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Hello, I am new here....... (Read 4901 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 10
New Jersey
Hello, I am new here.......
03/17/13 at 04:56:28
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Good Morning Everyone,
My name is Maureen and I am new here. I have been experienced weird symptoms for many years and just thought I was odd and learned to live my life around them. I was diagnosed with IBS many years ago (too long to really even remember properly) as well as acid reflux and GERD. I have been on nexium for more years than I can recall. I have ALWAYS, even as a child had issues with my digestive track and bowels, as a child I remember a neighbor who was a nurse coming over to give me enemas. Again, I just thought everyone lived there life scoping out bathrooms and living with distention of the belly and having either diarrhea or constipation. In Jan of 2012 everything just hit the fan for me health wise. I was experiencing hives that would swell my eyes shut, form large itchy welts all over my body and generally make my life miserable. The middle of Jan 2012, I finally went to my doctors when my lower face, right side, started getting hard and then moved across my face over my lips and up to my left ear. I was diagnosed with angioedema and put on prednisone. I was on prednisone pretty much from then until the end of June when I couldn't take the weight gain, the eating as though I was a starving person who had never seen food before AND the hives started up again even while on the drug. AND of course, well meaning people kept telling me it was all stress related and that was my only problem (I was at the Atlantis on vacation when I was getting the hives while on the prednisone, so stress really wasn't a factor as far as I was concerned) At this point I was also getting hives on the soles of my feet making walking difficult at best as well as on the palms of my hands.
My MD was flummoxed and had no idea what to do with me, I believe at this point he said I was a conundrum wrapped in an enigma and he was lost. I started seeing an allergist who was gung ho on finding out what was wrong with me. After many tests, skin tests, allergy testing, blood tests, she finally, at her wits end decided to have me do a tryptase test, it came back at 42. She then had me see a dermatologist to check me over for urticaria pigmentosa, which came back negative. She did biopsy some of the hives and found them to be filled with mast cells.
I then went on to see a hematologist who did a bone marrow biopsy but again, that also came back negative. In part here is an excerpt of the findings:
Focal slight increase in mast cells with associated lymphoid aggregrates, favor reactive.
Lymphoid aggregrates with hemosiderin-laden macrophages present, favor reactive
Immunostains: CD117 and Tryptase stains show scattered mast cells, CD25 is negative on the mast cells.
NOTE: Focally mast cells are slightly increased based on CD117 and Tryptase stains. CD25 is negative on the mast cells. No spindle cell morphology seen. The absence of CD25 on mast cells and the absence of spindle cell morphology suggest a reactive process. Suggest clinical follow up.

My allergist looked into sending me to NIH in MD, and contacted Dr Dean Metcalfe in August of last but at that time he said I did not meet any criteria he was working on July on.
She called the hematologist early in Feb of 2013 and she suggested I see Dr Cem Akin at Brigham Women’s in Boston and his office sent me a list of tests to have done before I even get an appointment. When he gets the results he will decide then if he will take my case.

I have had 2 additional tryptase tests since then my levels were 31 and then 33 (this Jan). I have since done a 24 hour urine test done and am waiting on the results. They were sent to the Mayo Clinic and I am not sure how long it takes to get the results back, but I am anxiously waiting for the outcome. They are testing for N-methyl histamine #10243 and 11-Beta prostaglandin – F2.

My symptoms: itchy skin, abdominal pain, belly distention, extreme fatigue, diarrhea/ constipation, muscle pain, joint pain, aches and pains all over, weakness in my hands when they are hurting, hives that sometimes feel like they are growing UNDER my skin and drive me even crazier than the ones that appear on my skin. My face hand and body blow up and I look puffy all the time and I can’t make a fist most days. Brain fog ALL the time, I forget words and people’s names, all the time.  I also have issues with medicines and react very strongly to them. A child’s dose of Benadryl will make me stones for 24 hours.
I am on nexium every day 40 mg,
zyzal ( I think) which makes me drugged for DAYS, so I don’t take it.
prescription strength Zantac 300 mg twice a day
hydrochlorothiazide   25 mg for  high blood pressure
I carry an EPI PEN wherever I go.
I have to be careful to NEVER take any medicine that is Sulfa based. My first reaction to sulfa was so bad, my doctors said I would die the next time. My uvula swelled down to my tongue and I had open sores in my mouth.

I am so happy to finally “meet” up with people who have the same symptoms I have.

Nice to meet you all Smiley
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Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #1 - 03/17/13 at 16:02:45
Hi Maureen,

  Welcome to the forum.  As you probably know, tryptase can be elevated due to anaphylaxis as well as due to systemic mastocytosis.  The testing should be diagnostic, but with your symptoms poorly controlled, it's hard to know.  But, of course, Dr. Akin will know, and he will accept you as a patient if he thinks you might have SM.

  There are 2 kinds of antihistamines and 2 kinds of mast cell stabilizers that many of us take (the treatment for MCAS and for ISM are the same).  I see you're taking an H2 antihistamine (Zantac), but I didn't see an H1 antihistamine.  Even though you reacted to Xyzal, there are a number of other H1 antihistamines you can try.  Additionally, Gastrocrom and Ketotifen are 2 mast cell stabilizers.  Many of us take one of those.  Once you get to see a mast cell specialist, you might be told to try one of them.

  Read a lot so you'll have a better idea of what's going on inside you.  Also, think about trying some elimination diets if you haven't already.

Good luck!

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 10
New Jersey
Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #2 - 03/18/13 at 12:07:59
Hello Joan and thanks for the welcome,

i looked into anaphylaxis and I am not sure I fit into that. I do not and never have fainted, do not feel like I have a lump in my throat a weak or rapid pulse. I DO have the hives going on though.

