anything you need.. We got your back!!
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Posts: 1502
Re: Jeri's Masto story
Reply #3 - 07/14/11 at 16:13:03
Hi Jeri,

Sounds like you've done a great job educating yourself!  Sorry you're still having flares.  You will probably be able to get those under control for the most part with meds, diet, and lifestyle changes.

Most of us do react to stress.  Extra meds when you find yourself in a stressful situation is one part of feeling better.  Also, you will recognize the "early warning symptoms" as time goes on and can add more antihistamines and other meds before it gets to a critical level.  That's pretty much just awareness, which you'll develop.

And, no tomatoes or eggplant, even though it's summer!  Sorry to say that your diet is probably playing a role in your symptoms.  The sun might be, too.  You might want to try the low histamine diet for 10 days (religiously!) and then try to add back one food every few days and see how you do.  Believe me, as time goes on, it really feels much better not to have the digestive symptoms and anaphylaxis than it does to eat those foods.  There are also additives that might cause a problem, and you'll have to ferret those out using an elimination plan.

Did your doctor who did the BMB tell you what type of mast cell disorder you have?  If not, you probably want to ask if it's systemic mastocytosis or mast cell activation syndrome.  If it's SM, they should be able to tell you if it's Indolent at this point, and you will want to know if they tested for gene mutations.

You do not have mast cell leukemia.  MCL comes on very quickly, and you have had this too long.  I don't think it's ASM either, but your doctor can confirm that.  They would have had you on chemotherapy by now if that were the case, in my opinion and your tryptase would probably be over 200.

If you haven't been to  tmsforacure.org, there is a lot of info there, too, including a recent article by Valent, et al, that might help you narrow down what's going on.

Hope you feel better soon and can get yourself stable!

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3
Holladay, TN.
Re: Jeri's Masto story
Reply #4 - 07/14/11 at 16:22:26
Hey Ramona, Thanks & I forgot to add it but after my last ER visit he did give me Singular which I take every night. I think thru what I've read , I may need to take in am. Gives you energy or something. Wonder if that's why I haven't been sleeping good??? I should take 300 mg of Allegre 2 x a day?? I was just taking 180 mg OTC once a day. I now take 1 in am & pm. Should I take 2 pills each time?? I do want to ask for Gastrocom. That should help with stomach cramps & diarrhea?  Almost daily problem with that. Got a question. I requested my medical records from the Dr that Dxd me in 07 that did test so I can take to new Dr.  The lab sheet has serum tryptase level was 4.1 & sd that was elevated & mast cell disease then in progress notes Dr sd my tryptase level was 25??? Don't know why they're so different. My bone marrow biopsy wasn't in there & I don't remember what it was. I went to this Dr twice in 07 & haven't been back to a dr since so I wonder if it's going to be so much worse now since symptoms worse.  Guess I'm just worrying & wish my dr's apt was tom instead of next Wednesday.  Also my RBC, HCT , & HGB was high. Don't know why, but he did test for ov? & parasites & that was - & a RAST test for mushrooms cause I was thinking that was what I was allergic to but it was - too . Sorry so long. Jeri
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3
Holladay, TN.
Re: Jeri's Masto story
Reply #5 - 07/14/11 at 16:45:14
Hey Joan, Thanks for the reply. Stupid me never thought of taking meds in a stressful situation! Last attack was night if my brother in laws funeral so it prob would have helped to take my H1 and H 2 but at that time I was way under medicated. As far as additives in stuff... How in the heck do you know what salicitates & junk like that are in. I can't see them when I go out to eat (which we do a lot!) I have cut out spicy food, tomato anything, alcohol (which I don't drink anyway), seafood,  & a few other things on the list I can live without. I have 3 grandkids that came to the cabin & I took em swimming several times & had no problems. Maybe sun isn't a trigger for me?? I've had to go to ER about 12 times over the last 3-4 years & still have no clue what my triggers are. Just not bouncing back as quick as I use to. Sad Jeri
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Jeri's Masto story
Reply #6 - 07/14/11 at 17:19:22
Hi Jeri,
Youre doing great with your Allegra, dont touch or change that! I was talking about your Zantac... you need 300 mg of Zantac twice a day and your tummy will love you again.. You will need Gastrocrom too in time--just remember to build up slowly with that and it takes awhile to feel the effects of it.

LOL you figured the Singulair out, eh?? Youre too funny.,. yes take that in the AM and you will sleep better and have more energy during the day.

Your tryptase level can change--lets say one was taken when you werent having a reaction and the next was taken one of the nights you were in shock--that night would be much higher a tryptase level see??

Youre doing so well figuring all this out--we all have to become detectives for our own health and advocates for ourselves. Youre doing GREAT hon.. you'll learn more soon and the answers will come to help you control your life. We can teach you tricks to make it easier, like.. NO leftovers--dont marinade meat in the fridge and dont thaw for any extended period of time--you dont want meat, or protein sitting in the fridge--it builds histamines while it sits there and causes you trouble when you eat it.. You might make chicken for dinner one day--it is fresh and fine and your tummy is fine with it. The next day you decide to have that chicken as a sandwich for lunch--its been in the fridge for 16 hours now.. you make that sandwich eat that leftover and now your tummy hurts and you dont know why, see??

IF you cook and will want to eat leftovers of it FREEZE it.,, later you can thaw it in the microwave and safely eat it, it wont build histamines in the freezer.

OK enough for one night, you sleep well and learn more tomorrow LOL.. sweet dreams!!
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