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A few exercise ideas (Read 5984 times)

Not a medical doctor
Posts: 715
A few exercise ideas
01/27/13 at 08:22:08
This year I made my first ever New Years resolution... to make use of my family's new household membership to the rec sports facilities at my university (I'm a professor).

I decided to focus on lifting weights Smiley  I did it in high school and always enjoyed it... it feels very powerful, especially as you're able to lift more.  I'm certainly not a body builder, but there are many benefits of having stronger muscles... better support for your bones and joints, increased metabolism (anyone else gain weight from all of their medications?), and perhaps most important for my current situation... it's a good workout that doesn't raise my core body temperature!  

A few tips if lifting weights sounds like a good idea to you...

1. Make sure you're using the equipment safely and effectively.  Ask for help if you've never done it before.

2. Stick with the "machines" (instead of free weights) until you're sure you have enough strength and balance to use them safely.

3. Pre-medicate, take your epipens with you (I keep mine strapped to my water bottle), and stay hydrated!  Listen to your body and take a break if you need to.  There's no rush.

Another thing I did that's turning out to be very useful... I bought a device called a "fitbit."  I thought I would just use it as a pedometer (which has been great), but if you enter what you're eating it can also synchronize your diet with your level of activity.  "Normal" diets don't work for me.  I have too many restrictions (low-histamine, gluten-free, etc...).  Also, I eat pretty healthy, so there's no "magic bullet" in terms of diet that will help me lose weight.   The fitbit is working!!  I'm losing about a pound per week without much effort... it feels like something I can sustain for a long time Smiley

One last idea... exercise machines that let you work at your own pace.  I don't know how widespread this is, but "my" gym has treadmills, elliptical machines, and rowing machines (maybe more... I'm still checking it out) that operate using your own power.  There's no plug-in, so it's really, really easy to change your pace in response to how your body is feeling.  Awesome.  I still hate cardio work-outs (now I understand why... darn mast cells), but at least I can use these machines safely.  

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Walkin' the line between faith and fear
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When you cry I taste the salt in your tears
(Old Crow Medicine Show)
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Posts: 1502
Re: A few exercise ideas
Reply #1 - 01/28/13 at 17:23:48
Great ideas, Heather!

One more benefit of lifting weights is that it's been proven to increase and help maintain bone density!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 64

Re: A few exercise ideas
Reply #2 - 11/23/13 at 09:36:05
[ I still hate cardio work-outs (now I understand why... darn mast cells), but at least I can use these machines safely.  

Interesting... I used to jog and "power" walk. BUT I always enjoyed lifting weights more. Just one more thing that makes sense!
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