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Constant Hypotension (Read 4026 times)

I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Constant Hypotension
04/23/11 at 12:44:53
Do any of you go through this???

I have returned to work.  I go to work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.   On these days I work a half day and come home totally exhausted and often will go straight to bed.   When there I take my pressure and it's bottomed out 70/50 at times.  I sleep a few hours and wake up still exhausted but with my pressure in normal ranges.  The following day is my day off and I will often have to drag myself through that day due to still having residual tiredness due to the physical exertion of the day before.   Yet one day's rest is usually enough and by the next day I'm ready to go back to work.  

Well, this is my "normal" for right now.  Mind you I'm still post-op from my open heart surgery last June and according to my doctors it takes a year for a normal person to fully recover from this surgery but with me they're not sure how long it could take.   So, although I'm pushing myself to try to rebuild my stamina, I am still technically in post-op recovery.  

Well, something that has been happening is that I won't fully recover my strength after a day of rest, but it will go on for 2 or 3 days where I've got chronically low blood pressure!!   I'm on my 3rd straight day of this now!  My pressure bottomed out yesterday at 70/40 with 55bpm!!  I'm dragging myself today and I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be another day of this horrible low blood pressure!!

Do any of you go through this?  If so, what have your doctors said about it?  What do you do to improve it?   I find that I can barely make a meal and all I want to do is to sleep and keep crashed out!!  It's awful!

Any feedback would be welcome!


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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 286

Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #1 - 04/24/11 at 01:56:56
Yes, I get this too Lisa.  Having such weird episodes now right after all my shocking stuff.

That's when I usually try my Coca Cola therapy! HA HA.  I don't know why, maybe it's all the sugar and sodium in the stuff, but it seems to bring me back up into a normal range.

I usually get this after one of the episodes like I have just had, and it takes some time for it to wear off.  When I first got masto, and was not properly medicated, I had it chronically for a couple of months.

I always feel masto symptoms first in my neck (carotids).  Feels like a low drop in there, most like the baroreceptors in your neck.  Here's a link to a little sciency stuff about these receptors:


Anyway, if you vasodialate (blood vessels open up from histamine), your pressure will drop.  You can feel this stuff, and I feel it in my neck by the carotids.

You know, what seemed to sort of help me was doing yoga.  I can't really say why, maybe it was helping my vascular  tone, moving around like that.  This is the underlying "assumption" of yoga practice, that it moves your blood around to your organs, oxygenates, etc.  I don't know if that has ever been scientifically proven to my knowledge.  However, I have to say, it did seem to help me some.

The first time I started to do it after bad masto, I really felt the pressure changes on the different poses.  I did just a little bit, VERY slowly, and quit if it felt too weird (don't want to make yourself pass out or anything).  However, in time, it really semmed to help me quite a bit.

Just a thought.  I have the same thing today and it feels incredibly weird.  I just hate when I get that.
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #2 - 04/24/11 at 08:05:38
Coca Cola Therapy!!!  HA!! THAT'S A GREAT THEORY!! Cheesy

I only wish it would work! Undecided

I've been struggling with this for 4 days straight now and nothing seems to pick my bp back up!  UGH!   This is something which has happened as of my aneurysm surgery and some of my doctors have these theories that this may be my nervous system now being free to respond correctly to the mediators.  Before, due to the aneurysm, the nerves that lay alongside of the aorta were always being triggered fooling my body into the need for higher blood pressure, which is thought the reason why I never had much hypotensive crises, even though I would experience shock - it was always a situation which would be remedied by a good nap.   Yet now when I have a physically stressfull situation where I've overpassed my physical limits, I go into these funks of constantly low pressure and I can take naps and keep a low profile and yet nothing pulls my pressure back up but time.   Well, here I am now on the 4th day and I'm so exhausted that it's not silly and yet I am taking naps, going to bed early, sleeping 8-10 hours and wake up as exhausted as I did before!  It's awful!   Sad

The problem is, what do I do about it?   And is this the masto or is this the aneurysm or lack thereof, or WHAT?!

How long have you had it go on for, Jilly?  What have you done to deal with it?  The idea of the yoga sounds very interesting, though.  I'll have to check into this.   And yes, it does feel really weird - it's like being drugged with something!!  

Thanks for the feedback!


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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 286

Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #3 - 04/25/11 at 03:15:31
I have had this for a week or so at a time.  

Couple of things that have helped me.

First, I try to eat more salt early in the morning (say like some chips or something), then drink some water.  Sometimes, that will help you retain more volume and that will bring your pressure up.

Also, when I get these masto flares like I have now, I tend to "go" alot and get really dehydrated, which will drop your pressure also.  I often will drink some "Pedialyte" electrolye solution (usually in the kids section in store, for babies with gi problems).  I drink this followed by a good class of water.  That actually has helped me quite a bit many times.  It takes a couple of hours, but then you really do feel better.  It gets the sugar and salt in you, rehydtrates, brings up the fluid levels so your pressure goes up a bit.

