Having more mast cells per high power fields does not qualify for SM. It is sometimes called mastocytic enterocolitis if it is in the gut. But MCAS covers this findings also.
Histamine is only one substance which can trigger mast cells. Others are salicylates, sulfites, gluten, caseine, oxalates, amines, opioid-like peptides, nitrates, glutamates,...
It varies from person to person, you have to find out for yourself.
http://www.failsafediet.com/the-rpah-elimination-diet-failsafe/quick-reference-w... I also react clearly to egg white but I do not know if it is from sulfites or an other substance.
The dose of Cromolyn Sodium (Gastrocom) has to be slowly increased because of reactions. Some people with salicylate intolerance (aspirin,..) react to it because it is similiar to salicylates.
In your situation I would try the failsafe diet.
http://fedup.com.au/factsheets/support-factsheets/how-to-start-failsafe-eating-2...There is a lot to read!
Peas are often considered failsafe, but I do react to them, maybe because of sulfites.
I would start a diet with only rice, clarified butter, turkey, iceberg lettuce, salt (without added stuff) and water for 4-7 days. Then I would add one new food for 4 days and if there is no reaction, add another for 4 days and so on.
I would test stuff from this list first:
Bamboo shoots, celery, green split peas, potato, apple – golden delicious, cashews (not roasted), safflower oil, sunflower oil, oats.
It should also be no problem for your vitamines and minerals storage to only eat rice, clarified butter, turkey, iceberg lettuce, salt for some weeks. But if your storage is depleted it may be a good idea to add tolerable supplements.
I cannot eat bananas (amines), pears (amines), cabbage (sulfite), brussels sprouts (sulfite), cauliflower (sulfite), legumes (sulfite), most fish (histamine or added sulfites).
If I could add that stuff I would suffer psychically a lot less. The craving for intolerable food is sometimes so strong...
Omega3-fat supplements are a very good idea. Multivitamine supplements have often salicylates, sulfites or other stuff I react to.
Another aspect is that a damaged gut cannot absorb vitamines and minerals, so it may be better to eat tolerable stuff with less vitamines as intolerable with more.
If there is really nothing you do not react to even a little, it can be that the mast cells are triggered mechanically by moving food...
The stuff you eat has some more or less things which may not be tolerable:
pancake mix, farmer cheese, veggies with salicylates or other triggers, brown rice (salicylates), flounder (sulfites maybe), snacks (milk, cereals?, muffin (backing powder). Which fats du you use?
The problem is not that you have to eat to live. You can get the calories, vitamines and that stuff from (more) tolerable food. The problem is the craving for "good" tasty food. Eating strict needs a very strong willpower. Eating tasty stuff releases lots of neurotransmitters which make you happy. It takes very long to "reprogram" your brain to think that tolerable food tastes good. And in some years you may think off oats, turkey and rice when you get hungry...
A real challenge is going shopping, seeing other people eat, smelling...
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is most tolerable with NSAID-Intolerance.
But taking painkillers over longer time can cause chronic pain but not taking it also... It is really crappity smacked up.