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My daughter (Read 11615 times)

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 9

Re: My daughter
Reply #15 - 04/03/11 at 00:43:15
Thank you so much for all your replies and information.  The past week has been crazy hence my absence.  

Lymphoma became something we were looking for earlier in the week and Baeleigh ended up having x-rays, ultrasound and an MRI.  She has some thickening of her intestine but everything else was fine.  We are trying to import Nalcrom which is proving to be a little difficult.  The pharmacy called me on Friday to say they were not allowed to set up an international account and recommended I import it myself.  I will follow up with our doctor in the morning.  

Baeleigh will be seeing a gastroenterologist in the next week or two and he is going to review her medications.  

Nancy recommended ground tumeric for Baeleigh's exhaustion and we started it on Thursday.  She does seem to have more energy.  I am not sure if it is related to that or that she has been resting for 2 weeks and is coming out the end  of this episode.  

Our doctor mentioned osteoporosis a few times on Friday.  I'd be interested in what is anyone's knowledge of osteo and mastocytosis?  

In answer to a few questions, Baeleigh is going to start seeing a counsellor again who she saw last year.  She was excellent and we think it is a good time for Bae to see her again.  

Baeleigh's pain lately has been more limb, joint, groin and axilla.  Her other pains are abdominal and headaches.  

Baeleigh is not on Ketotifin.  I haven't heard of this.  

I did share the emails from Nancy and Dr Escribano with our doctor.  

Thanks for the recommendation of antinausea medication.  I will keep that in mind for when Baeleigh starts the Nalcrom.  

I do better with reading information that I can go back and cover a few times to get clear.  

We have talked with Bae's teacher again last week and between the three of us we are hoping to react more quickly to her pain and fatigue by reasting her quicker than we did this time to see if the duration of these issues is lessened as a result.  

Thank you again for all your input, it is so very much valued.  

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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: My daughter
Reply #16 - 04/03/11 at 09:16:28
Hi Adele,
I would like you to consider contacting the school board and having them send a teacher to YOU (3 days a week). . I did that when my daughter broke her leg and couldnt go to school easily. It just seems they should work themselves into Bae's schedule not her fit into theirs.. It would be so much easier on her (if you can). Good luck Hon.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 9

Re: My daughter
Reply #17 - 04/08/11 at 01:47:55
Thanks Ramona!   Smiley  I will definitely consider that as an option in the future.  I am not sure what options we have in relation to school here in Australia.  

Bae is starting the Nalcrom tomorrow morning.  I ended up contacting the pharmacy director where I work and he arranged the import for us.  We got it here in 24 hours!  


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I am not a doctor.
Posts: 1499
Volta Redonda, RJ Brazil
Re: My daughter
Reply #18 - 04/08/11 at 12:30:42
Mast can and does create problems/lesions within the bones that being either osteoprosis or that of osteopenea.   It will also cause degeneration of the discs as well as spontaneous fractures.   Her bone pain could definitely telling a story here and it needs attention.  

Since she's young, Adele, I heartily recommend increasing her dairly intake.  If she does indeed have SM, then her bones may be definitely affected by this.  If osteoprosis is seen to be happening, then your doctor needs Dr. Escribano's help because of the fact that children need extra calcium for their growing needs, but in a case like her, I would think shé'd have to go over what a normal child's daily requirement.  I'm sure, however, that your doctor will work this out with you and Dr. Escribano.  But I think that with all the pain she's complaining about, it's a very valid area to investigate just to make sure she's okay.  Not all of us have these issues, so even though there may be some pain and discomfort, it doesn't always indicate damage.   Perhaps it's just activity of the mediator release.   You see, this happens too for histamine has been found to go directly into the nerve receptors and affect them, so by blocking them, you help to improve on the pain situation.

Talk with the pharmacyst about Ketotifen!!   We call it cetotifeno, but that's what it's called in the romance languages.  Definitely check this out, for it's way cheaper that Gastrocrom!!!

Keep up the good work Adele in pushing for those answers!!!   keep talking with Dr. Escribano!  He's truly wonderful and now that he's working with your doctors, you can RELAX for he'll keep involved!!

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Don´t forget, there is so much more to life than being sick!
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Posts: 1502
Re: My daughter
Reply #19 - 04/08/11 at 19:18:20
Hi Adele,

Masto can cause a couple of different types of bone lesions as well as osteoporosis.  A DEXAA scan can determine if her bone density is normal.  A bone survey (x-ray study) is used to determine if there are any other types of lesions in the bones.

