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my sick baby (Read 7315 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 439
my sick baby
03/13/11 at 04:09:58
I could use some prayers please for my baby girl. She has had diarrhea and vomitting for 8 days. She is only 12 months old, and I think this is way to long! No body else in the house is sick, she has had no tempature at all. I took her to the doctor on thursday, they said no big deal, babies can have diarrhea for up to 10 days and she looked fine, so they sent me on my way.
Yesterday we took her to the ER because now she seems to vomitting up everything and we are concerned about dehydratation.
The vomitting was intermitten which I though was strange starting on last sunday then again on Wednesday and then FRiday again Saturday. We were trying to figure it out.....well maybe she can't do dairy so we gave her soy milk on friday night and she didn't vomit after it, so we got excited thinking maybe thats it. Saturday she vomitted again after every soy bottle.
Friday night was the last diarrhea diaper, Saturday no bowel movements....vomitting increasing. All this scares me because I feel like she has something intestinal going on. 6 weeks ago she was in so much pain just to have a bowel movement, screamed and cried and shook. I took her in then, they said she probably had fissures. I keep worrying there is a blockage, the doctors have assured me she would be way sicker. I don't know. MOnday I will be taking her in. The ER doc suggested have her tested for casien and wheat allergies. The diarrhea is pale yellow and frothy and it has an OFFENSIVE odor, OMG....gag! What do you all think, a virus???? There has been no fever and no one else is sick. Her appetite is way down, and she is only drinking half of what she used to. She is still happy and playing but very clingy.
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Not a medical doctor
Posts: 715
Re: my sick baby
Reply #1 - 03/13/11 at 08:15:40
Hi Melissa,

I'm sorry that your little one is having such a hard time! Sad

I don't have much advice, except to say TRUST YOUR INSTINCT.  A mother knows when something is wrong.  I once took my son to the ER because he was vomiting and running a high fever.  The doctor looked at me like, "Oh yeah... one more paranoid mother."  You should have seen the look on his face after the spinal tap... it was meningitis.  Thankfully, it turned out to be viral (the less dangerous type), but we spent three days in the hospital so they could pump him full of antibiotics.

My son was also severely intolerant to casein.  By the time he was six weeks old his poops had gone from yellow (normal) to dark green with streaks of blood... always runny.  He was also projectile vomiting and crying for hours and hours on end.  Since he was still being exclusively breastfed, I had to take dairy out of my diet... he was back to normal within two weeks.  Whew!!  I was losing my mind from lack of sleep.  Casein intolerance is more common in boys with at least one African or Asian parent (like my son).  If that was your daughter's problem I think you would have known by now.

How much gluten has your daughter been eating?  Have you recently introduced wheat or made any other changes in her diet?  A gluten-free diet is not hard to try for a few weeks, especially at her age.

Keeping in mind that I'm not a medical doctor... I think the fact that she's not running a fever is a very GOOD sign.  As long as you can keep her hydrated, you have time to figure this out.

Hang in there Embarrassed
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We're all in this thing together
Walkin' the line between faith and fear
This life don't last forever
When you cry I taste the salt in your tears
(Old Crow Medicine Show)
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 205

Re: my sick baby
Reply #2 - 03/13/11 at 16:37:08
Melissa, stay on top of this like you are! Babies can't be "sick" as long as we can! You go with your instinct. It is interesting she improved at first on the soy, just a change in the diet may have helped then something in that soy mix may have bothered her, I know I had to go through many formulas before we found one my son could tolerate. I can't suggest any that was 22 years ago. Just make sure she's as hydrated as possible and keep track of about what she's consuming/and coming out while you are in the process of figuring this out. It is weird no fever, I really hope the doc gets down to investigating tomorrow. Keep her as hydrated as possible with the least allergenic fluids you know she can have! Even if that is seven up.
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 205

Re: my sick baby
Reply #3 - 03/13/11 at 16:42:01
Also, you probably know but just in case, we dont know your daughters current diet, I'm hoping it's still very limited, there is a big link to food allergy and kids being fed foods way too early. ( Not the case of whats going on right now I'm pretty darn sure) If she is already on a varied diet just chill it a bit, rice, applesauce, chicken,  oat, just to help her system out. Not saying you need to stay that way at all, but when we are sick, giving our digestive tract an easy digestive job helps!  
If she's not on that many foods, same thing just keep it to the most mild and non processed with exception to fluids, she needs fluid.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 439
Re: my sick baby
Reply #4 - 03/14/11 at 03:49:29
Well it looks as though it must be a virus. My 3 year old has it now. Here we are 9 days later and she is now vomitting and has diarrhea. Long ancubation peroid.....with all the hugs and kisses and sharing of food you would think we all would be sick sooner but I thankful it's one kid at a time. My poor washing machine....it's definetely working overtime.
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 205

Re: my sick baby
Reply #5 - 03/14/11 at 06:43:53
Awww, Melissa, thats good news although it's miserable going through it! Keep that lil baby hydrated and sleep when the kids are sleeping! I'll never forget the time my daugher passed two bathrooms to come get me throwing up the whole way....... getting mommy was the goal, not making it to the toilet..... All the way through the house we had a mess!!!
making memories!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 439
Re: my sick baby
Reply #6 - 03/15/11 at 07:13:39
Ohhhh gosh tell me about it. The smell is just horendous! I had to send my friend to the store to get pull ups for my 3 year old. She doesn't even know she is going in her pants, it's everywhere and I'm running out of underwear. I can't keep up with the laundry and having clean towels and underwear. I decided, I don't care if she is potty trained, it's pull up time. The diarrhea is burning her skin. Ahhhggggg.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 286

Re: my sick baby
Reply #7 - 03/20/11 at 07:43:07
I'm so sorry!!! Those poor babies!!!! The important thing is to keep them hydrated.  Even if it looks AWFUL, as long as they have enough liquid in them and keep the blood sugar up, that will go a long way to helping them.

One good thing sometimes is the Pedia-lyte freezy-pops.  It has the electrolyte solution in it to keep them hydrated, but they taste like popsicles, so the little ones will take it.  Ask your doctor about it to see if they could use those.

Good luck!
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: my sick baby
Reply #8 - 03/20/11 at 10:15:42
So, Melissa, how are your children doing?   Any improvement in the diarrhea?   I hope so!!

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Don´t forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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