Also, when I get a flare up, I sometimes drink the Ensure protein drinks.  If you can tolerate soy, this is a good thing too.  It gets the nutrients into you, keeps your blood sugar up.

I had an documented incidident of low blood sugar during my masto stuff one time.  For me, I think my blood pressure drops, I drop a lot of water weight really quickly, and the electrolytes pop out of me.  I basically "juice and nutrient" myself up with more electrolytes and protein during these times, and it really seems to help pull me through.  For example, during this last flare up here, I lost eight pounds in a week and a half (probably water weight). I am skinny to begin with, so that's not good for me.  Knowing that I tend to do this, I take in more protein and sugar in a tolerated form (liquid) so as not to set things off too much with complicated digestion.

And, for me, I have noticed that despite my natural inclination during these times, moving around a bit does help.  That's why I think yoga is good, as it is not too strenous if you do a gentle form of it, and it gets the blood moving around through your body and gently induces pressure changes perhaps?  Not sure of the actual physiology of it, but I just think I seem to feel better after I do it.  You might want to run this past your docs first, with your cardiovascular history, and ask what they think about starting yoga?  I worked with cardiac rehab here and they are all about proper exercise for rehab.  Maybe your cardiac rehab group there would work out a program for you like they did for me?  This helped me a TON.   They might be willing to help you get moving again in a controlled setting where you could get medical attention if needed.

Just a thought.
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #4 - 04/25/11 at 04:37:29
Jilli I think you have a great point about being careful to not add " strenuous digestive food" on the stomach when someone is already having a reaction.  Liquids are great forms of nutrients without over taxing the tummy.

I used to do Yoga--years ago.. maybe I will start again. Lisa.. look up Hatha Yoga.. and one exercise was my favorite surya namaskar.. "Salutation to the Sun" , its a way of greeting the sun each morning, its about 5 minutes, very gentle stretching. Here is a link to one, a beginner version;

Lisa.. Hon, I still have the feeling that you have a new line of activity and its different after surgery, compared to before surgery. I think youre going past that very often. You are stubborn just like me LOL and you dont like accepting new limitations. I truly understand but I worry for you and dont want you to force the issue, rather see where that new line is and work with it.  Hon, you fought so very hard about that surgery, please be kind to your body now.

I have had a few people gently remind me... you do Gods work even when you must scale back--that you need to learn to gracefully receive besides give to others--allow them to fill in and help you.. I think you were one of those people that taught me that  lesson LOL.

Im having some syncope that I never had before. It isnt major, but it happens a few times a day--when I get up too quickly (I think). I have  had a few embarrassing episodes when shopping where I just sat down on the floor, lol.. It passed in about 10 minutes. Im watching it but it isnt any major problem with me.

I do think there is some missing element that we arent seeing--something initiating that syncope with you Lisa. I do remember reading some articles that I thought pertained to you particularly--but I was too sick then to remember where or what--so I will look for those and other articles again.

You are My Liza Zilla and now I turn the tables to say take care of you OR ELSE lol.. there are airplanes everywhere!! Hey IF you send me your address, I know some M &Ms that want to see you he he...

Much love
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #5 - 04/25/11 at 04:39:59
PS Coca Cola Therapy rocks! lol
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 66

Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #6 - 04/28/11 at 12:40:21
Hi Lisa....you have done so much to help me.  And low blood pressure is my way of life so I figured I would tell you my tricks and hopefully I could help you.

1) prescription compression stockings...YES...they help a lot!!

2) pinch of sea salt & tons of water ( I can't drink broth, gatorade, or veggie juice but others say that helps them...not sure if you could though)

3)salt on all my food, and use the natural kind not the iodized kind

4) trying to not stand too often in one spot

5) my doctor at Mayo taught me physical countermaneuvers to raise blood pressure when it's low.  One of them is to stand with the legs crossed, then place hands in front of the body as if praying at chest level, elbows perpendicular to the body, turn the hand then so one palm is facing down, the other facing up, and then pull the fingers against each other resisting.  I tried to explain that the best I can and it does work like a charm if you ever get really low and need it to come up.  Let me know if this isn't clear and I'll email you a picture of me doing it.

6) my Mayo doc who is very great with POTS also told me to drink a glass of tepid water before getting out of bed.  Not cold because of what it does to the vasovalgal (however you spell that---sorry brain fog)  That with a pinch of sea salt would do well too

Will post more later if I can think of more

Hope you're feeling better

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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 286

Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #7 - 04/30/11 at 02:24:11
Hi Godsgal.  That sounds like a great hypotension trick.  Can you send me a picture of that too?  I am trying to figure out what I can do when I get the "go-lows" also!  Thanks for sharing!
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #8 - 04/30/11 at 05:00:20
Thanks Jared for the tips!!  Those are great!!