Also good, if she'll eat them, are leafy green vegetables, as they have both calcium and vitamin K in them.  Tofu has a good amount of calcium, too.  Calcium citrate is one of the best absorbed forms of calcium.  The supplements are big, though, and swallowing them might be a problem.  If you can find it in a powder or capsule or liquid form, you might be able to hide it in a drink.  Calcium carbonate can be constipating and not well absorbed sometimes.  She also will need vitamin D supplementation.  If she hasn't had a DEXAA yet, then I wouldn't recommend starting any supplements until she's had one.  If she has and actually has an osteoporosis diagnosis, then ask her doctor or research how she should be supplemented.
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Re: My daughter
Reply #20 - 04/09/11 at 00:04:26
Hi Adele ,

I am not going to add more to what lisa or Joan have advised other than to give you my experience .

I was on very very large doses of steriods for a year , while the doctors sorted themselves out I was very under medicated and steriods were my rescue plan . With this came the risk of osteoprosis / osteopenia . So I was sent for a dexxa scan - all ok . How ? The only thing I can think of is the large volumes of milk I had been drinking . I was diabetic but not diagnosed so I was pouring pints of milk down , 4 a day .

You don't need to go this far !!!!!!!!!!!!! It was all I could drink apart from water , as I was reacting to all fruit juices both fresh and from concentrate . From concentrate drinks are no my naughty list as they contain sulphites in the concentrate , often not labeled . They also love putting sulphur dioxide gas in the tops of the packages to keep them fresh . if I inhale this it is a straight to A&E for me ( with paramedics ) with 2 Epipens in quick succession .

With careful mangement of foods I now aviod the majority of these situations Wink My partner has a naughty box and drawer in the fridge for his things . I can't even put a lid back on a jar of , vinegar and sulphite filled mustard , without flushing and coughing . Mustard itself is lovely . Its just all the junk in it .

Yeah , all my doctors were shocked at how I had avoided osteoprosis / osteopenia . I will need a repeat dexxa scan in a year to check this has remained so ,

My bone pain is consonantly present . But it fluctuates , on days when it is really bad I am pale , shaky and can't type or hold a pen . The pain comes through my analgesia and is worse in my long bones , thigh / upper arms and hips and shoulders .  I am interested in what Lisa said and will raise this with my doctors . I have had a full back survey by MRI as central lower back pain has been with me since this began , getting worse - unil decant analgesia came my way . I was in constant teeth gritting pain , esp in my ribs and lower back , unable to take a deep breath in or stretch round to the side to do normal jobs . . managing an hours sleep at a time .I can point to the spot where I think I have active mast cells . It has remained the same since august 08 . Now I am like this in the morning before my pills start working , on very bowel active swollen days and when my bone pain is very bad . I am often dizzy as well and can't sit forward as my abdo muscles shake and I am jiddery . So i stay in bed until this passes . Compliment sub chamicals and prostoglandins I feel are responsible for the shaky muscles .

I have associated some of my limb pain and back pain to swelling muscles / internal organs  , which holds , but these pains are deep set and not crampy / sharp , as muscle pain can be .

I am also interested in lisa saying histamine directly affects nerves , it is known as a neurotransmitter ( chemical at nerve endings between 2 endings which conduct the signal ) . I have hald back from any drugs for neuropathic pain as I had problems with duloxitine . Over time I ahve discovered here that messing with serotonin , even if it is low . I don't know mine as yet , is unadvisable . Duloxitine is a sertonin affecting drug . I can't take the new version of gabapentin as it mixes badly with my painkillers .

But , in an ideal world I want to be off these . I will discuss with my doctors a plan to treat my abdomen with gastrocrom and my neuropathic pain ( nerve pain ) with gabapentin , in the hope I can get to the point the causes are treated so the pain will be controlled and allow me to wean from oxycodone .

After i saw Dr Grattan I tried weaning by 5 mg overall a day . My current dose is 15 mg . 15mg am , 5 mg 6pm and 10mg pm . i was crying in pain at 24 hours . So I am staying on this dose for now . I have tried buscopan ( hyocine butylbromide ) but it interacted with my antihistamines and i slept like a baby . I tried loperamide and reacted .

Pain is a huge degranualtor for me , so treating the cause is my best way forward . Does anyone have any papers on pain as a trigger . I know this in me , but I need referring to Pain team again and my GP is loathe to as he doesn't see what benifit I can get . Is buprenorphine considered a safe as its going to be drug , as I recollect using this for patients with neuropathic pain when i was working . Dr g said oxycodone is the best of a bad bunch . Tramadol is on my naughty list , but I don't know if that is for the gelatine and maize or the drug itself . My tounge swelled , so I can't try a different preperation at home .

many hugs
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: My daughter
Reply #21 - 04/09/11 at 05:34:35
Josie, you need to get you gut under control--and your entire pain level will go down then. I doubt you will be totally free of pain, but it will be more controllable and you will require less of it to be pain free. I dont think you raised your zantac (ranitidine) level yet to what most of us take?? 300 mg twice a day. Try that it helps me emmensely.

