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Vomiting (Read 6099 times)

Posts: 545
05/25/12 at 03:11:12
I need some input on this one. The only time my tummy became sick enough to vomit was when I had to go off my meds for testing. I am currently still on my meds BUT yesterday hubby brought home an already cooked rotisouri (sp?) Chicken from the grocety store deli. He tried to find a salad with no meat for me at my request but no luck. So there were two stickers on this chicken. One sticket had a time stamp of 12:00 on it and the other was 4:00. It was 5:00 when he arrived at home. I ho-hummed about eating it. I had never seen time stamps before. We didn't think the 12:00 stamp was accurate since it didn't look dry. I ATE IT! OH BOY!!!!! Within 2 hours I became deathly ill with projectile vomiting. (Sorry for the graphics).
HERE IS THE QUESTION: Has anyone become this sick eating a food they shouldn't?
It wasn't bad chicken because he ate it as well and was fine.
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Vomiting
Reply #1 - 05/25/12 at 04:36:24
YES! YES!   OH BOY YES!!!! Shocked

CHEESE PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!!! Tongue
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Donīt forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Posts: 1502
Re: Vomiting
Reply #2 - 05/29/12 at 15:49:08
Yes, Kim.  I had the same experience.  Now I call the store ahead and ask when their next batch of chickens will be ready, and I'm there immediately.  Sorry to say, they're never dry because they're full of brining solution and flavorings that keep them moist.

Your husband might not be as sensitive to histamine as you are.  His baseline can be so low that a little histamine in food won't affect him at all, whereas your bucket is always pretty full, so you might react to just a little.

So, it could have been histamine, especially if the place where they keep the chickens wasn't hot enough or if it was there too long.  But, it could also have been the additives to the chicken that caused the vomiting.

I hate that reaction the most!  Yuck!  Sorry you had that happen.
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Posts: 447
Indianapolis, IN USA
Re: Vomiting
Reply #3 - 05/30/12 at 04:41:02
The rotesseri (sp?) chicken always has some sort of seasoning on it.

Seasoning = bad things happening


Feel better!
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Posts: 545
Re: Vomiting
Reply #4 - 05/31/12 at 06:37:08
Thanks ladies. I believe now after a process of elimination that it had to be the chicken whether from histamine or seasonings. Gosh that was a horrible experience. I do not recall who, when or where but somewhere on this forum someone remarked that they didn't know how we could stand being true to a restricted diet like the histamine diet......I have the answer now. Once you get horribly ill like I did the other night you are willing to eliminate or alter anything to prevent getting sick like that again! LOL
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 3
Charles City, IA
Re: Vomiting
Reply #5 - 07/26/13 at 10:42:14
On the subject of vomiting.  Does anyone on here vomit basically everything no matter what they eat?  I know this is weird and graphic, but my stomach used to "sort" out what it didn't want from food and I only threw that up.  Now, I just throw everything up AND I'm gaining weight for no reason.  I know it is probably preparing for starvation.

Anyway, is there anything I can do to not throw up?  I also have autoimmmune atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia (and react to the B12 shot), and gastroparesis.  The abdominal swelling is severe most days as is the pain.  If I don't eat, I can feel comfortable, but the hunger drives me nuts.  

I am going back to Mayo Aug. 8 to address the vomiting yet again because I have ended up in the ER dehydrated and having a horrible migraine I can't get rid of.  My local DR has no clue what to do with me, and just sends me back.  Thankfully it is only a 1.75 hr drive!

I am beyond frustrated, but we try to make a joke of "how long" before mom gets sick just so our family can cope.   Sad
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Posts: 1502
Re: Vomiting
Reply #6 - 08/06/13 at 18:17:57
Hi Peg,

It sounds as though your stomach is terribly irritated and consequently reacting to everything.  If you don't mind posting them, what meds do you take now, including dosages and how frequently?  Have you had any advice from your doctor?

Sometimes resting your stomach by just drinking an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte for 24 or 48 hours and not eating anything can be helpful.  How about probiotics?  Can you take those?

I used to have terrible nausea and went to the ER a number of times with vomiting that wouldn't quit.  They always gave me a steroid, and high doses of H1 and H2 antihistamines.

After giving your stomach a rest, you might want to reintroduce foods one every 2 days, the way foods are interested to babies.  Rice cereal first, then yellow vegetables, green vegetables, meat, and finally dairy.  If you can't tolerate one or more of those food groups, then don't try them for a while.  Personally, I do better with only organic foods and no additives or chemicals.  I can't tolerate many foods high in histamine (see ICUS Low Histamine Diet).  There is also the FODMAP diet that might be another elimination diet you could try.  

Excuse me if I'm telling you things you already know.  I didn't see a lot of background posted.
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