I believe (could be wrong) that my doctor said that the nexium also acts as an H1 antihistamine. I will have to find that out for sure.

Thanks again for the welcome,
Maureen   Smiley
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 10
New Jersey
Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #3 - 03/19/13 at 05:18:05
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#00ff00]I have looked and read many things and I know that STRESS seems to a problem. I know that there are times I develop the hives due to stress (as well as temperature changes).

What do any of you do to reduce the stress in your lives. There are some that just cannot be done away with.

My stress level has been at an all time high since Oct 2010 and it has not gotten any better.  I wasn't planning on sharing this, but since stress is a factor and I can't think of any way to explain the stress without going into detail, I.... ughhh this is hard.

Oct 25 2010, my 24 year old son was killed in a car accident, 3 months later, my youngest son was deployed to Afghanistan, 4 months later a childhood friend died from cancer, 5 months later, my Mom died. Two years, 1 month and 5 days later, my second child (also aged 24) died (Dec 1 2012).

SO I have no idea how to reduce stress that comes from something I could not control. Does anyone have any ideas? Thoughts on what works for them?

I appreciate all thoughts and opinions
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 46

Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #4 - 03/19/13 at 13:42:16
Dear Maureen

I cannot imagine the horrors you have been through and first off wanted to say I am truly sorry for your losses.

You have been through a terrible amount of stress.

Stress degranulates my mast cells like crazy. I try to avoid it - deep breathing helps, trying to mentally remove myself from a situation, and so on. I try and lie down and rest when I can. I work from home so that makes that strategy possible. I delegate. A lot.

Am hoping you can get to see a mast cell specialist.
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Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #5 - 03/19/13 at 14:28:55
Oh my goodness, Maureen.  I don't know if I could ever get out of bed again after what you've been through, and I really admire you for going on.

For stress, I do yoga, meditate, and get a massage regularly.  Working out with weights and walking (3-4 miles, 4-5 times/wk) seem to really help, too.  Sleep is so important, too, for keeping stress down.  Taking time out each day to do something you like doing could help, too.  My diet is very clean (about 95% organic) and comforting.  When I need it, I cancel everything for a day or two and take a "stay-cation" at home.

Sometimes stress and grief can "seep out the seams."  I wonder if the hives are part of that happening.  I went along thinking I was handling my my daughter leaving for a year and then my Mother dying 2 weeks later, but 4 months after that, I had a physical meltdown including anaphylaxis several times in 2 or 3 days.  I know it was the subconscious stress from the loss.

I hope you can get all this reacting to settle down soon!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 862

Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #6 - 03/19/13 at 15:49:15
please know just because you have not fainted or the other symptoms does not mean that you can not or do not have an anaphylaxis.  Some of us have these attacks in different ways...we are not all alike. I would talk to my doctor about this or there are some shockers here than could post their symptoms here as well

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 10
New Jersey
Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #7 - 03/27/13 at 02:57:53
Thank you Joan and miss marple, I appreciate your thoughts and sentiments, it's been a tough road and one I wouldn't wish on anyone.

I received the results from the 24 hour urine test and then all my results were sent to Dr Akin. we were actually very lucky, on Wednesday's the doctors sit around and go over all the paperwork/test results and then decide who they will call for an appointment.

I guess I was one of the "lucky" ones and have an appointment with Dr Castills in May. Depending on how soon they get my bone marrow slides, it may be sooner, also depends how how fast her schedule fills up.

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Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #8 - 03/27/13 at 07:55:09
That's very good news!  Hope it goes well and they are able to help you feel better soon!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 10
New Jersey
Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #9 - 05/15/13 at 10:21:39

Hello again,

Well, I had my appointment with Dr Castells yesterday and she is a sweet heart. Very overworked, my appointment was for 3:30 and I didn't get to see her until about 5:35. Unfortunately, it became a time constraint issue and I did not get to spend as much time and I had hoped for. She wanted to get some blood work done and I had to get to the lab before they closed at 6:30.

End results so far, I think I have her confused, to the point where she is thinking I may have 2 separate disorders/diseases. She said I do have MCAS and has put my on Gastrocrom.....she hasn't ruled out mastocyctosis (since I have only 2 minor markers for it) and is looking at different markers in certain types of blood test. I have no idea what, there were three pages of tests she wanted done and I just ran down to the lab as fast I could to get there before 6:30 (made it by 10 minutes). She also says she is fairly certain I have chronic idiopathic urticaria since I have been having hives for over a year and a half now for no reason.

Funny, she told me to make an appointment for 4 - 5 weeks to review the results and see how I am fairing on the gastrocrom, but the earliest appointment was in AUG...

She felt bad that things are still uncertain with what is going on with me, but I feel better about things and am anxious to start the new drug on Friday (my pharmacy did not have it on hand and it won't be in until tomorrow afternoon). She is a wonderful person and I felt so much better at least knowing there really WAS something wrong with me and I wasn't imagining it all. You know that brain fog can get pretty bad...lol.

All in all, I thought it went well and I am excited about the possibility of finally feeling somewhat better, with no joint pain, stomach pain and all the other issues that have been beating me down.

I truly appreciate this forum, because of all I've read I was able to have a coherent conversation and understood a lot of what she was talking about.

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Posts: 1502
Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #10 - 05/16/13 at 07:41:35
So glad you're on your way to feeling better!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 46

Re: Hello, I am new here.......
Reply #11 - 05/21/13 at 13:01:36
I am so glad you got to see Dr Castells and are getting some help, marvellous news!
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