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Aspirin therapy! (Read 16507 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Aspirin therapy!
05/08/13 at 06:09:28
I am in the docs office now and just took half a baby aspirin.  Every 40 minutes they double the dose.  I know that ibuprofen is a trigger but not sure about aspirin.  Evidently it has a definite effect of lowering prostaglandins..... Which I guess is good?

I will let you know what happens
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #1 - 05/08/13 at 12:45:03
Everything went ok.  Started with 1/2 baby aspirin and then doubled every 40min till I got yo 650mg.  So I will now be on 650mg twice a day.  She said that she thinks it will really improve my symptoms.  I read an NIH abstract that it significantly lowered prostaglandin levels in 20 out of 20 patient (even though 2 of the twenty flared).   But there was no mention if that then reduced symptoms.   So I will repost on this in a few weeks.
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Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #2 - 05/09/13 at 06:43:25
I was doubling every 3-4 days, not every 40 minutes, and I thought maybe I did it too fast and that was why I reacted!!  Wow.   I had very severe bruising on just two baby aspirin.  Once I got up to five a day I started having trouble breathing and started tapering off.  When my breathing didn't get better my doc had me stop cold turkey and put me on a steroid inhaler.  It'll be interesting to see how you do on it.  I think it's cool that they had you do it in the office and really pushed the stuff to see how you'd react.

It seemed to me that my symptoms did improve when I was on the higher dosage, but I wasn't there long enough to be sure.  I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #3 - 05/14/13 at 06:18:26
OK... about a week later.  I am tolerating the aspirin.  The first day or so I thought I notices a little heartburn.  So I made sure I take the aspirin during a meal and then I do a couple of tums after the meal.  Heartburn has not been an issue since. And now I am gettting a regular calcium supplement!

My symptoms do seem better. No flushing for a week which is a little rare.  I also did a light workout yesterday and usually I get a little light headed but not this time.   I also have dropped one ketotifin and one zyrtec from my daily regime.  No bad effect....

I do have a little dry cough and slight shortness of breath which is interesting and not that normal for me.... except in the spring..... and it is spring and I did have a bad cough coming out of the hospital a few weeks ago.....

So its only a week, and I am trying to control my hope, and I am knocking on wood whenever I say this...... but there is a significant
improvement.  I will report more in another week or two.

Other info:  Dr. Price said that the Aspirin and Accolade work together to improve things.  Also the reason for the 40min increasing dose cycle in the Dr's office,  was to both check my reaction and create an insensitivity to the Aspirin.

I gotta go and  knock on some wood now.
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Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #4 - 05/15/13 at 05:49:02
Bob - did you drop the Ketotifen and Zyrtec all in the same week that you added the aspirin?  In general, its best to try to limit yourself to one medication change at a time until you're sure you're at a steady-state with it.  This way, you can be certain that whatever happens, whether it be an improvement or a reaction, it was caused by the medication that you changed.  Just a tip for future reference!  Glad you're still doing well.  What is Accolade?  I haven't heard of that before.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #5 - 05/15/13 at 15:57:42
Bob - did you drop the Ketotifen and Zyrtec all in the same week that you added the aspirin?  In general, its best to try to limit yourself to one medication change at a time until you're sure you're at a steady-state with it.  This way, you can be certain that whatever happens, whether it be an improvement or a reaction, it was caused by the medication that you changed.  Just a tip for future reference!  Glad you're still doing well.  What is Accolade?  I haven't heard of that before.

I did not drop all of the dose just went from 4 to 3 pills a day for each.  But you are probably right about the change one thing at a time.  The accolade is  Accolate (Zafirlukast).  Sorry I mis-spelled it.  It's a peptide leukotriene receptor antagonist.

Still doing well.  Bike ride yesterday and was good!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 286

Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #6 - 05/16/13 at 16:09:55
I tried aspirin therapy and it didn't work for me.  Made me worse so I got off it.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #7 - 05/22/13 at 05:14:10
Two weeks now on the aspirin.  No side affects. And, knock on wood, my symptoms have improved.  We went on a long train trip to see friends and attend a memorial service.  Lots of opportunities to flare.  There was a couple times when my ears started to feel warm like a beginning flare but nothing happened.  I do have a slight dry cough and slight shortness of breath but that slowly seems to be getting better.  Most of the day I do not notice it.  Maybe next week I will drop one of my 4 zantac a day and see what happens.  But so far aspirin seems like a good thing for me.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #8 - 06/08/13 at 14:07:25
About a month on the aspirin now.  The cough and lack of breath issues are much less and becoming almost unnoticeable.

