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H elp !!! stomach flu (?) (Read 4615 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
03/23/12 at 08:39:57
Last niye I got hit w the stumach flu- BAD. Pretty sure it id cuz my grandson & son had it. Nothing will stay down, juust sips of water n vernors. Still dry heaves n a fever. ) havebt even taken my meds today. Hubby just gave me an ex.strenght tylrnol- well see if it stays dowm. Son keeps tryjn to get me to take Pepto, but am afraid. Amy afvice cuz a;; Ive read here moved ouy with the brain fog.
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Hang in there! You can
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Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #1 - 03/23/12 at 09:28:16
Oh nooo

I am so sorry to hear this. It is one of my biggest fears.

If you CAN get in fluids that would help your body. Can you take an antinauseant? These come in suppositories if you can't take down oral meds. Do you have a fever?

It's scary when you can't take your antihistamines, that's what scares me about it. Keep an eye on your reactive symptoms, rest rest rest and hopefully it will pass soon. If symptoms get out of your control you might need the ER to give you some IM meds.

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #2 - 03/23/12 at 11:16:39
Thank you so much for the info & moral support. Im trying to sip on water & vernors, & most of its staying down.Murphys Law it happens when the dr.s arent in. Good suggestions-i will hav hubby call the drugstore n ask (idk if suppositories are perscrption).
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Hang in there! You can
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Posts: 836

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #3 - 03/23/12 at 14:24:02
In Canada the suppositories are not Rx. It is gravol/dimenhydrinate, but I don't know if it's available in US. Here you can get oral or rectal. I have never tried either since developing MCAS, but have them on hand in case of vomiting since I used to be able to tolerate them

glad you're keeping something down! Hope it passes soon

Are your reactive symptoms flaring?
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #4 - 03/25/12 at 12:04:20
Hey Ana;
Nope. They werent available here w/o a prescription-& I was so out of it-kept thinkin it was Saturday(it was Fri.) Embarrassed  Yes, to reactives, my hands & feet iched like crazy, & arthritis/imflammation was bad...But I started back slowly on my meds n so far,so good. My ribs feel bruised from heaving so hard ALL nite. Now have what feels like a histamine headache, and LUCKILY found a post when I searched "blood-brain barrier" meds(thanks to you & starflower Smiley) SO; am gonna try a Benadryl too. I took my am meds, n Ketotifen, but hopin a benedryl will help headache ? Am grateful it's not Thursday nite anymore ! Roll Eyes
thanks again Ana. Smiley
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Hang in there! You can
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Posts: 836

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #5 - 03/25/12 at 14:18:20
Oooh I'm so glad that you're coming out of the other side without needing the hospital.

Hang in there!
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #6 - 03/25/12 at 16:18:45
Oh I wish I had read this the day you wrote it. Just got back from Chicago today and saw your post. In February I had the worst stomach flu!! I vomited all night, then had dry heaves forever. I started getting my anaphylactic symptoms and couldn't tell if it was my IA or stomach flu, and I even started to pass out.  Still don't know if it was dehydration or anaphylaxis. I got worse and worse throughout the night, and I was a mess! I knew I needed water but knew I would throw it up. So I put a cup of ice chips by my bed and    would let one melt in my mouth anytime I woke up and wasn't vomiting.

The good news is that the vomiting stopped by morning and never returned. The bad news was that I became terribly dehydrated to a dangerous point. My doc told me that I should have gone to the ER the night before for dehydration, an she wanted me to go that next day because of how I felt. I didn't and just sucked ice chips/ drank water all day, which helped.

My symptoms of dehydration: thirst, mouth feels full of sand and so dry it feels as if a desert is in your mouth. Extreme fatigue, head feels funny, can't stay awake. If you get all of these whole sick, you should seek medical help or start those ice chips!!

My stomach flu had me in bed for  4 or 5 days, and it was a good 2 weeks before I was recovered and well.
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #7 - 03/26/12 at 05:59:37
Thanks again sweetie !
Deb; I actually chuckled when I read this cuz I had been looking for Your post about having the flu, but couldnt find it !
Anyway, yes-dehydration was a big concern to me. I started with ice chips then moved on to sips the next day. I couldnt fall asleep for more than a few minutes from the heaves n then u no what started Embarrassed, so was reluctant to go to ER. Now, I am not a schocker (knock wood) but there's always that fear lurking. So I guess instinct kicked in, n I musta done somethin right. Now my ribs feel like I lost the fight-BUT: I know so many of you have it much worse than I, so I am very grateful to have the advice of all of you  Kiss !!! Might be pushin it today, but have a mammo, n some tests that I dont want to put off- so they should be a piece of cake by comparison. What is a good anti nausea OTC , by the way ?
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DeborahW, Founder

Posts: 1224
Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #8 - 03/26/12 at 09:47:14
Oh I totally forgot about how achy the ribs and back are after stomach flu. Yuck!! I had my doc call in zofran for me. I never used it, but it was nice to know it was there if needed. I don't know of any OTC nausea meds. I do know that of the prescription ones, mast cell people seem to like zofran best. Compazine degranulates mast cells, so don't ever take that one. Phenergen always made me more nauseous....

Hope you do okay! I was literally the lady of leisure for quite a few days of lying in bed watching movies.
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Feel well!
DeborahW, founder
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Hang in there! You can
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Posts: 836

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #9 - 03/26/12 at 13:09:04
Oh I feel so badly for all of you, I am so afraid of vomiting and not being able to take the anti-mast cell meds!

Glad you pulled through
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 296

Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #10 - 03/26/12 at 13:33:11
I will make a note of zofran, just in case! I hope there isnt a "next time" for a loooong while; but better to be prepared, & now thanks to this forum- I will be! Smiley
Just the rib pain n some of those "lovely spots" are the worst reactions left now, so Im lucky.  Cheesy
Ana girl- I will pray extra hard that you dont get it!!! No, that as many as Possible dont get it !!!!
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Re: H elp !!! stomach flu (?)
Reply #11 - 03/26/12 at 19:35:51
There's a new Zofran that is sub-lingual, so it doesn't have to be swallowed.  The last time I was at the ER, they gave me a few to take home.
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