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Colcrys (Read 7886 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

01/10/14 at 03:57:37
Colcrys for Hives?  I have MCAD and for the first time ever I have broken out in hives that cover my body and my lips and eyes are swelling.  This has been going on since Thanksgiving.  I have tried a steroid pac and that did not help.  I went to an allergist and she prescribed Colcrys (which is a gout medication and I do not have gout) for the hives - she said it works well for hives.  Has anyone taken this medication and if so, did it help?
Thank you in advance
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Colcrys
Reply #1 - 01/10/14 at 04:29:30
What meds do you take to stabilize your mast cells on a daily basis? If you can tell us that, then we can make better suggestions.

I can't see how the gout medicine will help if your mast cells are the cause. You need antihistamines and maybe even stronger meds. For example, basic meds that the specialists start us on are what I take. I have never had to increase past this as it works really well for me:

150 or 300 mg Zantac
180 mg Allegra
(If reacting with hives, etc add 10 mg Zyrtec)

10 mg Singulair

Around 4 pm
150 or 300 mg Zantac
10 mg Zyrtec
(If reacting with hives, etc add 180 mg Allegra)

I happen to have Idiopathic Anaphylaxis, which is a form of MCAS. When I start triggering with symptoms that I know will lead to anaphylaxis, I can take 10 mg hydroxyzine (which I hate because if drugs me up) or I take prednisone which my local doc has prescribed. Prednisone might not be what the mast cell specialists like us to use, but it does stop my attacks....

Since you have swelling and hives, you should consider trying the Meds I listed above. They are all over the counter except the Singulair, hydroxyzine, and prednisone
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DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

Re: Colcrys
Reply #2 - 01/10/14 at 15:11:44
A.M. Meds
10 mg Zyrtec
1 grain Armour Thyroid

4:00 P.M. Meds
25 mg vistaril

That's all I take and it's always worked, but right now my Hashimoto's disease is not stable and I'm terribly anemic.
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Colcrys
Reply #3 - 01/11/14 at 03:30:51
I am curious as to how you function with taking the vistaril (hydroxyzine) and Zyrtec. Zyrtec causes fatigue and I find that just 10 mg hydroxyzine knocks me out and leaves me feeling like I have a hangover the next day.

I would suggest adding Allegra and trying that in the morning along with Zantac if you have GI issues and then trying the Zyrtec in the evening. For me the hydroxyzine is considered an emergency medicine for when my symptoms are headed into anaphylaxis.

I would suggest discussing this with the doctor who prescribed these meds for you and seeing about trying this as an experiment. Generally if the Zyrtec and Allegra don't work, the specialists add a singulair. Fr there they might add gastrocrom or cromolyn, which are true mast cell meds.
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DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

Re: Colcrys
Reply #4 - 01/11/14 at 04:12:07
I used to take Allegra for many years, but it stopped working, so i switched to Zyrtec - and it doesn't make me sleepy - and I've taken the Vistaril for so long that it doesn't make me sleepy either.

I tried Gastrocom and it made me feel terrible -and I wanted it to work so bad!!! I've tried it three times and each time it makes me feel yucky.

I have an appointment with my mast cell doc on Feb. 20th -so I will talk to him about different meds.  Maybe I should try Allegra again, or Claritin.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

Re: Colcrys
Reply #5 - 01/11/14 at 04:49:28
And THANK YOU SO MUCH for responding and giving me ideas - I really do appreciate your input!!!! Smiley :
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Colcrys
Reply #6 - 01/11/14 at 06:36:46
Hi. You are welcome. Don't bother with Claritin. It is a waste of time and not as useful as the newer antihistamines. Most people who take Gastrocrom or Cromolyn report that at first when they take it, it does make them feel horrible. They seem to have to take it for quite a while, maybe a month, before they suddenly see a great improvement and then they are very happy with the results. Now, what do I think of that and would I take it for that month to get to the good results? I guess that would depend upon how badly I felt while on the Gastrocrom and how badly my symptoms were without taking the Gastrocrom.

Since I go into anaphylaxis, I get really nervous about trying new things. I could put up with feeling horrible, but anaphylaxis can be fatal, so that gets me very worried. Many people who have Mastocytosis do not experience anaphylaxis, yet they tend to feel worse on a daily basis. People with MCAS or IA (Idiopathic Anaphylaxis, which I have) tend to go into anaphylactic shock but feel better on a daily basis if they have the right meds.

The reason that I take Allegra and Zyrtec is that my doc, Dr. Akin, when he first put me on histamine blockers years ago, advised that I take both rather than Zyrtec in the morning and evening as I had been doing. At that time, he had found that his patients had better success with taking both allegra and Zyrtec rather than just one twice a day. So, you might want to think about trying that.
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DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 31

Re: Colcrys
Reply #7 - 01/13/14 at 12:15:41
Good to know about the Claritin.  I have two big projects at work that I must do, then I might try the Gastrocrom one more time - maybe I am just not giving it a fair chance.  Thanks again for your help!!!
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