As to this hypotension episode, my masto specialist says NO WAY IS THIS MASTO!   She's VERY strongly suspecting heart related issues because when I get hypotensive I also get bradycardia!  On Saturday my pressure was 70/40 and with 45 BPM!!   My doctor is IN A TIZZY cause shes very concerned about what is going on with me with this situation.    My local cardiologist has asked for a bunch of blood tests and I sent them off to my cardiologist in Sao Paulo as well as my masto doctor.  I'm wondering what they're going to say cause there are some slight abnormal readings.  

Oh the things we go through with this disease sometimes really tires me out!!! Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

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Guiding Light

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 211

Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #9 - 04/30/11 at 06:39:13
I've also had very long periods of hypotension. I've tried a lot of the tricks mentioned here, and they work! I have just two things to add.

Orthostatic and postural hypotension show up in many, if not most people with chronic fatigue syndrome. Dr. Paul Cheney has worked a lot with this, and he feels it is an adaptation of the body to keep you from doing more than is good for you. I don't know if this fits for you, with your history, but it does sound like you may have an adaptation issue.

What he has patients do is be sure to spend regular time lying down with your feet slightly elevated above your heart. This reverses the pressure, and lets the system relax. He claims it rests the nervous system associated with this syndrome. I just know it helps. For those who are extremely ill, he has them spend quite a few hours in this position every day.

I can also second yoga as a good option for you, and in particular, restorative yoga is very good for these types of problems. This is done with props to hold you in the poses, which lets you relax much more deeply, yet still get the benefits of the poses, which put pressure on some body areas, and open others. This is excellent for moving lymph and blood, and deeply restoring you. Check around, these kinds of classes are taught in many yoga studios.
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Chronic neurological infections
Diagnosed with Mastocytosis August 2011
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 66

Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #10 - 04/30/11 at 13:02:42
Hi...I'm happy to send a pic but I need the email to send it to.  I tried to do my UP pics on here and it didn't work.  But the same link worked on the dinet forum.

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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #11 - 05/02/11 at 04:09:28
70/40???  OK dont make me come down there! Lisa I think its time for YOU to contact the NIH--and what about the doctors who are writing up the paper on your familys medical history at Harvard, if I remember right? I think they could be a real help right now, at least cardiac wise and again with maybe finding the link to the masto initiating it??? Please be careful hon. and do NOT get out of bed until your BP is normal each morning.
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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: Constant Hypotension
Reply #12 - 05/02/11 at 11:45:07
Sorry, baby, if YOU thought the NIH was distant for you to get there, just think of how hard it is for ME!!   LOL!   I'd also have to talk with my husband and see what he says, but for the time being, it's not on my TO DO list, Mona!!

Now, as to those Harvard chappies, THEY ARE RIGHT THERE SUPPORTING ME and I've had to contact them recently for very important issues.  You see, Mona, I've got a special "IN"  with these researchers ....I'M THEIR MOUSE MODEL!    Cheesy   How's that for a claim to fame! Tongue

My masto doctor is in a tizzy over this because I have bradycardia and my pulse has hit down to 47 when my pressure bottoms out like this!!  I've written to my cardiologist and he's said he's going to do a cardiovascular investigation of me, but here's the trick - it's much like the NIH in that this is through the government insurance and not through my health insurance and so it's basically a waiting situation until a spot opens up and patients who are in more danger will be bumped up.  They could open the spot for me as they did for my open heart surgery, but I just have to wait and bide my time.  Yet, things aren't right and yesterday I had some serious issues with shortness of breath.  I very honestly can't tell if this is the masto reacting or it's due to my surgery.  My platelets are low, below normal, but not rock bottom, they're just a bit below normal as are the leukocytes and my erithromites are borderline low normal with some alterations in the cell sizes as well.  I've also got some alterations on the chloride, sodium and potassium levels, they're below normal too but nothing absurd, just a bit below normal and I've got some white and red blood cells in my urine as well.  

So, something is not right here and I can't figure it out as to what!  I'm not able to decifer what it is.  I'm thinking I've got to pull back from work cause I'm just getting tired out, but my school needs me and I feel that we're just beginning to make up for my absence last year, so this is complicated!  

But I'm not overly worried about it cause I do have this slew of doctor support here and in the States, only those up at Harvard can really only watch from a distance and it won't be until I can get myself up to the States that I can go and see them and then officially make them my doctors and that will allow them the ability to take a more active role in my care.  

But, in the meantime I'm running after doctors and answers again.  I have a stress test I've got to do tomorrow and on Friday I've got an echo.  If my heart checks out fine, then this will point the finger at my masto!  Yet, it sure does get old all of this confusion for my cardiologist in Sao Paulo says "masto" and my dermatologist in Rio says "cardiovascular"!!   So, we'll see which way the finger points!!!!

Thanks for your care Mona!!   Like you, I'll be okay!!! Smiley



by the way, have you ever figured what this smiley is for? Smiley    

Oh, I think I get it - this is when you are in such trouble that "you're all washed up" !!! hahahahaha Grin
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