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Neurological Symptoms BAD!!! (Read 3579 times)
Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 193

Neurological Symptoms BAD!!!
09/30/15 at 06:08:03
I still do not feel better.  Went to a mast cell specialist, got meds, had tons of tests (blood was handled incorrectly and the results aren't conclusive) and nothing helps.

I feel like I have encephalitis.  I have really high blood pressure and take a calcium channel blocker.

I was at my dad's neurologist yesterday and asked him "What is a person supposed to do if they feel that something is wrong in their brain and they had an MRI and doctor tells them everything is fine".  He said, "Well that's good news;  sometimes just good ole depression can give you anxiety because the doctors are not finding anything is wrong with you".

I swear I wanted to punch him in the face.

I had panic attacks years ago before I was diagnosed with neuro-cardogenic syncope and got on blood pressure meds.  I would freak out flying in planes or long car rides.  Now that I take meds for blood pressure I don't have blood pressure fluctuations and therefore no panic.  So it wasn't really ever panic anxiety.  So why are supposedly intelligent doctors saying such stupid things to people.  

All of a sudden having food allergies isn't a symptom of depression, am I right.  

Latest gastro. doctor was looking into hepatic encephalopathy and the med didn't improve my symptoms.  I asked him to test for Porphyria.  Anyone on here ever look into this?  
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