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Seeing Dr. Greenberger, any advice? (Read 5613 times)

If you are at peace, you
are living in the present

Posts: 63
Seeing Dr. Greenberger, any advice?
09/20/12 at 06:07:53
I am SO happy, I received a call today from Dr. Greenberger's office and I have an appt in a few weeks. I am nervous as I want to make the best of this appt and be prepared. Any advice on questions I should ask or information I should have for him? Anything anyone can tell me to best prepare would be greatly appreciated.
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Posts: 1502
Re: Seeing Dr. Greenberger, any advice?
Reply #1 - 09/21/12 at 17:41:23
Hi Crystal,

  I would make lists to take with me to the appointment.  For example, lists of symptoms, foods that bother you, other GI triggers.  If you have medicine questions, write those down.  I would ask for a medicine protocol to help alleviate all my symptoms.  I'd take a written out list of my medicine regimen (what, how much, and when I take them).  If I didn't have a formal diagnosis, I would ask for that.  Take your local physician's card or contact information so Dr. G. can send a report and results of any testing.  I would ask him if there's a way to communicate with him after you're home in case medicines need tweaking or you aren't getting relief.

  That's all I can think of right now.
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If you are at peace, you
are living in the present

Posts: 63
Re: Seeing Dr. Greenberger, any advice?
Reply #2 - 09/23/12 at 06:27:48
Thank you Joan for all of this advice, this will be very helpful. I am going to get all of this together. If you think of anything else, definitely let me know. Thanks again!!
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: Seeing Dr. Greenberger, any advice?
Reply #3 - 09/24/12 at 00:45:36
There is a post in the Start Here category of the forum which lists suggested questions to ask at your consultation with a specialist.
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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