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Morning anaphylaxis (Read 5135 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 2

Morning anaphylaxis
01/11/16 at 06:13:50
Hello all -

I have had a 'weird immune system for decades, after a chemical exposure at work to new carpet, tile, and enamel paint during an office remodel. After that I was wildly sensitive to VOCs and my allergies got lots worse. Over time the chemical sensitivity got better, but my immune system is still a little strange.

What is my big concern is the intermittent reaction I will have to food first thing in the morning. At first it was just flushing - intense enough it made me dizzy. I passed these off as an intense hot flash, because it was that time of life. But the last couple of times it has become more severe, with lips and throat swelling. That says some kind of food allergy maybe, but these are things I have eaten at other times with no reaction. So far these reactions happen first thing in the morning if I eat something first thing. If I go walk the dog or just wait half an hour, they don't happen.

I am taking Allegra every night at bedtime along with a Pepcid, and since haven't had a problem. So far. I don't have insurance (not enough money, and too much) so I don't have a diagnosis.  I wonder if anyone has heard of anything similar?

Thanks for listening,

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Posts: 1502
Re: Morning anaphylaxis
Reply #1 - 01/11/16 at 16:14:31
This is not uncommon among mast cell disorder patients, and I've had that in the past.  Sometimes anything I eat will set it off in the morning.  Since you're having throat and lips swelling, and if you haven't already, it's important to see a doctor about it.  You should have emergency meds always nearby in case you have trouble breathing or other potentially life-threatening symptom.

If the problem is from too many or abnormally behaving mast cells in your stomach and/or GI system, it might help to take another H1and H2 antihistamine an hour before you eat in the morning.  I usually drink 1 or 2 cups of warm water in the morning before I even think about eating anything.

Probiotics have been helpful for me, especially the GI issues.  Hope something works..  BTW, if you can see a doctor when you're having visible symptoms, they will better be able to diagnose you.

As for the chemical sensitivities, many mast cell patients find it to be a problem, too.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 2

Re: Morning anaphylaxis
Reply #2 - 01/13/16 at 11:17:49
Thank you, Joan - it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has this particular strange morning thing going on!  I know I need an epipen at least - I've got some chewable Benadryl that I carry with me but I know that's not going to act quickly enough if I get in real trouble.  

I like the idea of drinking a couple of glasses of warm water in the morning before eating to kind of wake the stomach up and get it ready for the food to follow.  I take the Allegra at night but it might make more sense to do that in the morning.  

Thanks for your feedback - it's nice to know people who have similar weird immune system things going on.  Smiley

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Posts: 1502
Re: Morning anaphylaxis
Reply #3 - 01/15/16 at 19:59:30
I wouldn't switch the Allegra to morning.  The body produces a lot more histamine at night and in the early morning hours. What some people do, and you might want to check with your doctor about it, is to take an  H1and H2 antihistamine in the morning, too.   If you take them an hour before you eat, that might help in addition to the warm water.  If you found it was too much H1 antihistamine with the Allegra, you could just add another Pepcid in the morning.  Unfortunately, a lot of this can be trial and error.

Yes, carrying epinephrine with you is a good idea.  Also, medical alert jewelry can be helpful to someone helping you if you're alone.
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Morning anaphylaxis
Reply #4 - 01/16/16 at 00:19:16
I always have symptoms in the morning, although since I have taken antihistamines in the morning, they are very minimal now during that time. The doctor who put me on my regimen of antihistamines is Dr. Cem Akin, one of the leading specialists. He has me taking an H1 and H2 in the morning AND the evening. This is crucial to me staying well. So, Joan's suggestion of taking both of those in the morning and evening is spot on correct. I would suggest adding Allegra AND Zantac in the morning (as soon as you get up), and then don't eat for at least an hour if not more. Then take the Zantac and Allegra again in the evening before you eat dinner. (I actually take the evening one at 4 pm so that it makes me feel better for more hours that I am awake.). If I flare with anaphylactic symptoms anytime in the hours after taking the med, I can take another p like Zyrtec, to calm it down. (Zyrtec and Allegra are the same type antihistamine. I would NOT take Zyrtec on a daily basis, however, because in some people (like me), after long term use, the body becomes dependent upon Zyrtec. Since Zyrtec causes fatigue (and the others don't), I tried weaning myself off Zyrtec and substituting Allegra. I have been taking Zyrtec at my 4:00 dose for over a decade. It turns out that whenever I try weaning myself off (I have tried three times), I get very ill with anaphylaxis symptoms. This is very infuriating because neither doctors nor pharmacists mention this problem, but if you google it, you will find plenty of people with the same problem with Zyrtec. As an occasional medicine if the symptoms break through your normal Allegra/Zantac, it can be helpful.

I will note that we are all different with what helps and what doesn't. For example, Joan's suggestion of drinking warm water in the morning, that would CAUSE my symptoms to start up! I am so sensitive to heat that, while I can drink hot drinks, it has to be during the late morning to late afternoon range for me. Otherwise, my symptoms will trigger.
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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