I need to make a correction to my statement to you. I often wish I had a spell checker which could comprehend what I write and alert me to when I've made a mispelling which changes what I'm trying to say!! I made a mispelling which changes the meaning in a big way and Joan caught it for me! Thanks Joanie!!!
Towards the last lines in my note to you I was speaking about your daughter's CBCs and I said that they are "now" showing anemia.
OOOOOPS!!!!!! THAT was the misspelling!!!!!!!!!
I want to say that your daughter's CBCs are NOT, repeat ARE NOT showing any anemia. THIS IS GREAT!!!!
This is what I want to reinforce, for the CBCs in us are the markers for how our health is and how the disease is affecting us overall. It doesn't reveal the size of the mast cell burden, but it does show how much we are being affected by the disease. And even then, this may apply to only those patients who have the aberrant mast cell disease.
Let me expand a bit for you.
Researchers have come to the place of believing that there may be two forms of this disease - the clonal or monoclonal for of mastocytosis, which is a PROLIFERATIVE (too many) disorder and then there is what they call the non-clonal and that is called an ACTIVATION (too reactive) disorder. The problem is that there has not been performed enough research to understand the Activation disorder and they don't know if the proliferative one is a combination of activation and proliferation or of merely proliferation (too many alone.
Until they can begin researching the activation patients and really gaining understanding and insight on this form, they also aren't quite sure whether these patients are a "pre-proliferation" stage of the disease, or if it's truly a seperate entity. More research is showing that it seems to be a separate disorder.
Well, if those who are MCAD - mast cell ACTIVATION disorder - and really do not have the over production that the mastocytOSIS patients have going on, then this is really a very good thing for the MCAD patients.
Because of the lack of research on the Activation (MCAD) patients, the researchers don't know yet exactly what the problem is here. You see, those who have the proliferative disease have plenty of activation going on but they don't know if this activation is due to having way too many mast cells all going off at the same time, or if these defective mast cells are also activated. Until they can sort this out, they're not certain as to how the MCAD people are either. Yet, because of the lack of research on the MCAD people they can't tell if they are pre-proliferative and if the clonal aspect is there or not. Some of the research indicates that there is indeed the defective gene to these patients, but there's a lot more information which they are lacking.
But, if the MCAD patients are truly not part of the clonal form/proliferative form, but instead it's just that their mast cells are not behaving properly and are just hyper-active kids, then this means that there is not the damage being done to their bodies that the clonal form does. The clonal form invades the different tissues merely because it's like an overcrowded slum and they end up crowding out the other cells. But those overly active cells cause other types of damage in that they release their mediators all the time, but they in theory would not cause the damage which the clonal cells do by not invading the tissues.
This is why the mediator markers: tryptase, histamine, prostaglandines are so necessary for when they are present, then they indicate that this is possibly the clonal form of the disease. But this is still something that they are not sure of, so don't quote me on this. But when it's absent, then this may be the sign that it's not the clonal form but just the activation form instead. Yet research is still needed.
How can I say this - yes, I'm making some presumptions here, but this is due to some of the recent research that is coming out having to do with IA patients whom they didn't think had anything to do with mastocytosis and on the MMAS patients they've also recently discovered. These patients have rocked the boat to the mastocytosis researcher's theories and assumptions about this disease. These two groups are different and they force the researchers to rethink everything.
Dr. Akin discovered about 3 or 4 years ago that there are IA patients who don't show any signs of mediator release - their exames come back totally zero and they don't have any pathological changes going on within their body, like chronic inflammation or other things. But when he was able to very closely examine the mast cells (the few he could find) they looked totally normal, but in truth they had the same genetic defect on the MCs as those with the clonal/proliferative disorder (systemic mastocytosis). This shocked everybody! Dr. Akin is a boat rocker doctor cause he dared to think outside the box with this one! Well, then as this new technique of examining patients with no obvious clonal activity came about, they began seeing that another group was present. These were patients who showed some kinds of signs of mediator release, such as high histamines, but they curiously had low or normal tryptase, but they also had pathological changes, but for some reason, they couldn't find the mast cells to explain it and these patients were odd because they know where they fit in. These patients seemed to indicate that there was a pre-clonal stage of the disease, but even then, they weren't sure. Then when they used the new technique with this group, they found that indeed these patients were what they called mono-clonal and seemed to have one foot in both camps, that of the SM patients and that of the MCAD patients. And like the IA patients, the genetic defect is present on the mast cells!
So, all of this research has brought some clarification, but yet raised more questions than they've answered. But what it does seem to say is that there may be what seems to be a separate category here in that there may indeed be two seperate forms of the disease, that of a PROLIFERATIVE form and that of an ACTIVATION form and those who are of the ACTIVATION form are really not in any major threat for without the invasion of the mast cells, no major organ damage is going on, or at least, that's what seems to be the case.
This means, Adele, that there is no invasion of the bone marrow, none of the blood producing organs either like the spleen, pancreas and liver. This is why these patients don't seem to show any kinds of anemia for their blood production isn't being affected.
This is why they keep such a close eye on our CBCs for those are the window to our overall health. Now, there may be some borderline issues, for you must remember that masto, be it the proliferative or activation form causes a lot of mediator release and activity and these things alone create problems with malabsorption and anaphylaxis and other problems and these are very hard on the body. They can cause anemia just due to how much activity goes on, and this could be causing some changes within the CBCs which is why you need your doctors so much for they have how to know what else may be affected and thus causing these issues and by doing other tests they can see what those issues may be.
So, a long lesson, but I hope that it brings you some peace. No CBCs screaming at your doctors means apparently NO aggressive disease! Now, again, I'm not 100% certain of this, but this is what it seems to indicate.
So again, BREATH DEEPLY, give a BIG SIGH OF RELIEF and RELAX!! Adele, if Dr. Escribano is in on this then you can RELAX and let him guide your doctor. She won't be suggesting chemo any more for I'm CERTAIN that she will only do so if he suggests it. Besides, your having spoken with him for yourself and his having your doctor's involvement means that you have access to him and can question him as to your doctor's decisions for your son and he will be able to either confirm or contradict what she's doing. This is perfect!!! You've got the means to check on your doctor's decisions and have some peace of mind that she's truly doing the correct things for your son.