And..... My masto symptoms are much less.  I am doing hikes and workouts that I could not do before and I am still cutting back on some of my antihistamines.  So it looks like aspirin is going to be a keeper in my fight against masto.   I will report again Ina month or two. Grin
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy! - 2 months
Reply #9 - 07/01/13 at 10:15:31
Still no side affects from aspirin and still feeling great.  I am getting close to being aerobic in work outs with no problem.  I am walking around, in the sun, at 80F without getting tired.... Although not too long yet.  I have cut several of my meds back.  I saw an action packed movie at the theater yesterday.  I used to have to take extra antihistamines to get through the loud exciting parts.  No problem now.  I am much more active.   I have not flown in 5 years... The altitude change triggered me.  So I am confident enough now that we are going to drive to the mountains above 7000 ft.  That use to trigger me.  If I pass that I will try an airline trip.  That would be amazing if I could get that back.  I will report more in about another month.  BTW while I highly recommend you try this I would suggest that you do it at the docs office in a desensitizing regime starting with 1/2 baby aspirin.
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Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #10 - 07/02/13 at 07:07:11
I am so unbelievably jealous of you, and at the same time so happy to hear about the success you've had!!!  I hope things just keep getting better for you.   Smiley
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #11 - 07/05/13 at 12:47:47
Its not been a month.... only a week since my last post but I had a another milestone.  I have not flown since about 5 years ago where after several flights I flushed pretty good.  So its train, boat and car.  I think it was the altitude change as I have alway had a problem getting enough oxygen when we drive to the high mountains.  In fact a year ago we went to Mount Hood @ 6000 ft above SL.  Not only did I have a problem breathing but I flushed pretty good till we got down to about 1000 ft.  We went today and now I am on the aspirin and accolade (leukotriene inhibitor) and wow.  Almost no breathing issues and NO Flushing.  I even took a short walk on a trail that went uphill.... no breathing problems!   So now I am thinking my next step is to try flying.  I will let you know when I do and how that works out.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #12 - 07/11/13 at 07:39:16
Another update.

I tried to push it a bit.  I just finish a 2.5 mile fast walk, up and down some hills, in the sun.  It was nice and cool 65F. Hotter would have been a better test but I want to approach this a little at a time.

But I was breathing a little hard and sweating.  In other words for about 30 min I was on the low end of being aerobic.   And NO MASTO affects.  A year ago I would not have even tried it as I would first get really really tired, second, have trouble getting a full breath, and third probably would have flushed and went home to pump myself full of more antihistamines.

This is like a miracle for me.  I kinda hope its not a remission because I have heard that this can happen for periods of time but then the symptoms come back.  If its solely due to the aspirin then I can just continue this.

So I hope some of you will or have asked about an aspirin and a luekotrine inhibitor regime.   They can call Dr. Kristen Price in Portland and I know she also gets consults from Dr. Maria Kastells.

Keep in mind that my last tryptase was >200 and both the doctors were suggesting I think about some of the chemo programs......  Don't need that now!  I wonder what my tryptase is today??

Note also that I think the aspirin should only be tried in a doctors office using their desensitizing procedure.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 55
Portland, or
Re: Aspirin therapy!
Reply #13 - 07/31/13 at 15:46:47
Another update.  Close to 3 months since i started this.  I am getting even more active.... Which has now resulted in some hip and shoulder pain that i have to deal with.  The problem is that i am overdoing stuff and at 63, after sitting around for 6 years i need to start slow with lots of stretching.  I am taking half the meds that i was 3 months ago.  And i have dropped the ketotefin and no longer need hydroxyzine.  And not one flare up!

I have noticed two side effects that i believe are caused by the aspirin.  I bleed more easily and it lasts longer before it clots but not really a problem.  Also it makes my stool dense???? If i dont take some stool softener like psyllium husks i get impacted.

I am temped to have a glass of wine and see if i can tolerate that..... One step at a time.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 58

Aspirin triggered me
Reply #14 - 08/02/13 at 00:54:30
Since I react to food high in salicylates I had the hypothesis that I may have Salicylate Sensitivity. So I tried a Aspirin Desensitization. I started with 30mg and increased by 50mg every 40 minutes until I reached a total of 500mg. I got triggered pretty fast and got itchy skin, headaches, muscle pain, fatigue, wheezing and diarrhea. Next day I started with 500mg in the morning and 500mg in the noon. After three days diarrhea improved, also headache was better. But after three weeks I couldn't take it anymore. Obvioulsy Aspirin and Salicylates trigger my Mast Cells directly and not by the anomaly in the arachidonic acid cascade which would be typical for Salicylate Sensitivity. So Desensitization did not work and leaves me no choice than exclude food high in Salicylates from my diet. I stopped Aspirin two days ago and returned to a very strict diet. I hope the symptoms lessen in the next days.

See http://www.salicylatesensitivity.com for more Infos like food lists. I also will give http://failsafediet.wordpress.com/ a try.
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