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Which benadryl? (Read 10123 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 36

Which benadryl?
02/13/13 at 08:31:11
My local supermarket has benadryl capsultes containing  acrivasting, and also has benadryl one-a-day tablets containing cetirizine.

I'm just wondering if anyone could let me know which one is safe/recommended?
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #1 - 02/13/13 at 15:18:48
Zyrtec has cetirizine in it, and zyrtec is a very common and recommended antihistamine for us. I don't know anything about the different benedryl types, because I actually get a rash from benedryl (go figure!). That is very rare, though, and I have only met one other person who has the same reaction to benedryl as I do. Some think that what must be triggering me is an inactive ingredient, perhaps the dye. Some people take children's no dye liquid benedryl for that reason.

Can some of you Benedryl takers chime in here and give your opinion? I do know, Nick, that most people take Benedryl as needed and not as a daily med. Advice anyone?
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DeborahW, founder
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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 152
Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #2 - 02/13/13 at 17:11:43
Hi Nick,
Welcome to the forum.

As far as your question about benedryl, I may not be the best one to respond.  I am probably the "one other person that reacts to Benedryl" that Deb was talking about.  Smiley  I don't get a rash however, I get tachycardia and hypertension....and that is on only 6 mg. (IV)!  Not even half of a tablet (I don't think).  

I haven't read your background, but most mast cell patients seem to tolerate the clear gel caps the best.  I understand they tend to dissolve quickly. The liquid is even more fast acting....if you are a "shocker".  It is a good rescue medication but as Deb said, is not usually taken on a regular basis.

If you have trouble with a tablet with color, try something clear or white.  If you have trouble with that, let us know and we can help you brainstorm.  OK?

We are all so different that what may not work for me may be the best med for you!!  So I would try the "clear" versions first.

Remember...only try ONE medication at a time and if you have trouble with meds, just take a VERY small amount to try it first.

Good luck and keep us posted.  Lynda
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Not a medical doctor
Posts: 715
Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #3 - 02/14/13 at 12:31:51
In the US, Benadryl is the brand name for diphenhydramine.  I just looked up "acravistine" and it's a second-generation H1 like Zyrtec.  Should be safe!

I also use Benadryl as a "rescue" medication.  In those situations, it doesn't make me sleepy... it just helps me return to normal.  I've also started using it as my bedtime H1 and it DOES make me sleepy then Smiley  Hydroxyzine and doxepin work the same way.  Unlike second-generation H1s, they easily cross the blood-brain barrier.

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When you cry I taste the salt in your tears
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 286

Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #4 - 02/17/13 at 14:18:59
I take the liquid benedryl capsules when I flare up as a rescue.  They are somewhat hard to find, but they don't appear to have dye in them, and they seem to get into my system quicker.  I like these because I can carry them in my pocket, ready to go when I need them.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #5 - 02/24/13 at 16:31:44
Hi everyone! I thought this would be an ok thread to piggy back on! So here I am again! Not nessessarily in panic mode (as I usually am!) but more in question mode. I know I've been a broken record on this forum telling me story, so I won't do that, but I have a question....my body has been hit by many storms, all which come together forming a strange, vague gray area of symptoms (anxiety, urticaria, high insulin) leaving me sometimes wondering what's going on with me.
For the past couple of months I've been battling with anxiety and angioedema. I take my Zyrtec, Zantac and sometimes Allegra. But over the past few days, I've been using Benadryl, normal dose twice a day and it seems to help all my gray area symptoms(at least it has for a few days)
So my question, is it ok to take Benadryl everyday? It doesn't really make me drowsy. Thanks!
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Posts: 1502
Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #6 - 02/24/13 at 19:23:45
Most people keep Benadryl in reserve as a rescue medicine.  Occasionally, I'll use it for a day or to, just to shut down a flare.

There are other first generation antihistamines you might want to try, for example, chlorpheniramine maleate.  It's good to have a few in reserve in case one quits working ver well.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 327

Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #7 - 02/25/13 at 05:13:05
Thanks Joan! Should i try Chlorphiramine instead of Benadryl? I tried vistoril, but it completely spun me out and wired me. I've never tried a stint on Claritin. I'm wondering if that one would be good for me. I "think" the antihistamines that do break the blood brain barrier might be good for me. Not sure
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Posts: 1502
Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #8 - 02/25/13 at 19:54:46
That's one possibility.  You could try Atarax (hydroxyzine), as an alternative, too. It also crosses the blood brain barrier.  Another med that some people find works well is doxepin, a tricyclic antidepressant that is also an H1 and H2 blocker.  I'd recommend you talk this over with your doctor and start anything new at a really low dose.  Always start a new medicine in the daytime when there is someone else around, in case of a reaction.
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Posts: 11

Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #9 - 03/19/16 at 01:54:02
With many allergies as well a problems with triggers, I find Benedryl (diphenhydramine) to be very effective in bringing an acute attack down quickly. It has kept me from having to use the Epi-Pen on numerous occasions.

As to what kind, I have to use ones without red dye as that causes oral itching and severe vomiting. Years ago, when I had an allergic reaction to something like insect bites, the only antihistamine in the house at the time was my child's liquid cherry flavored Benadryl, which had red dye in it. That produced the vomiting. I have since learned that smaller doses of red dye #40, like found in sugar sprinkled on cookies causes itching in the mouth. So I steer clear of all dyes, additives and preservative whenever possible.

I prefer to also have ones that are not combined with any other antihistamine or decongestant since already taking daily doses of antihistamines. Plus, I operate on the premise of less is better- less ingredients means less to worry about having problems with.
So, I use dye free, no extra meds added, diphenhydramine in either liquid or gel capsule.

The bottle of liquid is not always the easiest to carry with me, so the gel capsules are good to put in a pocket. When there has been no liquid to wash it down or with swelling in the throat, I have bitten the capsules and spit out the empty capsules. It doesn't have a pleasant flavor, but it does the job.

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Posts: 13
Re: Which benadryl?
Reply #10 - 11/11/16 at 14:19:36
I found that the gel cap benadryl is the most tolerable. Generic or brand name doesn't seem to matter. I was using the Walmart generic for years and then almost overnight, I could no longer tolerate it.

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