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How did you know when you reached your personal maximum dosage of cromlyn/nalcrom? (Read 3548 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 14

How did you know when you reached your personal maximum dosage of cromlyn/nalcrom?
11/12/13 at 00:39:05

I've been on Nalcrom for about 18 months now, slowly and painfully worked my way up to 700mg per day (7 capsules). I just dont think i can do any more.

it's really hard to tell because of so many confounding potential triggers, but i feel thats it making me have an urge to itch - i get almost short sharp tingling sensations but they can last some time. The only consistent i think is the cromlyn.

Any one else get these, or how did your body tell you that you had reached your ceiling with this med?


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