Adele, the only thing I would add to what youve been told is that the bone pain will be more manageable if Baes antihistamine level is tweaked perfectly. You have one of the best doctors in the world working with you, I would ask his advice on that.

Love and hugs to you both!
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~~~Count  Your Blessings!~~~
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Re: My daughterP
Reply #22 - 04/09/11 at 07:18:07
Hi Ramona ,

I did sweets, but my GP asked me to drop it ;-( . I will do so again and buy the extra doses OTC . It has been working Wink I need the specalist so he can instruct my GP about good doses as he is flailing about in the dark .

Thank you Wink I am so fed up ;-(  of the pain . I have accepted my condition is long term . But , still want the symptoms sorted . Its about not being able to drive . piankillers and pain = not safe . I know that with my shock the dvla ( driver an viechle licencing agency ), may well revoke my license . I am not driving now , but suspect they won't let me once they know .

I am stuck in , housebound unless I have someone to come with me and carers . So I am looking at a mobility  scooter , which will be good , freedom . But...........................................................

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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: My daughter
Reply #23 - 04/09/11 at 14:21:51
Josie, all I can say is, YOU GO GIRL!  Let the specialist fight it out for you. Here the DLV doesnt task our licenses for going into shock. They will certainly give us trouble for driving under the influence, and that is our pain meds.. I am in the same boat.

I have family who live less than 1 mile from me (parents, 3 sisters and daughter). I do drive very infrequently to town 3 miles away and back, but the walking in the stores kills my back and legs and I am gasping for breath at the end of it. I much rather give family a list of what I need and they get it for me and I relax Smiley

I did get a walker with wheels and a built in seat last week.. boy that hit my ego, but the seat is wonderful.  Glad youre doing better Hon.

PS temps in Florida are already in the 90 degree range. This summer is gonna be a hottttt one.
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Posts: 993
Gainesville, Florida
Re: My daughter
Reply #24 - 04/09/11 at 14:23:24
ops that is 2 sisters, no editing here gor my spelling Smiley
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Re: My daughter
Reply #25 - 04/09/11 at 23:32:47
Hi Ramona ,

Thanks doll Wink i do online shopping ordering . I  haven't been in a supermarket for 18months now . I reacted to something on my wheelchair wheels , which I touched , then touched my mouth . It was a quickie , so i let others shop for me now Wink I couldn't walk round now . I used a zippy cart in asda ( our walmart ) and it was so lush . Operating at normal walking speed or slightly faster . Unf asda use something to clean their chillers which makes my hand flush . They also have poor labeling for sulphur dioxide in drinks which got me the next day . i won't even shop online from them . The clothes are good though so I buy those . i was watching a clothes programme the other day and they said department stores spray the bakinis with sun tan lotion for the smell , so beware anyone who is sensitive . I suspect they do the same to other clothes with scents .

I was having a bit of a blah day . Blah ? just kind of fed up , can't put your finger on why , the other day .

I have some news though Wink i am waiting to hear on a bungalow - ok in principle , just waiting for guarantor checks as I am on disability  . My landlord here has refused my adaptations , ramps key safe etc . So I am off . i will have everything in my new place . The key safe has been worrying me as my shock is quick to my chest and airway . So often I can't speak and certainly can't get to unlock the door . This has caused all sorts of problems . I have had to buy specialist insurance in case the paramedics have to force entry . mainly I have been worried that if i shock in the night they will struggle to find my address as the numbering is seriously illogical . Like 179 one side and 177 the other when I am 181 .

So , I will attach my key safe , by the front door of my new place and be able to feel safe and not worry . The ambulance service have the code and I have an emergency call button i wear in case I can't speak .

I will also have use of my garden . I have plans for veggies , potatoes and a herb garden . A gazebo , with my fan in for shade and cool Wink I am not adverse to wearing a mask , where I can't be seen for inhalants purposes Wink So I can have Food that I know where it has come from Wink The neighbors have just installed a hot tub in there's so I guess they are friendly types . I hope so as I am isolated still here as most of my neighbors work and aren't chatters . I have friends here , but I have days where I only see the carers . I am a people person . There is only so much time alone that is healthy .

Summer has arrived here in spring , so , the summer weather is any ones guess Wink I spent 2 summers in hospital , so am looking forward to this one , though suspect my fans will be on full blast Wink We have got a car with aircon now , so trips out will be easier . Aircon in stores is the exception rather than the rule here .

I am trying to contain my excitement , as I know it could set me off Wink but am glad things are happening positively for me Wink MY planned move day will be 3 yrs since my life started to go tits up . 28th April .

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